// @flow import * as ACTIONS from 'constants/action_types'; import { handleActions } from 'util/redux-utils'; const buildDraftTransaction = () => ({ amount: undefined, address: undefined, }); // TODO: Split into common success and failure types // See details in https://github.com/lbryio/lbry/issues/1307 type ActionResult = { type: any, result: any, }; type WalletState = { balance: any, totalBalance: any, reservedBalance: any, claimsBalance: any, supportsBalance: any, tipsBalance: any, latestBlock: ?number, transactions: { [string]: Transaction }, supports: { [string]: Support }, abandoningSupportsByOutpoint: { [string]: boolean }, fetchingTransactions: boolean, fetchingTransactionsError: string, gettingNewAddress: boolean, draftTransaction: any, sendingSupport: boolean, walletIsEncrypted: boolean, walletEncryptPending: boolean, walletEncryptSucceded: ?boolean, walletEncryptResult: ?boolean, walletDecryptPending: boolean, walletDecryptSucceded: ?boolean, walletDecryptResult: ?boolean, walletUnlockPending: boolean, walletUnlockSucceded: ?boolean, walletUnlockResult: ?boolean, walletLockPending: boolean, walletLockSucceded: ?boolean, walletLockResult: ?boolean, walletReconnecting: boolean, txoFetchParams: {}, utxoCounts: {}, txoPage: any, fetchId: string, fetchingTxos: boolean, fetchingTxosError?: string, consolidatingUtxos: boolean, pendingConsolidateTxid?: string, massClaimingTips: boolean, pendingMassClaimTxid?: string, pendingSupportTransactions: {}, // { claimId: {txid: 123, amount 12.3}, } pendingTxos: Array<string>, abandonClaimSupportError?: string, }; const defaultState = { balance: undefined, totalBalance: undefined, reservedBalance: undefined, claimsBalance: undefined, supportsBalance: undefined, tipsBalance: undefined, latestBlock: undefined, transactions: {}, fetchingTransactions: false, fetchingTransactionsError: undefined, supports: {}, fetchingSupports: false, abandoningSupportsByOutpoint: {}, gettingNewAddress: false, draftTransaction: buildDraftTransaction(), sendingSupport: false, walletIsEncrypted: false, walletEncryptPending: false, walletEncryptSucceded: null, walletEncryptResult: null, walletDecryptPending: false, walletDecryptSucceded: null, walletDecryptResult: null, walletUnlockPending: false, walletUnlockSucceded: null, walletUnlockResult: null, walletLockPending: false, walletLockSucceded: null, walletLockResult: null, transactionListFilter: 'all', walletReconnecting: false, txoFetchParams: {}, utxoCounts: {}, fetchingUtxoCounts: false, fetchingUtxoError: undefined, consolidatingUtxos: false, pendingConsolidateTxid: null, massClaimingTips: false, pendingMassClaimTxid: null, txoPage: {}, fetchId: '', fetchingTxos: false, fetchingTxosError: undefined, pendingSupportTransactions: {}, pendingTxos: [], abandonClaimSupportError: undefined, }; export const walletReducer = handleActions( { [ACTIONS.FETCH_TRANSACTIONS_STARTED]: (state: WalletState) => ({ ...state, fetchingTransactions: true, }), [ACTIONS.FETCH_TRANSACTIONS_COMPLETED]: (state: WalletState, action) => { const byId = { ...state.transactions }; const { transactions } = action.data; transactions.forEach((transaction) => { byId[transaction.txid] = transaction; }); return { ...state, transactions: byId, fetchingTransactions: false, }; }, [ACTIONS.FETCH_TXO_PAGE_STARTED]: (state: WalletState, action) => { return { ...state, fetchId: action.data, fetchingTxos: true, fetchingTxosError: undefined, }; }, [ACTIONS.FETCH_TXO_PAGE_COMPLETED]: (state: WalletState, action) => { if (state.fetchId !