// @flow import * as ACTIONS from 'constants/action_types'; import { Lbryio, rewards, doClaimRewardType } from 'lbryinc'; import { selectUnreadByChannel } from 'redux/selectors/subscriptions'; import { parseURI } from 'lbry-redux'; export const doSetViewMode = (viewMode: ViewMode) => (dispatch: Dispatch) => dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.SET_VIEW_MODE, data: viewMode, }); export const setSubscriptionLatest = (subscription: Subscription, uri: string) => (dispatch: Dispatch) => dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.SET_SUBSCRIPTION_LATEST, data: { subscription, uri, }, }); // Populate a channels unread subscriptions or update the type export const doUpdateUnreadSubscriptions = ( channelUri: string, uris: ?Array<string>, type: ?SubscriptionNotificationType ) => (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState) => { const state = getState(); const unreadByChannel = selectUnreadByChannel(state); const currentUnreadForChannel: UnreadSubscription = unreadByChannel[channelUri]; let newUris; let newType; if (!currentUnreadForChannel) { newUris = uris; newType = type; } else { if (uris) { // If a channel currently has no unread uris, just add them all if (!currentUnreadForChannel.uris || !currentUnreadForChannel.uris.length) { newUris = uris; } else { // They already have unreads and now there are new ones // Add the new ones to the beginning of the list // Make sure there are no duplicates const currentUnreadUris = currentUnreadForChannel.uris; newUris = uris.filter(uri => !currentUnreadUris.includes(uri)).concat(currentUnreadUris); } } else { newUris = currentUnreadForChannel.uris; } newType = type || currentUnreadForChannel.type; } dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.UPDATE_SUBSCRIPTION_UNREADS, data: { channel: channelUri, uris: newUris, type: newType, }, }); }; // Remove multiple files (or all) from a channels unread subscriptions export const doRemoveUnreadSubscriptions = (channelUri: ?string, readUris: ?Array<string>) => ( dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState ) => { const state = getState(); const unreadByChannel = selectUnreadByChannel(state); // If no channel is passed in, remove all unread subscriptions from all channels if (!channelUri) { return dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.REMOVE_SUBSCRIPTION_UNREADS, data: { channel: null }, }); } const currentChannelUnread = unreadByChannel[channelUri]; if (!currentChannelUnread || !currentChannelUnread.uris) { // Channel passed in doesn't have any unreads return; } // For each uri passed in, remove it from the list of unread uris // If no uris are passed in, remove them all let newUris; if (readUris) { const urisToRemoveMap = readUris.reduce( (acc, val) => ({ ...acc, [val]: true, }), {} ); const filteredUris = currentChannelUnread.uris.filter(uri => !urisToRemoveMap[uri]); newUris = filteredUris.length ? filteredUris : null; } else { newUris = null; } dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.REMOVE_SUBSCRIPTION_UNREADS, data: { channel: channelUri, uris: newUris, }, }); }; // Remove a single file from a channels unread subscriptions export const doRemoveUnreadSubscription = (channelUri: string, readUri: string) => (dispatch: Dispatch) => { dispatch(doRemoveUnreadSubscriptions(channelUri, [readUri])); }; export const doChannelSubscribe = (subscription: Subscription) => (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState) => { const { settings: { daemonSettings }, } = getState(); const { share_usage_data: shareSetting } = daemonSettings; const isSharingData = shareSetting || IS_WEB; const subscriptionUri = subscription.uri; if (!subscriptionUri.startsWith('lbry://')) { throw Error(`Subscription uris must include the "lbry://" prefix.\nTried to subscribe to ${subscriptionUri}`); } dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.CHANNEL_SUBSCRIBE, data: subscription, }); // if the user isn't sharing data, keep the subscriptions entirely in the app if (isSharingData || IS_WEB) { const { channelClaimId } = parseURI(subscription.uri); // They are sharing data, we can store their subscriptions in our internal database Lbryio.call('subscription', 'new', { channel_name: subscription.channelName, claim_id: channelClaimId, }); dispatch(doClaimRewardType(rewards.TYPE_SUBSCRIPTION, { failSilently: true })); } }; export const doChannelUnsubscribe = (subscription: Subscription) => (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState) => { const { settings: { daemonSettings }, } = getState(); const { share_usage_data: shareSetting } = daemonSettings; const isSharingData = shareSetting || IS_WEB; dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.CHANNEL_UNSUBSCRIBE, data: subscription, }); if (isSharingData) { const { channelClaimId } = parseURI(subscription.uri); Lbryio.call('subscription', 'delete', { claim_id: channelClaimId, }); } }; export const doFetchRecommendedSubscriptions = () => (dispatch: Dispatch) => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.GET_SUGGESTED_SUBSCRIPTIONS_START, }); return Lbryio.call('subscription', 'suggest') .then(suggested => dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.GET_SUGGESTED_SUBSCRIPTIONS_SUCCESS, data: suggested, }) ) .catch(error => dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.GET_SUGGESTED_SUBSCRIPTIONS_FAIL, error, }) ); };