// @flow import * as ICONS from 'constants/icons'; import * as PAGES from 'constants/pages'; import React from 'react'; import Button from 'component/button'; import Card from 'component/common/card'; import Icon from 'component/common/icon'; import I18nMessage from 'component/i18nMessage'; type Props = { accountDetails: any, }; const WalletBalance = (props: Props) => { const { accountDetails, } = props; return ( <>{{(accountDetails && ((accountDetails.total_received_unpaid - accountDetails.total_paid_out) / 100)) || 0} USD} subtitle={accountDetails && accountDetails.total_received_unpaid > 0 && This is your pending balance that will be automatically sent to your bank account } actions={ <>

${(accountDetails && (accountDetails.total_received_unpaid / 100)) || 0} Total Received Tips

${(accountDetails && (accountDetails.total_paid_out / 100)) || 0} Withdrawn {/*

{/* view more section */} {/* commenting out because not implemented, but could be used in the future */} {/* {detailsExpanded && ( */} {/*
*/} {/*
*/} {/*
*/} {/* {__('Earned from uploads')} */} {/* /!* ({__('Earned from channel page')}) *!/ */} {/*
*/} {/*
*/} {/* */} {/* {Boolean(1) && ( */} {/*
*/} {/*
*/} {/* {__('Earned from channel page')} */} {/* /!* ({__('Delete or edit past content to spend')}) *!/ */} {/*
*/} {/*
*/} {/* */} {/*
*/} {/* /!*
*!/ */} {/* /!* {__('...supporting content')} *!/ */} {/* /!* ({__('Delete supports to spend')}) *!/ */} {/* /!*
*!/ */} {/* /!*
*!/ */} {/* /!* *!/ */} {/* /!*
*!/ */} {/*
*/} {/*
*/} {/* )} */}
} />} ); }; export default WalletBalance;