// @flow import 'scss/component/_comment-selectors.scss'; import React from 'react'; import * as ICONS from 'constants/icons'; import CreditAmount from 'component/common/credit-amount'; import I18nMessage from 'component/i18nMessage'; import Icon from 'component/common/icon'; import SelectChannel from 'component/selectChannel'; type SelectorProps = { isReply: boolean, isLivestream: boolean, }; export const FormChannelSelector = (selectorProps: SelectorProps) => { const { isReply, isLivestream } = selectorProps; return ( <div className="comment-create__label-wrapper"> <span className="comment-create__label"> {(isReply ? __('Replying as') : isLivestream ? __('Chat as') : __('Comment as')) + ' '} </span> <SelectChannel tiny /> </div> ); }; type HelpTextProps = { deletedComment: boolean, minAmount: number, minSuper: number, minTip: number, }; export const HelpText = (helpTextProps: HelpTextProps) => { const { deletedComment, minAmount, minSuper, minTip } = helpTextProps; return ( <> {deletedComment && <div className="error__text">{__('This comment has been deleted.')}</div>} {!!minAmount && ( <div className="help--notice comment-create__min-amount-notice"> <I18nMessage tokens={{ lbc: <CreditAmount noFormat amount={minAmount} /> }}> {minTip ? 'Comment min: %lbc%' : minSuper ? 'HyperChat min: %lbc%' : ''} </I18nMessage> <Icon customTooltipText={ minTip ? __('This channel requires a minimum tip for each comment.') : minSuper ? __('This channel requires a minimum amount for HyperChats to be visible.') : '' } className="icon--help" icon={ICONS.HELP} tooltip size={16} /> </div> )} </> ); };