pip install -r build\requirements.txt # Get the latest stable version of Node.js or io.js Install-Product node $env:nodejs_version npm install -g yarn yarn install # do app cd app yarn install # necessary to ensure native Node modules (e.g. keytar) are built against the correct version of Node) # yes, it needs to be run twice. it fails the first time, not sure why node_modules\.bin\electron-rebuild node_modules\.bin\electron-rebuild cd .. # build ui cd src\renderer yarn install npm rebuild node-sass node_modules\.bin\node-sass --output dist\css --sourcemap=none scss\ node_modules\.bin\webpack --config webpack.prod.js Copy-Item dist ..\app\ -recurse cd .. # get daemon and cli executable $package_settings = (Get-Content app\package.json -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json).lbrySettings $daemon_ver = $package_settings.lbrynetDaemonVersion $daemon_url_template = $package_settings.lbrynetDaemonUrlTemplate $daemon_url = $daemon_url_template.Replace('OSNAME', 'windows').Replace('DAEMONVER', $daemon_ver) Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $daemon_url -OutFile daemon.zip Expand-Archive daemon.zip -DestinationPath app\dist\ dir app\dist\ # verify that daemon binary is there rm daemon.zip # build electron app node_modules\.bin\build -p never $binary_name = Get-ChildItem -Path dist -Filter '*.exe' -Name $new_name = $binary_name -replace '^LBRY Setup (.*)\.exe$', 'LBRY_$1.exe' Rename-Item -Path "dist\$binary_name" -NewName $new_name dir dist # verify that binary was built/named correctly # sign binary nuget install secure-file -ExcludeVersion secure-file\tools\secure-file -decrypt build\lbry3.pfx.enc -secret "$env:pfx_key" & ${env:SIGNTOOL_PATH} sign /f build\lbry3.pfx /p "$env:key_pass" /tr http://tsa.starfieldtech.com /td SHA256 /fd SHA256 dist\*.exe python build\upload_assets.py