== action.data.fetchId) { // Leave 'state' and 'fetchingTxos' alone. The latter would ensure // the spiner would continue spinning for the latest transaction. return { ...state }; } return { ...state, txoPage: action.data.result, fetchId: '', fetchingTxos: false, }; }, [ACTIONS.FETCH_TXO_PAGE_FAILED]: (state: WalletState, action) => { return { ...state, txoPage: {}, fetchId: '', fetchingTxos: false, fetchingTxosError: action.data, }; }, [ACTIONS.FETCH_UTXO_COUNT_STARTED]: (state: WalletState) => { return { ...state, fetchingUtxoCounts: true, fetchingUtxoError: undefined, }; }, [ACTIONS.FETCH_UTXO_COUNT_COMPLETED]: (state: WalletState, action) => { return { ...state, utxoCounts: action.data, fetchingUtxoCounts: false, }; }, [ACTIONS.FETCH_UTXO_COUNT_FAILED]: (state: WalletState, action) => { return { ...state, utxoCounts: {}, fetchingUtxoCounts: false, fetchingUtxoError: action.data, }; }, [ACTIONS.DO_UTXO_CONSOLIDATE_STARTED]: (state: WalletState) => { return { ...state, consolidatingUtxos: true, }; }, [ACTIONS.DO_UTXO_CONSOLIDATE_COMPLETED]: (state: WalletState, action) => { const { txid } = action.data; return { ...state, consolidatingUtxos: false, pendingConsolidateTxid: txid, }; }, [ACTIONS.DO_UTXO_CONSOLIDATE_FAILED]: (state: WalletState, action) => { return { ...state, consolidatingUtxos: false, }; }, [ACTIONS.TIP_CLAIM_MASS_STARTED]: (state: WalletState) => { return { ...state, massClaimingTips: true, }; }, [ACTIONS.TIP_CLAIM_MASS_COMPLETED]: (state: WalletState, action) => { const { txid } = action.data; return { ...state, massClaimingTips: false, pendingMassClaimTxid: txid, }; }, [ACTIONS.TIP_CLAIM_MASS_FAILED]: (state: WalletState, action) => { return { ...state, massClaimingTips: false, }; }, [ACTIONS.PENDING_CONSOLIDATED_TXOS_UPDATED]: (state: WalletState, action) => { const { pendingTxos, pendingMassClaimTxid, pendingConsolidateTxid } = state; const { txids, remove } = action.data; if (remove) { const newTxos = pendingTxos.filter((txo) => !txids.includes(txo)); const newPendingMassClaimTxid = txids.includes(pendingMassClaimTxid) ? undefined : pendingMassClaimTxid; const newPendingConsolidateTxid = txids.includes(pendingConsolidateTxid) ? undefined : pendingConsolidateTxid; return { ...state, pendingTxos: newTxos, pendingMassClaimTxid: newPendingMassClaimTxid, pendingConsolidateTxid: newPendingConsolidateTxid, }; } else { const newPendingSet = new Set([...pendingTxos, ...txids]); return { ...state, pendingTxos: Array.from(newPendingSet) }; } }, [ACTIONS.UPDATE_TXO_FETCH_PARAMS]: (state: WalletState, action) => { return { ...state, txoFetchParams: action.data, }; }, [ACTIONS.FETCH_SUPPORTS_STARTED]: (state: WalletState) => ({ ...state, fetchingSupports: true, }), [ACTIONS.FETCH_SUPPORTS_COMPLETED]: (state: WalletState, action) => { const byOutpoint = state.supports; const { supports } = action.data; supports.forEach((transaction) => { const { txid, nout } = transaction; byOutpoint[`${txid}:${nout}`] = transaction; }); return { ...state, supports: byOutpoint, fetchingSupports: false }; }, [ACTIONS.ABANDON_SUPPORT_STARTED]: (state: WalletState, action: any): WalletState => { const { outpoint }: { outpoint: string } = action.data; const currentlyAbandoning = state.abandoningSupportsByOutpoint; currentlyAbandoning[outpoint] = true; return { ...state, abandoningSupportsByOutpoint: currentlyAbandoning, }; }, [ACTIONS.ABANDON_SUPPORT_COMPLETED]: (state: WalletState, action: any): WalletState => { const { outpoint }: { outpoint: string } = action.data; const byOutpoint = state.supports; const currentlyAbandoning = state.abandoningSupportsByOutpoint; delete currentlyAbandoning[outpoint]; delete byOutpoint[outpoint]; return { ...state, supports: byOutpoint, abandoningSupportsByOutpoint: currentlyAbandoning, }; }, [ACTIONS.ABANDON_CLAIM_SUPPORT_STARTED]: (state: WalletState, action: any): WalletState => { return { ...state, abandonClaimSupportError: undefined, }; }, [ACTIONS.ABANDON_CLAIM_SUPPORT_PREVIEW]: (state: WalletState, action: any): WalletState => { return { ...state, abandonClaimSupportError: undefined, }; }, [ACTIONS.ABANDON_CLAIM_SUPPORT_COMPLETED]: (state: WalletState, action: any): WalletState => { const { claimId, type, txid, effective, }: { claimId: string, type: string, txid: string, effective: string } = action.data; const pendingtxs = Object.assign({}, state.pendingSupportTransactions); pendingtxs[claimId] = { txid, type, effective }; return { ...state, pendingSupportTransactions: pendingtxs, abandonClaimSupportError: undefined, }; }, [ACTIONS.ABANDON_CLAIM_SUPPORT_FAILED]: (state: WalletState, action: any): WalletState => { return { ...state, abandonClaimSupportError: action.data, }; }, [ACTIONS.PENDING_SUPPORTS_UPDATED]: (state: WalletState, action: any): WalletState => { return { ...state, pendingSupportTransactions: action.data, }; }, [ACTIONS.GET_NEW_ADDRESS_STARTED]: (state: WalletState) => ({ ...state, gettingNewAddress: true, }), [ACTIONS.GET_NEW_ADDRESS_COMPLETED]: (state: WalletState, action) => { const { address } = action.data; return { ...state, gettingNewAddress: false, receiveAddress: address }; }, [ACTIONS.UPDATE_BALANCE]: (state: WalletState, action) => ({ ...state, totalBalance: action.data.totalBalance, balance: action.data.balance, reservedBalance: action.data.reservedBalance, claimsBalance: action.data.claimsBalance, supportsBalance: action.data.supportsBalance, tipsBalance: action.data.tipsBalance, }), [ACTIONS.CHECK_ADDRESS_IS_MINE_STARTED]: (state: WalletState) => ({ ...state, checkingAddressOwnership: true, }), [ACTIONS.CHECK_ADDRESS_IS_MINE_COMPLETED]: (state: WalletState) => ({ ...state, checkingAddressOwnership: false, }), [ACTIONS.SET_DRAFT_TRANSACTION_AMOUNT]: (state: WalletState, action) => { const oldDraft = state.draftTransaction; const newDraft = { ...oldDraft, amount: parseFloat(action.data.amount) }; return { ...state, draftTransaction: newDraft }; }, [ACTIONS.SET_DRAFT_TRANSACTION_ADDRESS]: (state: WalletState, action) => { const oldDraft = state.draftTransaction; const newDraft = { ...oldDraft, address: action.data.address }; return { ...state, draftTransaction: newDraft }; }, [ACTIONS.SEND_TRANSACTION_STARTED]: (state: WalletState) => { const newDraftTransaction = { ...state.draftTransaction, sending: true }; return { ...state, draftTransaction: newDraftTransaction }; }, [ACTIONS.SEND_TRANSACTION_COMPLETED]: (state: WalletState) => Object.assign({}, state, { draftTransaction: buildDraftTransaction(), }), [ACTIONS.SEND_TRANSACTION_FAILED]: (state: WalletState, action) => { const newDraftTransaction = Object.assign({}, state.draftTransaction, { sending: false, error: action.data.error, }); return { ...state, draftTransaction: newDraftTransaction }; }, [ACTIONS.SUPPORT_TRANSACTION_STARTED]: (state: WalletState) => ({ ...state, sendingSupport: true, }), [ACTIONS.SUPPORT_TRANSACTION_COMPLETED]: (state: WalletState) => ({ ...state, sendingSupport: false, }), [ACTIONS.SUPPORT_TRANSACTION_FAILED]: (state: WalletState, action) => ({ ...state, error: action.data.error, sendingSupport: false, }), [ACTIONS.CLEAR_SUPPORT_TRANSACTION]: (state: WalletState) => ({ ...state, sendingSupport: false, }), [ACTIONS.WALLET_STATUS_COMPLETED]: (state: WalletState, action) => ({ ...state, walletIsEncrypted: action.result, }), [ACTIONS.WALLET_ENCRYPT_START]: (state: WalletState) => ({ ...state, walletEncryptPending: true, walletEncryptSucceded: null, walletEncryptResult: null, }), [ACTIONS.WALLET_ENCRYPT_COMPLETED]: (state: WalletState, action: ActionResult) => ({ ...state, walletEncryptPending: false, walletEncryptSucceded: true, walletEncryptResult: action.result, }), [ACTIONS.WALLET_ENCRYPT_FAILED]: (state: WalletState, action: ActionResult) => ({ ...state, walletEncryptPending: false, walletEncryptSucceded: false, walletEncryptResult: action.result, }), [ACTIONS.WALLET_DECRYPT_START]: (state: WalletState) => ({ ...state, walletDecryptPending: true, walletDecryptSucceded: null, walletDecryptResult: null, }), [ACTIONS.WALLET_DECRYPT_COMPLETED]: (state: WalletState, action: ActionResult) => ({ ...state, walletDecryptPending: false, walletDecryptSucceded: true, walletDecryptResult: action.result, }), [ACTIONS.WALLET_DECRYPT_FAILED]: (state: WalletState, action: ActionResult) => ({ ...state, walletDecryptPending: false, walletDecryptSucceded: false, walletDecryptResult: action.result, }), [ACTIONS.WALLET_UNLOCK_START]: (state: WalletState) => ({ ...state, walletUnlockPending: true, walletUnlockSucceded: null, walletUnlockResult: null, }), [ACTIONS.WALLET_UNLOCK_COMPLETED]: (state: WalletState, action: ActionResult) => ({ ...state, walletUnlockPending: false, walletUnlockSucceded: true, walletUnlockResult: action.result, }), [ACTIONS.WALLET_UNLOCK_FAILED]: (state: WalletState, action: ActionResult) => ({ ...state, walletUnlockPending: false, walletUnlockSucceded: false, walletUnlockResult: action.result, }), [ACTIONS.WALLET_LOCK_START]: (state: WalletState) => ({ ...state, walletLockPending: false, walletLockSucceded: null, walletLockResult: null, }), [ACTIONS.WALLET_LOCK_COMPLETED]: (state: WalletState, action: ActionResult) => ({ ...state, walletLockPending: false, walletLockSucceded: true, walletLockResult: action.result, }), [ACTIONS.WALLET_LOCK_FAILED]: (state: WalletState, action: ActionResult) => ({ ...state, walletLockPending: false, walletLockSucceded: false, walletLockResult: action.result, }), [ACTIONS.SET_TRANSACTION_LIST_FILTER]: (state: WalletState, action: { data: string }) => ({ ...state, transactionListFilter: action.data, }), [ACTIONS.UPDATE_CURRENT_HEIGHT]: (state: WalletState, action: { data: number }) => ({ ...state, latestBlock: action.data, }), [ACTIONS.WALLET_RESTART]: (state: WalletState) => ({ ...state, walletReconnecting: true, }), [ACTIONS.WALLET_RESTART_COMPLETED]: (state: WalletState) => ({ ...state, walletReconnecting: false, }), }, defaultState );