import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import { withRouter } from 'react-router'; import { selectClaimSearchByQuery, selectFetchingClaimSearchByQuery, selectClaimsByUri } from 'redux/selectors/claims'; import { doClaimSearch } from 'redux/actions/claims'; import * as SETTINGS from 'constants/settings'; import { MATURE_TAGS } from 'constants/tags'; import { doFetchViewCount } from 'lbryinc'; import { doToggleTagFollowDesktop } from 'redux/actions/tags'; import { makeSelectClientSetting, selectShowMatureContent } from 'redux/selectors/settings'; import { selectMutedAndBlockedChannelIds } from 'redux/selectors/blocked'; import { ENABLE_NO_SOURCE_CLAIMS } from 'config'; import ClaimListDiscover from './view'; const select = (state, props) => { const showNsfw = selectShowMatureContent(state); const hideReposts = makeSelectClientSetting(SETTINGS.HIDE_REPOSTS)(state); const mutedAndBlockedChannelIds = selectMutedAndBlockedChannelIds(state); return { claimSearchByQuery: selectClaimSearchByQuery(state), claimsByUri: selectClaimsByUri(state), fetchingClaimSearchByQuery: selectFetchingClaimSearchByQuery(state), showNsfw, hideReposts, options: resolveSearchOptions({ showNsfw, hideReposts, mutedAndBlockedChannelIds, pageSize: 8, ...props }), }; }; const perform = { doClaimSearch, doToggleTagFollowDesktop, doFetchViewCount, }; export default withRouter(connect(select, perform)(ClaimListDiscover)); // **************************************************************************** // **************************************************************************** function resolveSearchOptions(props) { const { showNsfw, hideReposts, mutedAndBlockedChannelIds, location, pageSize, claimType, tags, languages, channelIds, orderBy, streamTypes, hasNoSource, hasSource, releaseTime, feeAmount, limitClaimsPerChannel, timestamp, claimIds, } = props; const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(; const feeAmountInUrl = urlParams.get('fee_amount'); const feeAmountParam = feeAmountInUrl || feeAmount; let streamTypesParam; if (streamTypes) { streamTypesParam = streamTypes; } const options = { page_size: pageSize, claim_type: claimType || ['stream', 'repost', 'channel'], // no_totals makes it so the sdk doesn't have to calculate total number pages for pagination // it's faster, but we will need to remove it if we start using total_pages no_totals: true, any_tags: tags || [], not_tags: !showNsfw ? MATURE_TAGS : [], any_languages: languages, channel_ids: channelIds || [], not_channel_ids: mutedAndBlockedChannelIds, order_by: orderBy || ['trending_group', 'trending_mixed'], stream_types: streamTypesParam, }; if (ENABLE_NO_SOURCE_CLAIMS && hasNoSource) { options.has_no_source = true; } else if (hasSource || (!ENABLE_NO_SOURCE_CLAIMS && (!claimType || claimType === 'stream'))) { options.has_source = true; } if (releaseTime) { options.release_time = releaseTime; } if (feeAmountParam) { options.fee_amount = feeAmountParam; } if (limitClaimsPerChannel) { options.limit_claims_per_channel = limitClaimsPerChannel; } // if (hideReposts) { if (Array.isArray(options.claim_type)) { options.claim_type = options.claim_type.filter((claimType) => claimType !== 'repost'); } else { options.claim_type = ['stream', 'channel']; } } if (claimType) { options.claim_type = claimType; } if (timestamp) { options.timestamp = timestamp; } if (claimIds) { options.claim_ids = claimIds; } return options; }