// @flow import React, { useRef, useEffect, useState } from 'react'; import { stopContextMenu } from 'util/context-menu'; import videojs from 'video.js/dist/alt/video.core.novtt.min.js'; import 'video.js/dist/alt/video-js-cdn.min.css'; import isUserTyping from 'util/detect-typing'; const F11_KEYCODE = 122; const SPACE_BAR_KEYCODE = 32; const SMALL_F_KEYCODE = 70; const SMALL_M_KEYCODE = 77; const ARROW_LEFT_KEYCODE = 37; const ARROW_RIGHT_KEYCODE = 39; const FULLSCREEN_KEYCODE = SMALL_F_KEYCODE; const MUTE_KEYCODE = SMALL_M_KEYCODE; const SEEK_FORWARD_KEYCODE = ARROW_RIGHT_KEYCODE; const SEEK_BACKWARD_KEYCODE = ARROW_LEFT_KEYCODE; const SEEK_STEP = 10; // time to seek in seconds const VIDEO_JS_OPTIONS = { autoplay: true, controls: true, preload: 'auto', playbackRates: [0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.1, 1.25, 1.5, 2], }; type Props = { volume: number, position: number, muted: boolean, hasFileInfo: boolean, changeVolume: number => void, savePosition: (string, number) => void, changeMute: boolean => void, setPlayingUri: (string | null) => void, source: string, contentType: string, hasFileInfo: boolean, onEndedCB: any, }; function VideoViewer(props: Props) { const { contentType, source, setPlayingUri, onEndedCB, changeVolume, changeMute, volume, muted } = props; const videoRef = useRef(); const [requireRedraw, setRequireRedraw] = useState(false); let player; useEffect(() => { const currentVideo: HTMLVideoElement | null = document.querySelector('video'); function doEnded() { // clear position setPlayingUri(null); onEndedCB(); } function doPause(e: Event) { // store position e.target.currentTime } function doVolume(e: Event) { // $FlowFixMe volume is missing in EventTarget changeVolume(e.target.volume); // $FlowFixMe muted is missing in EventTarget changeMute(e.target.muted); } if (currentVideo) { currentVideo.addEventListener('ended', doEnded); currentVideo.addEventListener('pause', doPause); currentVideo.addEventListener('volumechange', doVolume); } // cleanup function: return () => { if (currentVideo) { currentVideo.removeEventListener('ended', doEnded); currentVideo.removeEventListener('pause', doPause); currentVideo.removeEventListener('volumechange', doVolume); } }; }, []); useEffect(() => { const videoNode = videoRef.current; const videoJsOptions = { ...VIDEO_JS_OPTIONS, sources: [ { src: source, type: contentType, }, ], }; if (!requireRedraw) { player = videojs(videoNode, videoJsOptions, function() { const self = this; self.volume(volume); self.muted(muted); }); } return () => { if (!player) { return; } // Video.js has a player.dispose() function that is meant to cleanup a previous video // We can't use this because it does some weird stuff to remove the video element from the page // This makes it really hard to use because the ref we keep still thinks it's on the page // requireRedraw just makes it so the video component is removed from the page _by react_ // Then it's set to false immediately after so we can re-mount a new player setRequireRedraw(true); }; }, [videoRef, source, contentType, setRequireRedraw, requireRedraw]); useEffect(() => { if (requireRedraw) { setRequireRedraw(false); } }, [requireRedraw]); useEffect(() => { function handleKeyDown(e: KeyboardEvent) { const videoNode = videoRef.current; if (!videoNode || isUserTyping()) { return; } if (e.keyCode === SPACE_BAR_KEYCODE) { videoNode.paused ? videoNode.play() : videoNode.pause(); } // Fullscreen toggle shortcuts if (e.keyCode === FULLSCREEN_KEYCODE || e.keyCode === F11_KEYCODE) { if (!player.isFullscreen()) { player.requestFullscreen(); } else { player.exitFullscreen(); } } // Mute/Unmute Shortcuts if (e.keyCode === MUTE_KEYCODE) { videoNode.muted = !videoNode.muted; } // Seeking Shortcuts const duration = videoNode.duration; const currentTime = videoNode.currentTime; if (e.keyCode === SEEK_FORWARD_KEYCODE) { const newDuration = currentTime + SEEK_STEP; videoNode.currentTime = newDuration > duration ? duration : newDuration; } if (e.keyCode === SEEK_BACKWARD_KEYCODE) { const newDuration = currentTime - SEEK_STEP; videoNode.currentTime = newDuration < 0 ? 0 : newDuration; } } window.addEventListener('keydown', handleKeyDown); return () => { window.removeEventListener('keydown', handleKeyDown); }; // include requireRedraw here so the event listener is re-added when we need to manually remove/add the video player }, [videoRef, requireRedraw]); return (