"""Trigger a release. This script is to be run locally (not on a build server). """ import argparse import contextlib import logging import os import re import string import subprocess import sys import git import github import changelog # TODO: ask bumpversion for these LBRY_PARTS = ('major', 'minor', 'patch', 'release', 'candidate') LBRYUM_PARTS = ('major', 'minor', 'patch') def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "lbry_part", help="part of lbry version to bump", choices=LBRY_PARTS ) parser.add_argument( "--skip-lbryum", help="skip bumping lbryum, even if there are changes", action="store_true", ) parser.add_argument( "--lbryum-part", help="part of lbryum version to bump", choices=LBRYUM_PARTS ) parser.add_argument( "--last-release", help=("manually set the last release version. The default is to query and parse the" " value from the release page.") ) parser.add_argument( "--skip-sanity-checks", action="store_true") parser.add_argument( "--require-changelog", action="store_true", help=("Set this flag to raise an exception if a submodules has changes without a" " corresponding changelog entry. The default is to log a warning") ) parser.add_argument( "--skip-push", action="store_true", help="Set to not push changes to remote repo" ) args = parser.parse_args() base = git.Repo(os.getcwd()) branch = 'master' if not args.skip_sanity_checks: run_sanity_checks(base, branch) base_repo = Repo('lbry-app', args.lbry_part, os.getcwd()) base_repo.assert_new_tag_is_absent() last_release = args.last_release or base_repo.get_last_tag() logging.info('Last release: %s', last_release) gh_token = get_gh_token() auth = github.Github(gh_token) github_repo = auth.get_repo('lbryio/lbry-app') names = ['lbryum', 'lbry'] repos = {name: Repo(name, get_part(args, name)) for name in names} changelogs = {} for repo in repos.values(): logging.info('Processing repo: %s', repo.name) repo.checkout(branch) last_submodule_hash = base_repo.get_submodule_hash(last_release, repo.name) if repo.has_changes_from_revision(last_submodule_hash): if repo.name == 'lbryum': if args.skip_lbryum: continue if not repo.part: repo.part = get_lbryum_part() entry = repo.get_changelog_entry() if entry: changelogs[repo.name] = entry.strip() repo.add_changelog() else: msg = 'Changelog entry is missing for {}'.format(repo.name) if args.require_changelog: raise Exception(msg) else: logging.warning(msg) else: logging.warning('Submodule %s has no changes.', repo.name) if repo.name == 'lbryum': # The other repos have their version track each other so need to bump # them even if there aren't any changes, but lbryum should only be # bumped if it has changes continue # bumpversion will fail if there is already the tag we want in the repo repo.assert_new_tag_is_absent() repo.bumpversion() release_msg = get_release_msg(changelogs, names) for name in names: base.git.add(name) base_repo.bumpversion() current_tag = base.git.describe() github_repo.create_git_release(current_tag, current_tag, release_msg, draft=True) no_change_msg = ('No change since the last release. This release is simply a placeholder' ' so that LBRY and LBRY App track the same version') lbrynet_daemon_release_msg = changelogs.get('lbry', no_change_msg) auth.get_repo('lbryio/lbry').create_git_release( current_tag, current_tag, lbrynet_daemon_release_msg, draft=True) if not args.skip_push: for repo in repos.values(): repo.git.push(follow_tags=True) base.git.push(follow_tags=True, recurse_submodules='check') else: logging.info('Skipping push; you will have to reset and delete tags if ' 'you want to run this script again. Take a look at reset.sh; ' 'it probably does what you want.') def get_gh_token(): if 'GH_TOKEN' in os.environ: return os.environ['GH_TOKEN'] else: print """ Please enter your personal access token. If you don't have one See https://github.com/lbryio/lbry-app/wiki/Release-Script#generate-a-personal-access-token for instructions on how to generate one. You can also set the GH_TOKEN environment variable to avoid seeing this message in the future""" return raw_input('token: ').strip() def get_lbryum_part(): print """The lbryum