// @flow import * as React from 'react'; import * as dat from 'dat.gui'; import LoadingScreen from 'component/common/loading-screen'; // ThreeJS import { LoadingManager } from 'three-full/sources/loaders/LoadingManager'; import { STLLoader } from 'three-full/sources/loaders/STLLoader'; import { OBJLoader2 } from 'three-full/sources/loaders/OBJLoader2'; import { OrbitControls } from 'three-full/sources/controls/OrbitControls'; import { Geometry } from 'three-full/sources/core/Geometry'; import { Box3 } from 'three-full/sources/math/Box3'; import { Vector3 } from 'three-full/sources/math/Vector3'; import { Mesh } from 'three-full/sources/objects/Mesh'; import { Group } from 'three-full/sources/objects/Group'; import { PerspectiveCamera } from 'three-full/sources/cameras/PerspectiveCamera'; import { MeshPhongMaterial } from 'three-full/sources/materials/MeshPhongMaterial'; import detectWebGL from './internal/detector'; import ThreeGrid from './internal/grid'; import ThreeScene from './internal/scene'; import ThreeRenderer from './internal/renderer'; const Manager = ({ onLoad, onStart, onError }) => { const manager = new LoadingManager(); manager.onLoad = onLoad; manager.onStart = onStart; manager.onError = onError; return manager; }; const Loader = (fileType, manager) => { const fileTypes = { stl: () => new STLLoader(manager), obj: () => new OBJLoader2(manager), }; return fileTypes[fileType] ? fileTypes[fileType]() : null; }; const ThreeLoader = ({ fileType = null, downloadPath = null }, renderModel, managerEvents) => { if (fileType && downloadPath) { const manager = Manager(managerEvents); const loader = Loader(fileType, manager); if (loader) { loader.load(`file://${downloadPath}`, data => { renderModel(fileType, data); }); } } }; type viewerTheme = { showFog: boolean, gridColor: number, backgroundColor: number, centerLineColor: number, }; type Props = { source: { fileType: string, downloadPath: string, }, }; type State = { error: ?string, isReady: boolean, isLoading: boolean, }; class ThreeViewer extends React.PureComponent<Props, State> { static testWebgl = (): Promise<void> => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (detectWebGL()) resolve(); else reject(); }); static createOrbitControls(camera: any, canvas: any) { const controls = new OrbitControls(camera, canvas); // Controls configuration controls.enableDamping = true; controls.dampingFactor = 0.75; controls.enableZoom = true; controls.minDistance = 5; controls.maxDistance = 14; controls.autoRotate = false; controls.enablePan = false; controls.saveState(); return controls; } static fitMeshToCamera(group: any) { const max = { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 }; const min = { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 }; group.traverse(child => { if (child instanceof Mesh) { const box = new Box3().setFromObject(child); // Max max.x = box.max.x > max.x ? box.max.x : max.x; max.y = box.max.y > max.y ? box.max.y : max.y; max.z = box.max.z > max.z ? box.max.z : max.z; // Min min.x = box.min.x < min.x ? box.min.x : min.x; min.y = box.min.y < min.y ? box.min.y : min.y; min.z = box.min.z < min.z ? box.min.z : min.z; } }); const meshY = Math.abs(max.y - min.y); const meshX = Math.abs(max.x - min.x); const scaleFactor = 10 / Math.max(meshX, meshY); group.scale.set(scaleFactor, scaleFactor, scaleFactor); group.position.setY((meshY / 2) * scaleFactor); // Reset object position const box = new Box3().setFromObject(group); // Update position box.getCenter(group.position); group.position.multiplyScalar(-1); group.position.setY(group.position.y + meshY * scaleFactor); } /* See: https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/blob/dev/docs/scenes/js/material.js#L195 */ constructor(props: Props) { super(props); // Object defualt color this.materialColor = 0xffffff; // Default viewer Theme this.theme = { showFog: true, gridColor: 0x414e5c, centerLineColor: 0x7f8c8d, backgroundColor: 0x0b0c0d, }; // State this.state = { error: null, isReady: false, isLoading: false, }; // Internal objects this.gui = null; this.grid = null; this.mesh = null; this.camera = null; this.frameID = null; this.renderer = null; this.material = null; this.geometry = null; this.targetCenter = null; this.bufferGeometry = null; } componentDidMount() { ThreeViewer.testWebgl() .then(() => { this.renderScene(); // Update render on resize window window.addEventListener('resize', this.handleResize, false); }) .catch(() => { // No webgl support, handle Error... // TODO: Use a better error message this.setState({ error: "Sorry, your computer doesn't support WebGL." }); }); } componentWillUnmount() { // Remove event listeners window.removeEventListener('resize', this.handleResize, false); // Free memory if (this.renderer && this.mesh) { // Clean up group this.scene.remove(this.mesh); if (this.mesh.geometry) this.mesh.geometry.dispose(); if (this.mesh.material) this.mesh.material.dispose(); // Cleanup shared geometry if (this.geometry) this.geometry.dispose(); if (this.bufferGeometry) this.bufferGeometry.dispose(); // Clean up shared material if (this.material) this.material.dispose(); // Clean up grid if (this.grid) { this.grid.material.dispose(); this.grid.geometry.dispose(); } // Clean up group items this.mesh.traverse(child => { if (child instanceof Mesh) { if (child.geometry) child.geometry.dispose(); if (child.material) child.material.dispose(); } }); // Clean up controls if (this.controls) this.controls.dispose(); // Clean up scene if (this.scene) this.scene.dispose(); if (this.renderer) { this.renderer.context = null; this.renderer.domElement = null; this.renderer.renderLists.dispose(); this.renderer.forceContextLoss(); this.renderer.dispose(); this.renderer = null; } // Stop animation cancelAnimationFrame(this.frameID); // Destroy GUI Controls if (this.gui) this.gui.destroy(); } } // Define component types theme: viewerTheme; materialColor: number; // Refs viewer: ?HTMLElement; guiContainer: ?HTMLElement; // Too complex to add a custom type gui: any; grid: any; mesh: any; scene: any; camera: any; frameID: any; controls: any; material: any; geometry: any; targetCenter: any; bufferGeometry: any; updateMaterial(material: any, geometry: any) { this.material.vertexColors = +material.vertexColors; // Ensure number this.material.side = +material.side; // Ensure number this.material.needsUpdate = true; // If Geometry needs update if (geometry) { this.geometry.verticesNeedUpdate = true; this.geometry.normalsNeedUpdate = true; this.geometry.colorsNeedUpdate = true; } } transformGroup(group: any) { ThreeViewer.fitMeshToCamera(group); if (!this.targetCenter) { const box = new Box3(); const center = new Vector3(); this.targetCenter = box.setFromObject(this.mesh).getCenter(center); } this.updateControlsTarget(this.targetCenter); } createInterfaceControls() { if (this.guiContainer && this.mesh) { this.gui = new dat.GUI({ autoPlace: false, name: 'controls' }); const config = { color: this.materialColor, reset: () => { // Reset material color config.color = this.materialColor; // Reset material this.material.color.set(config.color); this.material.flatShading = true; this.material.shininess = 30; this.material.wireframe = false; // Reset autoRotate this.controls.autoRotate = false; // Reset camera this.restoreCamera(); }, }; const materialFolder = this.gui.addFolder('Material'); // Color picker const colorPicker = materialFolder .addColor(config, 'color') .name('Color') .listen(); colorPicker.onChange(color => { this.material.color.set(color); }); materialFolder .add(this.material, 'shininess', 0, 100) .name('Shininess') .listen(); materialFolder .add(this.material, 'flatShading') .name('FlatShading') .onChange(() => { this.updateMaterial(this.material); }) .listen(); materialFolder .add(this.material, 'wireframe') .name('Wireframe') .listen(); const sceneFolder = this.gui.addFolder('Scene'); sceneFolder .add(this.controls, 'autoRotate') .name('Auto-Rotate') .listen(); sceneFolder.add(config, 'reset').name('Reset'); if (this.guiContainer) { this.guiContainer.appendChild(this.gui.domElement); } } } createGeometry(data: any) { this.bufferGeometry = data; this.bufferGeometry.computeBoundingBox(); this.bufferGeometry.center(); this.bufferGeometry.rotateX(-Math.PI / 2); this.bufferGeometry.lookAt(new Vector3(0, 0, 1)); // Get geometry from bufferGeometry this.geometry = new Geometry().fromBufferGeometry(this.bufferGeometry); this.geometry.mergeVertices(); this.geometry.computeVertexNormals(); } startLoader() { const { source } = this.props; if (source) { ThreeLoader(source, this.renderModel.bind(this), { onStart: this.handleStart, onLoad: this.handleReady, onError: this.handleError, }); } } handleStart = () => { this.setState({ isLoading: true }); }; handleReady = () => { this.setState({ isReady: true, isLoading: false }); // GUI this.createInterfaceControls(); }; handleError = () => { this.setState({ error: "Sorry, looks like we can't load this file" }); }; handleResize = () => { const { offsetWidth: width, offsetHeight: height } = this.viewer || {}; this.camera.aspect = width / height; this.camera.updateProjectionMatrix(); this.controls.update(); this.renderer.setSize(width, height); }; updateControlsTarget(point: { x: number, y: number, z: number }) { this.controls.target.fromArray([point.x, point.y, point.z]); this.controls.update(); } restoreCamera() { this.controls.reset(); this.camera.position.set(-9.5, 14, 11); this.updateControlsTarget(this.targetCenter); } // Flow requested to add it here renderer: any; renderStl(data: any) { this.createGeometry(data); this.mesh = new Mesh(this.geometry, this.material); this.mesh.name = 'model'; this.scene.add(this.mesh); this.transformGroup(this.mesh); } renderObj(event: any) { const mesh = event.detail.loaderRootNode; this.mesh = new Group(); this.mesh.name = 'model'; // Assign new material mesh.traverse(child => { if (child instanceof Mesh) { // Get geometry from child const geometry = new Geometry(); geometry.fromBufferGeometry(child.geometry); geometry.mergeVertices(); geometry.computeVertexNormals(); // Create and regroup inner objects const innerObj = new Mesh(geometry, this.material); this.mesh.add(innerObj); // Clean up geometry geometry.dispose(); child.geometry.dispose(); } }); this.scene.add(this.mesh); this.transformGroup(this.mesh); } renderModel(fileType: string, parsedData: any) { const renderTypes = { stl: data => this.renderStl(data), obj: data => this.renderObj(data), }; if (renderTypes[fileType]) { renderTypes[fileType](parsedData); } } renderScene() { const { gridColor, centerLineColor } = this.theme; this.renderer = ThreeRenderer({ antialias: true, shadowMap: true, gammaCorrection: true, }); this.scene = ThreeScene(this.theme); const canvas = this.renderer.domElement; const { offsetWidth: width, offsetHeight: height } = this.viewer || {}; // Grid this.grid = ThreeGrid({ size: 100, gridColor, centerLineColor }); this.scene.add(this.grid); // Camera this.camera = new PerspectiveCamera(80, width / height, 0.1, 1000); this.camera.position.set(-9.5, 14, 11); // Controls this.controls = ThreeViewer.createOrbitControls(this.camera, canvas); // Set viewer size this.renderer.setSize(width, height); // Create material this.material = new MeshPhongMaterial({ depthWrite: true, flatShading: true, vertexColors: 1, }); // Set material color this.material.color.set(this.materialColor); // Load file and render mesh this.startLoader(); // Append canvas if (this.viewer) { this.viewer.appendChild(canvas); } const updateScene = () => { this.frameID = requestAnimationFrame(updateScene); if (this.controls.autoRotate) this.controls.update(); this.renderer.render(this.scene, this.camera); }; updateScene(); } render() { const { error, isReady, isLoading } = this.state; const loadingMessage = __('Loading 3D model.'); const showLoading = isLoading && !error && !isReady; const containerClass = 'gui-container'; return ( <> <div className="file-render__viewer file-render__viewer--three"> <div ref={element => (this.guiContainer = element)} className={containerClass} /> <div className="three-viewer" ref={viewer => (this.viewer = viewer)}> {error && <LoadingScreen status={error} spinner={false} />} {showLoading && <LoadingScreen status={loadingMessage} spinner />} </div> </div> </> ); } } export default ThreeViewer;