// @flow import React from 'react'; import Button from 'component/button'; import { FormField } from 'component/common/form-components/form-field'; import { Form } from 'component/common/form-components/form'; import { withRouter } from 'react-router-dom'; // $FlowFixMe cannot resolve ... import image from 'static/img/yrblhappy.svg'; import * as DAEMON_SETTINGS from 'constants/daemon_settings'; type SetDaemonSettingArg = boolean | string | number; type Props = { handleNextPage: () => void, handleDone: () => void, setDaemonSetting: (string, ?SetDaemonSettingArg) => void, // --- select --- diskSpace: DiskSpace, // KB viewHostingLimit: number, // MB autoHostingLimit: number, viewBlobSpace: number, autoBlobSpace: number, privateBlobSpace: number, saveBlobs: boolean, }; const TWENTY_PERCENT = 0.2; const TEN_PRECNT = 0.1; function HostingSplash(props: Props) { const { handleNextPage, diskSpace, viewHostingLimit, autoHostingLimit, viewBlobSpace, autoBlobSpace, saveBlobs, setDaemonSetting, handleDone, } = props; const totalMB = diskSpace && Math.floor(diskSpace.total / 1024); const freeMB = diskSpace && Math.floor(diskSpace.free / 1024); const blobSpaceUsed = viewBlobSpace + autoBlobSpace; const [hostingChoice, setHostingChoice] = React.useState('MANAGED'); function handleSubmit() { if (hostingChoice === 'CUSTOM') { handleNextPage(); } else { handleAuto(); } } function getManagedLimitMB() { const value = freeMB > totalMB * TWENTY_PERCENT // lots of free space? ? blobSpaceUsed > totalMB * TEN_PRECNT // using more than 10%? ? (freeMB + blobSpaceUsed) / 2 // e.g. 40g used plus 30g free, knock back to 35g limit, freeing to 35g : totalMB * TEN_PRECNT // let it go up to 10% : (freeMB + blobSpaceUsed) / 2; // e.g. 40g used plus 10g free, knock back to 25g limit, freeing to 25g return value > 10240 ? Math.floor(value / 1024) * 1024 : 0; } function getAutoLimit() { // return floor of 10% of total const totalGB = Math.floor(getManagedLimitMB() / 1024); // eg, 25GB return Math.floor(totalGB / 10) * 1024; // eg, 2 GB -> 2048MB } function getViewedLimit() { return getManagedLimitMB() - getAutoLimit(); } function getManagedCopy() { if (viewHostingLimit || autoHostingLimit || !saveBlobs) { return __("I'm happy with my settings"); } else if (getManagedLimitMB() > 0) { return __(`Host up to %percent% of my drive (%limit% GB)`, { percent: `${Math.round((Math.floor(getManagedLimitMB() / 1024) / Math.floor(totalMB / 1024)) * 100)}%`, limit: Math.floor(getManagedLimitMB() / 1024), }); } else { return __(`Not now, my disk is almost full.`); } } function getManagedHelper() { if (viewHostingLimit || autoHostingLimit || !saveBlobs) { return __(`We've noticed you already have some settings.`); } else if (getManagedLimitMB() > 0) { return __(`Donate space without filling up your drive.`); } else { return __(`You can clear some space and check hosting settings later.`); } } async function handleAuto() { if (viewHostingLimit || autoHostingLimit || !saveBlobs) { handleDone(); } else if (getManagedLimitMB() > 0) { // limit to used // maybe move this to a single action function that doesn't live inside the component. await setDaemonSetting(DAEMON_SETTINGS.BLOB_STORAGE_LIMIT_MB, getViewedLimit()); await setDaemonSetting(DAEMON_SETTINGS.NETWORK_STORAGE_LIMIT_MB, getAutoLimit()); handleDone(); } else { // running low on space handleDone(); } } return ( <section className="main--contained"> <div className={'columns first-run__wrapper'}> <div className={'first-run__left'}> <div> <h1 className="section__title--large">{__('Hosting')}</h1> <h3 className="section__subtitle"> {__('Help creators and improve the P2P data network by hosting content.')} </h3> <fieldset> <FormField name={'managedhosting'} type="radio" checked={hostingChoice === 'MANAGED'} label={getManagedCopy()} helper={getManagedHelper()} onChange={(e) => setHostingChoice('MANAGED')} /> <FormField name={'customhosting'} type="radio" checked={hostingChoice === 'CUSTOM'} label={<>{__('Custom')}</>} helper={__(`You choose how much data to host.`)} onChange={(e) => setHostingChoice('CUSTOM')} /> </fieldset> </div> <Form onSubmit={handleSubmit} className="section__body"> <div className={'card__actions'}> <Button button="primary" label={hostingChoice === 'CUSTOM' ? __('Next') : __(`Let's go`)} type="submit" /> </div> </Form> </div> <div className={'first-run__image-wrapper'}> <img src={image} className="privacy-img" /> </div> </div> </section> ); } export default withRouter(HostingSplash);