import store from 'store.js'; const env = process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development'; const config = require(`./config/${env}`); const logs = []; const app = { env: env, config: config, store: store, logs: logs, log: function(message) { console.log(message); logs.push(message); } } = app; module.exports = app; // // import React from 'react'; // import {Line} from 'rc-progress'; // // import lbry from './lbry.js'; // import SettingsPage from './page/settings.js'; // import HelpPage from './page/help.js'; // import WatchPage from './page/watch.js'; // import ReportPage from './page/report.js'; // import StartPage from './page/start.js'; // import RewardsPage from './page/rewards.js'; // import RewardPage from './page/reward.js'; // import WalletPage from './page/wallet.js'; // import ShowPage from './page/show.js'; // import PublishPage from './page/publish.js'; // import SearchPage from './page/search.js'; // import DiscoverPage from './page/discover.js'; // import DeveloperPage from './page/developer.js'; // import lbryuri from './lbryuri.js'; // import {FileListDownloaded, FileListPublished} from './page/file-list.js'; // import Header from './component/header.js'; // import {Modal, ExpandableModal} from './component/modal.js'; // import {Link} from './component/link'; // // // const {remote, ipcRenderer, shell} = require('electron'); // const {download} = remote.require('electron-dl'); // const path = require('path'); // const app = require('electron'); // const fs = remote.require('fs'); // // // var App = React.createClass({ // _error_key_labels: { // connectionString: 'API connection string', // method: 'Method', // params: 'Parameters', // code: 'Error code', // message: 'Error message', // data: 'Error data', // }, // _fullScreenPages: ['watch'], // _storeHistoryOfNextRender: false, // // _upgradeDownloadItem: null, // _isMounted: false, // _version: null, // getUpdateUrl: function() { // switch (process.platform) { // case 'darwin': // return ''; // case 'linux': // return ''; // case 'win32': // return ''; // default: // throw 'Unknown platform'; // } // }, // // Hard code the filenames as a temporary workaround, because // // electron-dl throws errors when you try to get the filename // getUpgradeFilename: function() { // switch (process.platform) { // case 'darwin': // return `LBRY-${this._version}.dmg`; // case 'linux': // return `LBRY_${this._version}_amd64.deb`; // case 'windows': // return `LBRY.Setup.${this._version}.exe`; // default: // throw 'Unknown platform'; // } // }, // getViewingPageAndArgs: function(address) { // // For now, routes are in format ?page or ?page=args // let [isMatch, viewingPage, pageArgs] = address.match(/\??([^=]*)(?:=(.*))?/); // return { // viewingPage: viewingPage, // pageArgs: pageArgs === undefined ? null : decodeURIComponent(pageArgs) // }; // }, // getInitialState: function() { // return Object.assign(this.getViewingPageAndArgs(, { // viewingPage: 'discover', // appUrl: null, // errorInfo: null, // modal: null, // downloadProgress: null, // downloadComplete: false, // }); // }, // componentWillMount: function() { // window.addEventListener("popstate", this.onHistoryPop); // // document.addEventListener('unhandledError', (event) => { // this.alertError(event.detail); // }); // // //open links in external browser and skip full redraw on changing page // document.addEventListener('click', (event) => { // var target =; // while (target && target !== document) { // if (target.matches('a[href^="http"]')) { // event.preventDefault(); // shell.openExternal(target.href); // return; // } // if (target.matches('a[href^="?"]')) { // event.preventDefault(); // if (this._isMounted) { // let appUrl = target.getAttribute('href'); // this._storeHistoryOfNextRender = true; // this.setState(Object.assign({}, this.getViewingPageAndArgs(appUrl), { appUrl: appUrl })); // document.body.scrollTop = 0; // } // } // target = target.parentNode; // } // }); // // if (!sessionStorage.getItem('upgradeSkipped')) { // lbry.getVersionInfo().then(({remoteVersion, upgradeAvailable}) => { // if (upgradeAvailable) { // this._version = remoteVersion; // this.setState({ // modal: 'upgrade', // }); // } // }); // } // }, // closeModal: function() { // this.setState({ // modal: null, // }); // }, // componentDidMount: function() { // this._isMounted = true; // }, // componentWillUnmount: function() { // this._isMounted = false; // window.removeEventListener("popstate", this.onHistoryPop); // }, // onHistoryPop: function() { // this.setState(this.getViewingPageAndArgs(; // }, // onSearch: