export const ACTIVE = 'active'; // spent, active, all export const TYPE = 'type'; // all, payment, support, channel, stream, repost export const SUB_TYPE = 'subtype'; // other, purchase, tip export const PAGE_SIZE = 'page_size'; export const PAGE = 'page'; export const ALL = 'all'; // dropdown types export const SENT = 'sent'; export const RECEIVED = 'received'; export const SUPPORT = 'support'; export const CHANNEL = 'channel'; export const PUBLISH = 'publish'; export const REPOST = 'repost'; export const DROPDOWN_TYPES = [ALL, SENT, RECEIVED, SUPPORT, CHANNEL, PUBLISH, REPOST]; // dropdown subtypes export const TIP = 'tip'; export const PURCHASE = 'purchase'; export const PAYMENT = 'payment'; export const DROPDOWN_SUBTYPES = [ALL, TIP, PURCHASE, PAYMENT]; // rpc params export const TX_TYPE = 'type'; // = other, stream, repost, channel, support, purchase export const IS_SPENT = 'is_spent'; export const IS_NOT_SPENT = 'is_not_spent'; export const IS_MY_INPUT = 'is_my_input'; export const IS_MY_OUTPUT = 'is_my_output'; export const IS_NOT_MY_INPUT = 'is_not_my_input'; export const IS_NOT_MY_OUTPUT = 'is_not_my_output'; // use to further distinguish payments to self / from self. export const IS_MY_INPUT_OR_OUTPUT = 'is_my_input_or_output'; export const EXCLUDE_INTERNAL_TRANSFERS = 'exclude_internal_transfers'; // sdk unique types export const OTHER = 'other'; export const STREAM = 'stream'; export const PAGE_SIZE_DEFAULT = 20;