// @flow import React from 'react'; import { createNormalizedClaimSearchKey, MATURE_TAGS } from 'lbry-redux'; import ClaimPreviewTile from 'component/claimPreviewTile'; import { useHistory } from 'react-router'; type Props = { prefixUris?: Array<string>, uris: Array<string>, doClaimSearch: ({}) => void, showNsfw: boolean, hideReposts: boolean, history: { action: string, push: string => void, replace: string => void }, claimSearchByQuery: { [string]: Array<string>, }, // claim search options are below tags: Array<string>, hiddenUris: Array<string>, channelIds?: Array<string>, notChannelIds?: Array<string>, pageSize: number, orderBy?: Array<string>, releaseTime?: string, claimType?: Array<string>, timestamp?: string, feeAmount?: string, }; function ClaimTilesDiscover(props: Props) { const { doClaimSearch, claimSearchByQuery, showNsfw, hideReposts, hiddenUris, // Below are options to pass that are forwarded to claim_search tags, channelIds, notChannelIds, orderBy, pageSize = 8, releaseTime, claimType, prefixUris, timestamp, feeAmount, } = props; const { location } = useHistory(); const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(location.search); const feeAmountInUrl = urlParams.get('fee_amount'); const feeAmountParam = feeAmountInUrl || feeAmount; const [hasSearched, setHasSearched] = React.useState(false); const options: { page_size: number, no_totals: boolean, any_tags: Array<string>, channel_ids: Array<string>, channel_ids: Array<string>, not_channel_ids: Array<string>, not_tags: Array<string>, order_by: Array<string>, release_time?: string, claim_type?: Array<string>, timestamp?: string, fee_amount?: string, } = { page_size: pageSize, claim_type: claimType || undefined, // no_totals makes it so the sdk doesn't have to calculate total number pages for pagination // it's faster, but we will need to remove it if we start using total_pages no_totals: true, any_tags: tags || [], not_tags: !showNsfw ? MATURE_TAGS : [], channel_ids: channelIds || [], not_channel_ids: notChannelIds || // If channelIds were passed in, we don't need not_channel_ids (!channelIds && hiddenUris && hiddenUris.length ? hiddenUris.map(hiddenUri => hiddenUri.split('#')[1]) : []), order_by: orderBy || ['trending_group', 'trending_mixed'], }; if (releaseTime) { options.release_time = releaseTime; } if (feeAmountParam) { options.fee_amount = feeAmountParam; } // https://github.com/lbryio/lbry-desktop/issues/3774 if (hideReposts) { if (Array.isArray(options.claim_type)) { options.claim_type = options.claim_type.filter(claimType => claimType !== 'repost'); } else { options.claim_type = ['stream', 'channel']; } } if (claimType) { options.claim_type = claimType; } if (timestamp) { options.timestamp = timestamp; } const claimSearchCacheQuery = createNormalizedClaimSearchKey(options); const uris = (prefixUris || []).concat(claimSearchByQuery[claimSearchCacheQuery] || []); const shouldPerformSearch = !hasSearched || uris.length === 0; // Don't use the query from createNormalizedClaimSearchKey for the effect since that doesn't include page & release_time const optionsStringForEffect = JSON.stringify(options); React.useEffect(() => { if (shouldPerformSearch) { const searchOptions = JSON.parse(optionsStringForEffect); doClaimSearch(searchOptions); setHasSearched(true); } }, [doClaimSearch, shouldPerformSearch, optionsStringForEffect, hasSearched]); return ( <ul className="claim-grid"> {uris && uris.length ? uris.map(uri => <ClaimPreviewTile key={uri} uri={uri} />) : new Array(pageSize).fill(1).map((x, i) => <ClaimPreviewTile key={i} placeholder />)} </ul> ); } export default ClaimTilesDiscover;