// @flow import moment from 'moment'; export function secondsToHms(seconds: number) { seconds = Math.floor(seconds); var hours = Math.floor(seconds / 3600); var minutes = Math.floor(seconds / 60) % 60; var seconds = seconds % 60; return [hours, minutes, seconds] .map((v) => (v < 10 ? '0' + v : v)) .filter((v, i) => v !== '00' || i > 0) .join(':'); } export function hmsToSeconds(str: string) { let timeParts = str.split(':'), seconds = 0, multiplier = 1; if (timeParts.length > 0) { while (timeParts.length > 0) { let nextPart = parseInt(timeParts.pop(), 10); if (!Number.isInteger(nextPart)) { nextPart = 0; } seconds += multiplier * nextPart; multiplier *= 60; } } else { seconds = 0; } return seconds; } // Only intended use of future dates is for claims, in case of scheduled // publishes or livestreams, used in util/formatAriaLabel export function getTimeAgoStr( date: any, showFutureDate?: boolean, genericSecondsString?: boolean, zeroDurationStr: string = 'Just now' ) { const suffixList = ['years', 'months', 'days', 'hours', 'minutes', 'seconds']; let duration = 0; let suffix = ''; let str = ''; suffixList.some((s) => { // moment() is very liberal with it's rounding. // Always round down dates for better youtube parity. duration = Math.floor(moment().diff(date, s)); suffix = s; return duration > 0 || (showFutureDate && duration * -1 > 0); }); // Strip off the ending 's' for the singular suffix if (duration === 1 || (duration === -1 && showFutureDate)) suffix = suffix.replace(/s$/g, ''); // negative duration === it's a future date from now if (duration < 0 && showFutureDate) { str = suffix === 'seconds' ? 'in a few seconds' : 'in %duration% ' + suffix; duration = duration * -1; } else if (duration <= 0) { str = zeroDurationStr; } else { str = suffix === 'seconds' && genericSecondsString ? 'A few seconds ago' : '%duration% ' + suffix + ' ago'; } return __(str, { duration }); } export const getCurrentTimeInSec = () => Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000);