// @flow // This component is entirely for triggering the start of a file view // The actual viewer for a file exists in TextViewer and FloatingViewer // They can't exist in one component because we need to handle/listen for the start of a new file view // while a file is currently being viewed import React, { useEffect, useCallback } from 'react'; import classnames from 'classnames'; import Button from 'component/button'; import isUserTyping from 'util/detect-typing'; import Yrbl from 'component/yrbl'; import I18nMessage from 'component/i18nMessage'; const SPACE_BAR_KEYCODE = 32; type Props = { play: string => void, mediaType: string, isText: boolean, contentType: string, isLoading: boolean, isPlaying: boolean, fileInfo: FileListItem, uri: string, obscurePreview: boolean, insufficientCredits: boolean, isStreamable: boolean, thumbnail?: string, autoplay: boolean, hasCostInfo: boolean, costInfo: any, isAutoPlayable: boolean, inline: boolean, claim: StreamClaim, }; export default function FileViewerInitiator(props: Props) { const { play, mediaType, isText, contentType, isPlaying, fileInfo, uri, obscurePreview, insufficientCredits, thumbnail, autoplay, isStreamable, hasCostInfo, costInfo, isAutoPlayable, claim, } = props; const cost = costInfo && costInfo.cost; const forceVideo = ['application/x-ext-mkv', 'video/x-matroska'].includes(contentType); const isPlayable = ['audio', 'video'].includes(mediaType) || forceVideo; const isImage = mediaType === 'image'; const fileStatus = fileInfo && fileInfo.status; const webStreamOnly = contentType === 'application/pdf' || mediaType === 'text'; const supported = IS_WEB ? (!cost && isStreamable) || webStreamOnly || forceVideo : true; const { name, claim_id: claimId, value } = claim; const fileName = value && value.source && value.source.name; const downloadUrl = `/$/download/${name}/${claimId}`; function getTitle() { let message = __('Unsupported File'); // @if TARGET='web' if (cost) { message = __('Paid Content Not Supported on lbry.tv'); } else { message = __("We're not quite ready to display this file on lbry.tv yet"); } // @endif return message; } // Wrap this in useCallback because we need to use it to the keyboard effect // If we don't a new instance will be created for every render and react will think the dependencies have changed, which will add/remove the listener for every render const viewFile = useCallback( (e?: SyntheticInputEvent<*> | KeyboardEvent) => { if (e) { e.stopPropagation(); } play(uri); }, [play, uri] ); useEffect(() => { // This is just for beginning to download a file // Play/Pause/Fullscreen will be handled by the respective viewers because not every file type should behave the same function handleKeyDown(e: KeyboardEvent) { if (!isUserTyping() && e.keyCode === SPACE_BAR_KEYCODE) { e.preventDefault(); if (!isPlaying || fileStatus === 'stopped') { viewFile(e); } } } window.addEventListener('keydown', handleKeyDown); return () => { window.removeEventListener('keydown', handleKeyDown); }; }, [isPlaying, fileStatus, viewFile]); useEffect(() => { const videoOnPage = document.querySelector('video'); if (((autoplay && !videoOnPage && isAutoPlayable) || isText || isImage) && hasCostInfo && cost === 0) { viewFile(); } }, [autoplay, viewFile, isAutoPlayable, hasCostInfo, cost, isText]); return (
{!supported && ( , download_this_file: (
); }