// @flow import React from 'react'; import { THUMBNAIL_CDN_SIZE_LIMIT_BYTES } from 'config'; import FileSelector from 'component/common/file-selector'; import { IMG_CDN_PUBLISH_URL } from 'constants/cdn_urls'; import { FormField, Form } from 'component/common/form'; import Button from 'component/button'; import Card from 'component/common/card'; import usePersistedState from 'effects/use-persisted-state'; const accept = '.png, .jpg, .jpeg, .gif'; const STATUS = { READY: 'READY', UPLOADING: 'UPLOADING' }; type Props = { assetName: string, currentValue: ?string, onUpdate: (string, boolean) => void, recommended: string, title: string, onDone?: () => void, inline?: boolean, }; function SelectAsset(props: Props) { const { onUpdate, onDone, assetName, currentValue, recommended, title, inline } = props; const [pathSelected, setPathSelected] = React.useState(''); const [fileSelected, setFileSelected] = React.useState<any>(null); const [uploadStatus, setUploadStatus] = React.useState(STATUS.READY); const [useUrl, setUseUrl] = usePersistedState('thumbnail-upload:mode', false); const [url, setUrl] = React.useState(currentValue); const [uploadErrorMsg, setUploadErrorMsg] = React.useState(); React.useEffect(() => { if (useUrl) { setUploadErrorMsg(''); setFileSelected(null); setPathSelected(''); } }, [useUrl]); function doUploadAsset() { const uploadError = (error = '') => { setUploadErrorMsg(error); }; const onSuccess = (thumbnailUrl) => { setUploadStatus(STATUS.READY); onUpdate(thumbnailUrl, !useUrl); if (onDone) { onDone(); } }; setUploadStatus(STATUS.UPLOADING); const data = new FormData(); data.append('file-input', fileSelected); data.append('upload', 'Upload'); return fetch(IMG_CDN_PUBLISH_URL, { method: 'POST', body: data, }) .then((res) => res.text()) .then((text) => { try { return text.length ? JSON.parse(text) : {}; } catch { throw new Error(text); } }) .then((json) => { return json.type === 'success' ? onSuccess(`${json.message}`) : uploadError( json.message || __('There was an error in the upload. The format or extension might not be supported.') ); }) .catch((err) => { uploadError(err.message); setUploadStatus(STATUS.READY); }); } // Note for translators: e.g. "Thumbnail (1:1)" const label = `${__(assetName)} ${__(recommended)}`; const selectFileLabel = __('Select File'); const selectedLabel = pathSelected ? __('URL Selected') : __('File Selected'); let fileSelectorLabel; if (uploadStatus === STATUS.UPLOADING) { fileSelectorLabel = __('Uploading...'); } else { // Include the same label/recommendation for both 'URL' and 'UPLOAD'. fileSelectorLabel = `${label} ${fileSelected || pathSelected ? __(selectedLabel) : __(selectFileLabel)}`; } const formBody = ( <> <fieldset-section> {uploadErrorMsg && <div className="error__text">{uploadErrorMsg}</div>} {useUrl ? ( <FormField autoFocus type={'text'} name={'thumbnail'} label={label} placeholder={`https://example.com/image.png`} value={url} onChange={(e) => { setUrl(e.target.value); onUpdate(e.target.value, !useUrl); }} /> ) : ( <FileSelector autoFocus disabled={uploadStatus === STATUS.UPLOADING} label={fileSelectorLabel} name="assetSelector" currentPath={pathSelected} onFileChosen={(file) => { if (file.name) { setFileSelected(file); // what why? why not target=WEB this? // file.path is undefined in web but available in electron setPathSelected(file.name || file.path); setUploadErrorMsg(''); if (file.size >= THUMBNAIL_CDN_SIZE_LIMIT_BYTES) { const maxSizeMB = THUMBNAIL_CDN_SIZE_LIMIT_BYTES / (1024 * 1024); setUploadErrorMsg( __('Thumbnail size over %max_size%MB, please edit and reupload.', { max_size: maxSizeMB }) ); } } }} accept={accept} /> )} </fieldset-section> <div className="section__actions"> {onDone && ( <Button button="primary" type="submit" label={useUrl ? __('Done') : __('Upload')} disabled={ !useUrl && (uploadStatus === STATUS.UPLOADING || !pathSelected || !fileSelected || uploadErrorMsg) } onClick={() => { if (!useUrl) { doUploadAsset(); } }} /> )} <FormField name="toggle-upload" type="checkbox" label={__('Use a URL')} checked={useUrl} onChange={() => setUseUrl(!useUrl)} /> </div> </> ); if (inline) { return <fieldset-section>{formBody}</fieldset-section>; } return ( <Card title={title || __('Choose %asset%', { asset: __(`${assetName}`) })} actions={<Form onSubmit={onDone}>{formBody}</Form>} /> ); } export default SelectAsset;