import React from 'react'; import lbry from '../lbry.js'; import {Link} from '../component/link.js'; import Modal from '../component/modal.js'; var referralCodeContentStyle = { display: 'inline-block', textAlign: 'left', width: '600px', }, referralCodeLabelStyle = { display: 'inline-block', cursor: 'default', width: '130px', textAlign: 'right', marginRight: '6px', }; var ReferralPage = React.createClass({ getInitialState: function() { return { submitting: false, modal: null, referralCredits: null, failureReason: null, } }, handleSubmit: function(event) { if (typeof event !== 'undefined') { event.preventDefault(); } if (!this.refs.code.value) { this.setState({ modal: 'missingCode', }); } else if (! { this.setState({ modal: 'missingEmail', }); } this.setState({ submitting: true, }); lbry.getNewAddress((address) => { var code = this.refs.code.value; var email =; var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest; xhr.addEventListener('load', () => { var response = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); if (response.success) { this.setState({ modal: 'referralInfo', referralCredits: response.referralCredits, }); } else { this.setState({ submitting: false, modal: 'lookupFailed', failureReason: response.reason, }); } }); xhr.addEventListener('error', () => { this.setState({ submitting: false, modal: 'couldNotConnect', }); });'POST', '', true); xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); xhr.send('code=' + encodeURIComponent(code) + '&address=' + encodeURIComponent(address) + '&email=' + encodeURIComponent(email)); }); }, closeModal: function() { this.setState({ modal: null, }); }, handleFinished: function() { localStorage.setItem('claimCodeDone', true); window.location = '?home'; }, render: function() { return ( <main> <form onSubmit={this.handleSubmit}> <div className="card"> <h2>Check your referral credits</h2> <section style={referralCodeContentStyle}> <p>Have you referred others to LBRY? Enter your referral code and email address below to check how many credits you've earned!</p> <p>As a reminder, your referral code is the same as your LBRY invitation code.</p> </section> <section> <section><label style={referralCodeLabelStyle} htmlFor="code">Referral code</label><input name="code" ref="code" /></section> <section><label style={referralCodeLabelStyle} htmlFor="email">Email</label><input name="email" ref="email" /></section> </section> <section> <Link button="primary" label={this.state.submitting ? "Submitting..." : "Submit"} disabled={this.state.submitting} onClick={this.handleSubmit} /> <input type='submit' className='hidden' /> </section> </div> </form> <Modal isOpen={this.state.modal == 'referralInfo'} contentLabel="Credit earnings" onConfirmed={this.handleFinished}> {this.state.referralCredits > 0 ? `You have earned ${response.referralCredits} credits from referrals. We will credit your account shortly. Thanks!` : 'You have not earned any new referral credits since the last time you checked. Please check back in a week or two.'} </Modal> <Modal isOpen={this.state.modal == 'lookupFailed'} contentLabel={this.state.failureReason} onConfirmed={this.closeModal}> {this.state.failureReason} </Modal> <Modal isOpen={this.state.modal == 'couldNotConnect'} contentLabel="Couldn't confirm referral code" onConfirmed={this.closeModal}> LBRY couldn't connect to our servers to confirm your referral code. Please check your internet connection. </Modal> </main> ); } }); export default ReferralPage;