// @flow
import * as tus from 'tus-js-client';
import NoopUrlStorage from 'tus-js-client/lib/noopUrlStorage';
import analytics from '../../ui/analytics';
import { X_LBRY_AUTH_TOKEN } from '../../ui/constants/token';
import { doUpdateUploadAdd, doUpdateUploadProgress, doUpdateUploadRemove } from '../../ui/redux/actions/publish';
import { LBRY_WEB_PUBLISH_API_V2 } from 'config';

const UPLOAD_CHUNK_SIZE_BYTE = 10 * 1024 * 1024;

const STATUS_CONFLICT = 409;
const STATUS_LOCKED = 423;

 * Checks whether a given status is in the range of the expected category.
 * @param status
 * @param category
 * @returns {boolean}
function inStatusCategory(status, category) {
  return status >= category && status < category + 100;

function getTusErrorType(errMsg: string) {
  if (errMsg.startsWith('tus: failed to upload chunk at offset')) {
    // This is the only message that contains dynamic value prior to the first comma.
    return 'tus: failed to upload chunk at offset';
  } else {
    return errMsg.startsWith('tus:') ? errMsg.substring(0, errMsg.indexOf(',')) : errMsg;

export function makeResumableUploadRequest(
  token: string,
  params: FileUploadSdkParams,
  file: File | string,
  isPreview?: boolean
) {
  return new Promise<any>((resolve, reject) => {
      reject(new Error('Publish: endpoint undefined'));

    if (params.remote_url) {
      reject(new Error('Publish: v2 does not support remote_url'));

    const { uploadUrl, guid, ...sdkParams } = params;

    const jsonPayload = JSON.stringify({
      jsonrpc: '2.0',
      params: sdkParams,
      id: new Date().getTime(),

    const urlOptions = {};
    if (params.uploadUrl) {
      // Resuming from previous upload. TUS clears the resume fingerprint on any
      // 4xx error, so we need to use the fixed URL mode instead.
      urlOptions.uploadUrl = params.uploadUrl;
    } else {
      // New upload, so use `endpoint`.
      urlOptions.endpoint = RESUMABLE_ENDPOINT;

    const uploader = new tus.Upload(file, {
      chunkSize: UPLOAD_CHUNK_SIZE_BYTE,
      retryDelays: [122000],
      parallelUploads: 1,
      storeFingerprintForResuming: false,
      urlStorage: new NoopUrlStorage(),
      removeFingerprintOnSuccess: true,
      headers: { [X_LBRY_AUTH_TOKEN]: token },
      metadata: {
        filename: file instanceof File ? file.name : file,
        filetype: file instanceof File ? file.type : undefined,
      onShouldRetry: (err, retryAttempt, options) => {
        window.store.dispatch(doUpdateUploadProgress({ guid, status: 'retry' }));
        const status = err.originalResponse ? err.originalResponse.getStatus() : 0;
        return !inStatusCategory(status, 400) || status === STATUS_CONFLICT || status === STATUS_LOCKED;
      onError: (err) => {
        const status = err.originalResponse ? err.originalResponse.getStatus() : 0;
        const errMsg = typeof err === 'string' ? err : err.message;

        let customErr;
        if (status === STATUS_LOCKED || errMsg === 'file currently locked') {
          customErr = 'File is locked. Try resuming after waiting a few minutes';

        window.store.dispatch(doUpdateUploadProgress({ guid, status: 'error' }));
        analytics.sentryError(getTusErrorType(errMsg), { onError: err, tusUpload: uploader });

          // $FlowFixMe - flow's constructor for Error is incorrect.
          new Error(customErr || err, {
            cause: {
              // ...(uploader._fingerprint ? { fingerprint: uploader._fingerprint } : {}),
              // ...(uploader._retryAttempt ? { retryAttempt: uploader._retryAttempt } : {}),
              // ...(uploader._offsetBeforeRetry ? { offsetBeforeRetry: uploader._offsetBeforeRetry } : {}),
              ...(customErr ? { original: errMsg } : {}),
      onProgress: (bytesUploaded, bytesTotal) => {
        const percentage = ((bytesUploaded / bytesTotal) * 100).toFixed(2);
        window.store.dispatch(doUpdateUploadProgress({ guid, progress: percentage }));
      onSuccess: () => {
        let retries = 1;

        function makeNotifyRequest() {
          const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
          xhr.open('POST', `${uploader.url}/notify`);
          xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
          xhr.setRequestHeader('Tus-Resumable', '1.0.0');
          xhr.setRequestHeader(X_LBRY_AUTH_TOKEN, token);
          xhr.responseType = 'json';
          xhr.onload = () => {
          xhr.onerror = () => {
            if (retries > 0 && xhr.status === 0) {
              analytics.error('notify: first attempt failed (status=0). Retrying after 10s...');
              setTimeout(() => makeNotifyRequest(), 10000); // Auto-retry after 10s delay.
            } else {
              window.store.dispatch(doUpdateUploadProgress({ guid, status: 'error' }));
              reject(new Error(`There was a problem in the processing. Please retry. (${xhr.status})`));
          xhr.onabort = () => {


        setTimeout(() => makeNotifyRequest(), 15000);

    window.store.dispatch(doUpdateUploadAdd(file, params, uploader));