// @flow import * as ACTIONS from 'constants/action_types'; import * as MODALS from 'constants/modal_types'; import { doOpenModal } from 'redux/actions/app'; import { doToast } from 'redux/actions/notifications'; import { selectShowMatureContent } from 'redux/selectors/settings'; import { selectClaimForUri, selectClaimIdForUri, selectClaimIsNsfwForUri } from 'redux/selectors/claims'; import { doClaimSearch, doResolveClaimIds, doResolveUris } from 'redux/actions/claims'; import { buildURI, isURIValid } from 'util/lbryURI'; import { batchActions } from 'util/batch-actions'; import { makeSelectSearchUrisForQuery, selectPersonalRecommendations, selectSearchValue } from 'redux/selectors/search'; import { selectUser } from 'redux/selectors/user'; import handleFetchResponse from 'util/handle-fetch'; import { getSearchQueryString } from 'util/query-params'; import { getRecommendationSearchOptions } from 'util/search'; import { SEARCH_SERVER_API, SEARCH_SERVER_API_ALT, RECSYS_FYP_ENDPOINT } from 'config'; import { SEARCH_OPTIONS } from 'constants/search'; import { X_LBRY_AUTH_TOKEN } from 'constants/token'; import { getAuthToken } from 'util/saved-passwords'; // **************************************************************************** // FYP // **************************************************************************** // TODO: This should be part of `extras/recsys/recsys`, but due to the circular // dependency problem with `extras`, I'm temporarily placing it. The recsys // object should be moved into `ui`, but that change will require more testing. console.assert(RECSYS_FYP_ENDPOINT, 'RECSYS_FYP_ENDPOINT not defined!'); const recsysFyp = { fetchPersonalRecommendations: (userId: string) => { return fetch(`${RECSYS_FYP_ENDPOINT}/${userId}/fyp`, { headers: { [X_LBRY_AUTH_TOKEN]: getAuthToken() } }) .then((response) => response.json()) .then((result) => result) .catch((error) => { console.log('FYP: fetch', { error, userId }); return {}; }); }, markPersonalRecommendations: (userId: string, gid: string) => { return fetch(`${RECSYS_FYP_ENDPOINT}/${userId}/fyp/${gid}/mark`, { method: 'POST', headers: { [X_LBRY_AUTH_TOKEN]: getAuthToken() }, }).catch((error) => { console.log('FYP: mark', { error, userId, gid }); return {}; }); }, ignoreRecommendation: (userId: string, gid: string, claimId: string, ignoreChannel: boolean) => { let endpoint = `${RECSYS_FYP_ENDPOINT}/${userId}/fyp/${gid}/c/${claimId}/ignore`; if (ignoreChannel) { endpoint += '?entire_channel=1'; } return fetch(endpoint, { method: 'POST', headers: { [X_LBRY_AUTH_TOKEN]: getAuthToken() }, }) .then((result) => result) .catch((error) => { console.log('FYP: ignore', { error, userId, gid, claimId }); return {}; }); }, }; // **************************************************************************** // **************************************************************************** type Dispatch = (action: any) => any; type GetState = () => { claims: any, search: SearchState, user: UserState }; type SearchOptions = { size?: number, from?: number, related_to?: string, nsfw?: boolean, isBackgroundSearch?: boolean, gid?: string, // for fyp only uuid?: string, // for fyp only }; let lighthouse = { CONNECTION_STRING: SEARCH_SERVER_API, user_id: '', search: (queryString: string) => fetch(`${lighthouse.CONNECTION_STRING}?${queryString}`).then(handleFetchResponse), searchRecommendations: (queryString: string) => { if (lighthouse.user_id) { return fetch(`${SEARCH_SERVER_API_ALT}?${queryString}${lighthouse.user_id}`).then(handleFetchResponse); } else { return fetch(`${SEARCH_SERVER_API_ALT}?${queryString}`).then(handleFetchResponse); } }, }; export const setSearchApi = (endpoint: string) => { lighthouse.CONNECTION_STRING = endpoint.replace(/\/*$/, '/'); // exactly one slash at the end; }; export const setSearchUserId = (userId: ?string) => { lighthouse.user_id = userId ? `&user_id=${userId}` : ''; }; /** * Processes a lighthouse-formatted search result to an array of uris. * @param results */ const processLighthouseResults = (results: Array<any>) => { const uris = []; results.forEach((item) => { if (item) { const { name, claimId } = item; const urlObj: LbryUrlObj = {}; if (name.startsWith('@')) { urlObj.channelName = name; urlObj.channelClaimId = claimId; } else { urlObj.streamName = name; urlObj.streamClaimId = claimId; } const url = buildURI(urlObj); if (isURIValid(url)) { uris.push(url); } } }); return uris; }; export const doSearch = (rawQuery: string, searchOptions: SearchOptions) => ( dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState ) => { const query = rawQuery.replace(/^lbry:\/\//i, '').replace(/\//, ' '); if (!query) { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.SEARCH_FAIL, }); return; } const state = getState(); const queryWithOptions = getSearchQueryString(query, searchOptions); const size = searchOptions.size; const from = searchOptions.from; // If we have already searched for something, we don't need to do anything const urisForQuery = makeSelectSearchUrisForQuery(queryWithOptions)(state); if (urisForQuery && !!urisForQuery.length) { if (!size || !from || from + size < urisForQuery.length) { return; } } dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.SEARCH_START, }); const isSearchingRecommendations = searchOptions.hasOwnProperty(SEARCH_OPTIONS.RELATED_TO); const cmd = isSearchingRecommendations ? lighthouse.searchRecommendations : lighthouse.search; cmd(queryWithOptions) .then((data: { body: Array<{ name: string, claimId: string }>, poweredBy: string }) => { const { body: result, poweredBy } = data; const uris = processLighthouseResults(result); if (isSearchingRecommendations) { const claimIds = result.map((x) => x.claimId); dispatch(doResolveClaimIds(claimIds)).finally(() => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.SEARCH_SUCCESS, data: { query: queryWithOptions, from: from, size: size, uris, recsys: poweredBy, }, }); }); return; } const actions = []; actions.push(doResolveUris(uris)); actions.push({ type: ACTIONS.SEARCH_SUCCESS, data: { query: queryWithOptions, from: from, size: size, uris, recsys: poweredBy, }, }); dispatch(batchActions(...actions)); }) .catch(() => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.SEARCH_FAIL, }); }); }; export const doUpdateSearchOptions = (newOptions: SearchOptions, additionalOptions: SearchOptions) => ( dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState ) => { const state = getState(); const searchValue = selectSearchValue(state); dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.UPDATE_SEARCH_OPTIONS, data: newOptions, }); if (searchValue) { // After updating, perform a search with the new options dispatch(doSearch(searchValue, additionalOptions)); } }; export const doSetMentionSearchResults = (query: string, uris: Array<string>) => (dispatch: Dispatch) => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.SET_MENTION_SEARCH_RESULTS, data: { query, uris }, }); }; export const doFetchRecommendedContent = (uri: string, fyp: ?FypParam = null) => ( dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState ) => { const state = getState(); const claim = selectClaimForUri(state, uri); const matureEnabled = selectShowMatureContent(state); const claimIsMature = selectClaimIsNsfwForUri(state, uri); if (claim && claim.value && claim.claim_id) { const options: SearchOptions = getRecommendationSearchOptions(matureEnabled, claimIsMature, claim.claim_id); if (fyp) { options['gid'] = fyp.gid; options['uuid'] = fyp.uuid; } const { title } = claim.value; if (title && options) { dispatch(doSearch(title, options)); } } }; export const doFetchPersonalRecommendations = () => (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState) => { const state = getState(); const user = selectUser(state); if (!user || !user.id) { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.FYP_FETCH_FAILED }); return; } recsysFyp .fetchPersonalRecommendations(user.id) .then((data) => { const { gid, recs } = data; if (gid && recs) { const uris = processLighthouseResults(recs); dispatch( doClaimSearch({ claim_ids: recs.map((r) => r.claimId), page: 1, page_size: 50, no_totals: true, }) ).finally(() => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.FYP_FETCH_SUCCESS, data: { gid, uris }, }); }); } else { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.FYP_FETCH_FAILED }); } }) .catch(() => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.FYP_FETCH_FAILED }); }); }; export const doRemovePersonalRecommendation = (uri: string) => (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState) => { const state = getState(); const user = selectUser(state); const personalRecommendations = selectPersonalRecommendations(state); const claimId = selectClaimIdForUri(state, uri); if (!user || !user.id || !personalRecommendations.gid || !claimId) { return; } dispatch( doOpenModal(MODALS.HIDE_RECOMMENDATION, { uri, onConfirm: (hideChannel) => { recsysFyp .ignoreRecommendation(user.id, personalRecommendations.gid, claimId, hideChannel) .then((res) => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.FYP_HIDE_URI, data: { uri } }); dispatch( doToast({ message: __('Recommendation removed.'), subMessage: __('Thanks for the feedback!'), }) ); }) .catch((err) => { console.log('doRemovePersonalRecommendation:', err); }); }, }) ); }; export { lighthouse, recsysFyp };