repo has changes but you didn't specify how to bump the version. Please enter one of: {}""".format(', '.join(LBRYUM_PARTS)) while True: part = raw_input('part: ').strip() if part in LBRYUM_PARTS: return part print 'Invalid part. Enter one of: {}'.format(', '.join(LBRYUM_PARTS)) def get_release_msg(changelogs, names): lines = [] for name in names: entry = changelogs.get(name) if not entry: continue lines.append('## {}\n'.format(name)) lines.append('{}\n'.format(entry)) return '\n'.join(lines) def run_sanity_checks(base, branch): if base.is_dirty(): print 'Cowardly refusing to release a dirty repo' sys.exit(1) if base.active_branch.name != branch: print 'Cowardly refusing to release when not on the {} branch'.format(branch) sys.exit(1) if is_behind(base, branch): print 'Cowardly refusing to release when behind origin' sys.exit(1) check_bumpversion() def is_behind(base, branch): base.remotes.origin.fetch() rev_list = '{branch}...origin/{branch}'.format(branch=branch) commits_behind = base.git.rev_list(rev_list, right_only=True, count=True) commits_behind = int(commits_behind) return commits_behind > 0 def check_bumpversion(): def require_new_version(): print 'Install bumpversion: pip install -U git+https://github.com/lbryio/bumpversion.git' sys.exit(1) try: output = subprocess.check_output(['bumpversion', '-v'], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) output = output.strip() if output != 'bumpversion 0.5.4-lbry': require_new_version() except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, OSError) as err: require_new_version() def get_part(args, name): return getattr(args, name + '_part') or args.lbry_part class Repo(object): def __init__(self, name, part, directory=None): self.name = name self.part = part self.directory = directory or os.path.join(os.getcwd(), name) self.git_repo = git.Repo(self.directory) self.saved_commit = None self._bumped = False def get_last_tag(self): return string.split(self.git_repo.git.describe(tags=True), '-')[0] def get_submodule_hash(self, revision, submodule_path): line = getattr(self.git_repo.git, 'ls-tree')(revision, submodule_path) return string.split(line)[2] if line else None def has_changes_from_revision(self, revision): commit = str(self.git_repo.commit()) logging.info('%s =? %s', commit, revision) return commit != revision def save_commit(self): self.saved_commit = self.git_repo.commit() logging.info('Saved ', self.git_repo.commit(), self.saved_commit) def checkout(self, branch): self.git_repo.git.checkout(branch) self.git_repo.git.pull(rebase=True) def get_changelog_entry(self): filename = os.path.join(self.directory, 'CHANGELOG.md') return changelog.bump(filename, self.new_version()) def add_changelog(self): with pushd(self.directory): self.git_repo.git.add('CHANGELOG.md') def new_version(self): if self._bumped: raise Exception('Cannot calculate a new version on an already bumped repo') if not self.part: raise Exception('Cannot calculate a new version without a part') with pushd(self.directory): output = subprocess.check_output( ['bumpversion', '--dry-run', '--list', '--allow-dirty', self.part]) return re.search('^new_version=(.*)$', output, re.M).group(1) def bumpversion(self): if self._bumped: raise Exception('Cowardly refusing to bump a repo twice') if not self.part: raise Exception('Cannot bump version for {}: no part specified'.format(repo.name)) with pushd(self.directory): subprocess.check_call(['bumpversion', '--allow-dirty', self.part]) self._bumped = True def assert_new_tag_is_absent(self): new_tag = 'v' + self.new_version() tags = self.git_repo.git.tag() if new_tag in tags.split('\n'): raise Exception('Tag {} is already present in repo {}.'.format(new_tag, self.name)) @property def git(self): return self.git_repo.git @contextlib.contextmanager def pushd(new_dir): previous_dir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(new_dir) yield os.chdir(previous_dir) if __name__ == '__main__': logging.basicConfig( format="%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(name)s:%(lineno)d: %(message)s", level='INFO' ) sys.exit(main()) else: log = logging.getLogger('__name__')