import React from "react"; import ReactDOM from "react-dom"; import lbry from "./lbry.js"; import App from "component/app/index.js"; import SnackBar from "component/snackBar"; import { Provider } from "react-redux"; import store from "store.js"; import SplashScreen from "component/splash.js"; import AuthOverlay from "component/authOverlay"; import { doChangePath, doNavigate, doDaemonReady } from "actions/app"; import { toQueryString } from "util/query_params"; import { selectBadgeNumber } from "selectors/app"; import * as types from "constants/action_types"; import fs from "fs"; import http from "http"; const env = ENV; const { remote, ipcRenderer, shell } = require("electron"); const contextMenu = remote.require("./menu/context-menu"); const app = require("./app"); app.i18n.resLang = require("./utils").resLang; lbry.showMenuIfNeeded(); window.addEventListener("contextmenu", event => { contextMenu.showContextMenu( remote.getCurrentWindow(), event.x, event.y, lbry.getClientSetting("showDeveloperMenu") ); event.preventDefault(); }); window.addEventListener("popstate", (event, param) => { event.preventDefault(); const hash = document.location.hash; let action; if (hash !== "") { const url = hash.split("#")[1]; const params = event.state; const queryString = toQueryString(params);`${url}?${queryString}`)); } else {"/discover")); } }); ipcRenderer.on("open-uri-requested", (event, uri) => { if (uri && uri.startsWith("lbry://")) {"/show", { uri })); } }); ipcRenderer.on("open-menu", (event, uri) => { if (uri && uri.startsWith("/help")) {"/help")); } }); document.addEventListener("click", event => { var target =; while (target && target !== document) { if ( target.matches('a[href^="http"]') || target.matches('a[href^="mailto"]') ) { event.preventDefault(); shell.openExternal(target.href); return; } target = target.parentNode; } }); const application =; const dock = application.dock; const win = remote.getCurrentWindow(); // Tear down previous event listeners when reload win.removeAllListeners(); // Clear the badge when the window is focused win.on("focus", () => { if (!dock) return;{ type: types.WINDOW_FOCUSED }); dock.setBadge(""); }); const updateProgress = () => { const state =; const progress = selectTotalDownloadProgress(state); win.setProgressBar(progress || -1); }; const initialState =; // import whyDidYouUpdate from "why-did-you-update"; // if (env === "development") { // /* // // "A function that monkey patches React and notifies you in the console when // potentially unnecessary re-renders occur." // // Just checks if props change between updates. Can be fixed by manually // adding a check in shouldComponentUpdate or using React.PureComponent // */ // whyDidYouUpdate(React); // } var init = function() { function onDaemonReady() { window.sessionStorage.setItem("loaded", "y"); //once we've made it here once per session, we don't need to show splash again; ReactDOM.render(
, canvas ); } if (window.sessionStorage.getItem("loaded") == "y") { onDaemonReady(); } else { ReactDOM.render(, canvas); } }; const download = (url, dest, lang, cb) => { const file = fs.createWriteStream(dest); const request = http.get(url, response => { response.pipe(file); file.on('finish', () => { file.close(cb); // close() is async, call cb after close completes. app.i18n.localLanguages.push(lang.replace(".json", "")); // push to our local list }); }).on('error', err => { // Handle errors fs.unlink(dest); // Delete the file async. (But we don't check the result) if (cb) cb(err.message); }); }; const downloadLanguages = () => { if (!fs.existsSync("app/locales")){ fs.mkdirSync("app/locales"); } http.request({ host: '', path: '/' }, response => { let str = ''; response.on('data', chunk => { str += chunk; }); response.on('end', () => { const files = JSON.parse(str);JSON.parse(str); app.i18n.localLanguages = []; for (let i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { download(`${files[i]}`, `app/locales/${files[i]}`, files[i], () => {}); } }); }).end(); }; downloadLanguages(); init();