// @flow import { useIsMobile } from 'effects/use-screensize'; import { SITE_NAME, ENABLE_FILE_REACTIONS } from 'config'; import * as PAGES from 'constants/pages'; import * as MODALS from 'constants/modal_types'; import * as ICONS from 'constants/icons'; import React from 'react'; import Button from 'component/button'; import { buildURI } from 'util/lbryURI'; import * as COLLECTIONS_CONSTS from 'constants/collections'; import * as RENDER_MODES from 'constants/file_render_modes'; import ClaimSupportButton from 'component/claimSupportButton'; import ClaimCollectionAddButton from 'component/claimCollectionAddButton'; import { useHistory } from 'react-router'; import FileReactions from 'component/fileReactions'; import { Menu, MenuButton, MenuList, MenuItem } from '@reach/menu-button'; import Icon from 'component/common/icon'; import { webDownloadClaim } from 'util/downloadClaim'; import Tooltip from 'component/common/tooltip'; type Props = { uri: string, hideRepost?: boolean, // redux claim: StreamClaim, claimIsMine: boolean, renderMode: string, costInfo: ?{ cost: number }, hasChannels: boolean, isLivestreamClaim: boolean, isPostClaim?: boolean, streamingUrl: ?string, disableDownloadButton: boolean, doOpenModal: (id: string, { uri: string, claimIsMine?: boolean, isSupport?: boolean }) => void, doPrepareEdit: (claim: Claim, uri: string, claimType: string) => void, doToast: (data: { message: string }) => void, doDownloadUri: (uri: string) => void, isMature: boolean, isAPreorder: boolean, }; export default function FileActions(props: Props) { const { uri, claimIsMine, claim, costInfo, renderMode, hasChannels, hideRepost, isLivestreamClaim, isPostClaim, streamingUrl, disableDownloadButton, doOpenModal, doPrepareEdit, doToast, doDownloadUri, isMature, isAPreorder, } = props; const { push, location: { search }, } = useHistory(); const isMobile = useIsMobile(); const [downloadClicked, setDownloadClicked] = React.useState(false); const { claim_id: claimId, signing_channel: signingChannel, value, meta: claimMeta } = claim; const channelName = signingChannel && signingChannel.name; const fileName = value && value.source && value.source.name; const claimType = isLivestreamClaim ? 'livestream' : isPostClaim ? 'post' : 'upload'; const webShareable = costInfo && costInfo.cost === 0 && RENDER_MODES.WEB_SHAREABLE_MODES.includes(renderMode); const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(search); const collectionId = urlParams.get(COLLECTIONS_CONSTS.COLLECTION_ID); // We want to use the short form uri for editing // This is what the user is used to seeing, they don't care about the claim id // We will select the claim id before they publish let editUri; if (claimIsMine) { const uriObject: LbryUrlObj = { streamName: claim.name, streamClaimId: claim.claim_id, }; if (channelName) { uriObject.channelName = channelName; } editUri = buildURI(uriObject); } function handleWebDownload() { // doDownloadUri() causes 'streamingUrl' to be populated. doDownloadUri(uri); setDownloadClicked(true); } React.useEffect(() => { if (downloadClicked && streamingUrl) { webDownloadClaim(streamingUrl, fileName); setDownloadClicked(false); } }, [downloadClicked, streamingUrl, fileName]); function handleRepostClick() { if (!hasChannels) { doToast({ message: __('A channel is required to repost on %SITE_NAME%', { SITE_NAME }) }); return; } doOpenModal(MODALS.REPOST, { uri }); } return (
{ENABLE_FILE_REACTIONS && } {!isAPreorder && } {!hideRepost && !isMobile && !isLivestreamClaim && (