// @flow
import React from 'react';
import Button from 'component/button';
import * as PAGES from 'constants/pages';
import classnames from 'classnames';

type Props = {
  title: string,
  subtitle?: string,
  multirow?: boolean, // Displays the Value widget(s) below the Label instead of on the right.
  useVerticalSeparator?: boolean, // Show a separator line between Label and Value. Useful when there are multiple Values.
  disabled?: boolean,
  highlighted?: boolean,
  membersOnly?: boolean,
  children?: React$Node,

export default function SettingsRow(props: Props) {
  const { title, subtitle, multirow, useVerticalSeparator, disabled, highlighted, membersOnly, children } = props;
  return (
      className={classnames('card__main-actions settings-row', {
        'section__actions--between': !multirow,
        'opacity-40': disabled,
        'card--highlightedActive': highlighted,
      <div className="settings-row__title">
          {membersOnly && (
            <Button className="settings-row__members-only" navigate={`/$/${PAGES.ODYSEE_MEMBERSHIP}`}>
        {subtitle && <p className="settings-row__subtitle">{subtitle}</p>}
        className={classnames('settings-row__value', {
          'settings-row__value--multirow': multirow,
          'settings-row__vertical-separator': useVerticalSeparator,
          'content__non-clickable': disabled,
        {children && children}