function(term) { // this._storeHistoryOfNextRender = true; // const isShow = term.startsWith('lbry://'); // this.setState({ // viewingPage: isShow ? "show" : "search", // appUrl: (isShow ? "?show=" : "?search=") + encodeURIComponent(term), // pageArgs: term // }); // }, // onSubmit: function(uri) { // this._storeHistoryOfNextRender = true; // this.setState({ // address: uri, // appUrl: "?show=" + encodeURIComponent(uri), // viewingPage: "show", // pageArgs: uri // }) // }, // handleUpgradeClicked: function() { // // Make a new directory within temp directory so the filename is guaranteed to be available // const dir = fs.mkdtempSync(app.getPath('temp') + require('path').sep); // // let options = { // onProgress: (p) => this.setState({downloadProgress: Math.round(p * 100)}), // directory: dir, // }; // download(remote.getCurrentWindow(), this.getUpdateUrl(), options) // .then(downloadItem => { // /** // * TODO: get the download path directly from the download object. It should just be // * downloadItem.getSavePath(), but the copy on the main process is being garbage collected // * too soon. // */ // // this._upgradeDownloadItem = downloadItem; // this._upgradeDownloadPath = path.join(dir, this.getUpgradeFilename()); // this.setState({ // downloadComplete: true // }); // }); // this.setState({modal: 'downloading'}); // }, // handleStartUpgradeClicked: function() { // ipcRenderer.send('upgrade', this._upgradeDownloadPath); // }, // cancelUpgrade: function() { // if (this._upgradeDownloadItem) { // /* // * Right now the remote reference to the download item gets garbage collected as soon as the // * the download is over (maybe even earlier), so trying to cancel a finished download may // * throw an error. // */ // try { // this._upgradeDownloadItem.cancel(); // } catch (err) { // // Do nothing // } // } // this.setState({ // downloadProgress: null, // downloadComplete: false, // modal: null, // }); // }, // handleSkipClicked: function() { // sessionStorage.setItem('upgradeSkipped', true); // this.setState({ // modal: null, // }); // }, // alertError: function(error) { // var errorInfoList = []; // for (let key of Object.keys(error)) { // let val = typeof error[key] == 'string' ? error[key] : JSON.stringify(error[key]); // let label = this._error_key_labels[key]; // errorInfoList.push(
  • {label}: {val}
  • ); // } // // this.setState({ // modal: 'error', // errorInfo: , // }); // }, // getContentAndAddress: function() // { // switch(this.state.viewingPage) // { // case 'search': // return [this.state.pageArgs ? this.state.pageArgs : "Search", 'icon-search', ]; // case 'settings': // return ["Settings", "icon-gear", ]; // case 'help': // return ["Help", "icon-question", ]; // case 'report': // return ['Report an Issue', 'icon-file', ]; // case 'downloaded': // return ["Downloads & Purchases", "icon-folder", ]; // case 'published': // return ["Publishes", "icon-folder", ]; // case 'start': // return ["Start", "icon-file", ]; // case 'rewards': // return ["Rewards", "icon-bank", ]; // case 'wallet': // case 'send': // case 'receive': // return [this.state.viewingPage.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + this.state.viewingPage.slice(1), "icon-bank", ] // case 'show': // return [lbryuri.normalize(this.state.pageArgs), "icon-file", ]; // case 'publish': // return ["Publish", "icon-upload", ]; // case 'developer': // return ["Developer", "icon-file", ]; // case 'discover': // default: // return ["Home", "icon-home", ]; // } // }, // render: function() { // let [address, wunderBarIcon, mainContent] = this.getContentAndAddress(); // // lbry.setTitle(address); // // if (this._storeHistoryOfNextRender) { // this._storeHistoryOfNextRender = false; // history.pushState({}, document.title, this.state.appUrl); // } // // return ( // this._fullScreenPages.includes(this.state.viewingPage) ? // mainContent : //
    // {mainContent} //
    // // Your version of LBRY is out of date and may be unreliable or insecure. // // // Downloading Update{this.state.downloadProgress ? `: ${this.state.downloadProgress}%` : null} // // {this.state.downloadComplete ? ( //

    Click "Begin Upgrade" to start the upgrade process.


    The app will close, and you will be prompted to install the latest version of LBRY.


    After the install is complete, please reopen the app.

    // ) : null } //
    // {this.state.downloadComplete // ? // : null} // //
    // //


    // //

    We're sorry that LBRY has encountered an error. This has been reported and we will investigate the problem.

    // );