// @flow import * as ICONS from 'constants/icons'; import { CHANNEL_NEW, MINIMUM_PUBLISH_BID, INVALID_NAME_ERROR } from 'constants/claim'; import React from 'react'; import { Modal } from 'modal/modal'; import Card from 'component/common/card'; import Button from 'component/button'; import SelectChannel from 'component/selectChannel'; import ErrorText from 'component/common/error-text'; import { FormField } from 'component/common/form'; import { parseURI, isNameValid, creditsToString } from 'lbry-redux'; import usePersistedState from 'effects/use-persisted-state'; import I18nMessage from 'component/i18nMessage'; import analytics from 'analytics'; import LbcSymbol from '../../component/common/lbc-symbol'; type Props = { doHideModal: () => void, doToast: ({ message: string }) => void, doClearRepostError: () => void, doRepost: StreamRepostOptions => Promise<*>, title: string, claim: ?StreamClaim, balance: number, channels: ?Array<ChannelClaim>, doCheckPublishNameAvailability: string => Promise<*>, error: ?string, reposting: boolean, }; function ModalRepost(props: Props) { const { doHideModal, doToast, doClearRepostError, doRepost, title, claim, balance, channels, error, reposting, doCheckPublishNameAvailability, } = props; const defaultName = claim && claim.name; const contentClaimId = claim && claim.claim_id; const [repostChannel, setRepostChannel] = usePersistedState('repost-channel'); const [repostBid, setRepostBid] = React.useState(0.01); const [showAdvanced, setShowAdvanced] = React.useState(); const [repostName, setRepostName] = React.useState(defaultName); const [available, setAvailable] = React.useState(true); let repostBidError; if (repostBid === 0) { repostBidError = __('Deposit cannot be 0'); } else if (balance === repostBid) { repostBidError = __('Please decrease your deposit to account for transaction fees'); } else if (balance < repostBid) { repostBidError = __('Deposit cannot be higher than your balance'); } else if (repostBid < MINIMUM_PUBLISH_BID) { repostBidError = __('Your deposit must be higher'); } let repostNameError; if (!repostName) { repostNameError = __('A name is required'); } else if (!isNameValid(repostName, false)) { repostNameError = INVALID_NAME_ERROR; } else if (!available) { repostNameError = __('You already have a claim with this name.'); } React.useEffect(() => { if ((repostNameError || repostNameError) && !showAdvanced) { setShowAdvanced(true); } }, [repostBidError, repostNameError, showAdvanced, setShowAdvanced]); const channelStrings = channels && channels.map(channel => channel.permanent_url).join(','); React.useEffect(() => { if (!repostChannel && channelStrings) { const channels = channelStrings.split(','); const newChannelUrl = channels[0]; const { claimName } = parseURI(newChannelUrl); setRepostChannel(claimName); } }, [channelStrings]); React.useEffect(() => { if (repostName && isNameValid(repostName, false)) { doCheckPublishNameAvailability(repostName).then(r => setAvailable(r)); } }, [repostName, doCheckPublishNameAvailability]); function handleSubmit() { const channelToRepostTo = channels && channels.find(channel => channel.name === repostChannel); if (channelToRepostTo && repostName && repostBid && repostChannel && contentClaimId) { doRepost({ name: repostName, bid: creditsToString(repostBid), channel_id: channelToRepostTo.claim_id, claim_id: contentClaimId, }).then((repostClaim: StreamClaim) => { analytics.apiLogPublish(repostClaim); doHideModal(); doToast({ message: __('Woohoo! Successfully reposted this claim.') }); }); } } function handleCloseModal() { doClearRepostError(); doHideModal(); } return ( <Modal isOpen type="card" onAborted={handleCloseModal} onConfirmed={handleCloseModal}> <Card title={ <span> <I18nMessage tokens={{ title: <em>{title}</em> }}>Repost %title%</I18nMessage> </span> } subtitle={ error ? ( <ErrorText>{__('There was an error reposting this claim. Please try again later.')}</ErrorText> ) : ( <span>{__('Repost your favorite claims to help more people discover them!')}</span> ) } actions={ <div> <SelectChannel label={__('Channel to repost on')} hideAnon hideNew channel={repostChannel} onChannelChange={newChannel => setRepostChannel(newChannel)} /> {!showAdvanced && ( <div className="section__actions"> <Button button="link" label={__('Advanced')} onClick={() => setShowAdvanced(true)} /> </div> )} {showAdvanced && ( <React.Fragment> <fieldset-section> <fieldset-group class="fieldset-group--smushed fieldset-group--disabled-prefix"> <fieldset-section> <label>{__('Name')}</label> <div className="form-field__prefix">{`lbry://${ !repostChannel || repostChannel === CHANNEL_NEW ? '' : `${repostChannel}/` }`}</div> </fieldset-section> <FormField type="text" name="repost_name" value={repostName} error={repostNameError} onChange={event => setRepostName(event.target.value)} /> </fieldset-group> </fieldset-section> <div className="form-field__help"> <I18nMessage tokens={{ lbry_naming_link: ( <Button button="link" label={__('community name')} href="https://lbry.com/faq/naming" /> ), }} > Change this to repost to a different %lbry_naming_link%. </I18nMessage> </div> <FormField type="number" name="repost_bid" min="0" step="any" placeholder="0.123" className="form-field--price-amount" label={<LbcSymbol postfix={__('Deposit')} size={14} />} value={repostBid} error={repostBidError} disabled={!repostName} onChange={event => setRepostBid(parseFloat(event.target.value))} onWheel={e => e.stopPropagation()} /> </React.Fragment> )} <div className="section__actions"> <Button icon={ICONS.REPOST} disabled={reposting || repostBidError || repostNameError} button="primary" label={reposting ? __('Reposting') : __('Repost')} onClick={handleSubmit} /> <Button button="link" label={__('Cancel')} onClick={handleCloseModal} /> </div> </div> } /> </Modal> ); } export default ModalRepost;