// @flow import type { Node } from 'react'; import * as MODALS from 'constants/modal_types'; import * as ICONS from 'constants/icons'; import React from 'react'; import Lbry from 'lbry'; import Button from 'component/button'; import ModalWalletUnlock from 'modal/modalWalletUnlock'; import ModalIncompatibleDaemon from 'modal/modalIncompatibleDaemon'; import ModalUpgrade from 'modal/modalUpgrade'; import ModalDownloading from 'modal/modalDownloading'; import Card from 'component/common/card'; import I18nMessage from 'component/i18nMessage'; import 'css-doodle'; const FORTY_FIVE_SECONDS = 45 * 1000; const UPDATE_INTERVAL = 1000; // 1 second const MAX_WALLET_WAIT = 20; // 20 seconds for wallet to be started, but servers to be unavailable const MAX_SYNC_WAIT = 45; // 45 seconds to sync wallet, show message if taking long type Props = { checkDaemonVersion: () => Promise<any>, notifyUnlockWallet: (?boolean) => Promise<any>, daemonVersionMatched: boolean, onReadyToLaunch: () => void, hideModal: () => void, modal: ?{ id: string, }, animationHidden: boolean, toggleSplashAnimation: () => void, clearWalletServers: () => void, doShowSnackBar: (string) => void, }; type State = { details: string | Node, message: string, launchedModal: boolean, error: boolean, isRunning: boolean, launchWithIncompatibleDaemon: boolean, waitingForWallet: number, waitingForSync: number, }; export default class SplashScreen extends React.PureComponent<Props, State> { constructor(props: Props) { super(props); this.state = { details: __('Starting...'), message: __('Connecting'), launchedModal: false, error: false, launchWithIncompatibleDaemon: !process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production', isRunning: false, waitingForWallet: 0, waitingForSync: 0, }; (this: any).renderModals = this.renderModals.bind(this); (this: any).runWithIncompatibleDaemon = this.runWithIncompatibleDaemon.bind(this); this.timeout = undefined; } componentDidMount() { const { checkDaemonVersion } = this.props; this.adjustErrorTimeout(); Lbry.connect() .then(checkDaemonVersion) .then(() => { this.updateStatus(); }) .catch(() => { this.setState({ message: __('Connection Failure'), details: __( 'Try closing all LBRY processes and starting again. If this still happens, your anti-virus software or firewall may be preventing LBRY from connecting. Contact hello@lbry.com if you think this is a software bug.' ), }); }); } componentDidUpdate() { this.adjustErrorTimeout(); } componentWillUnmount() { if (this.timeout) { clearTimeout(this.timeout); } } adjustErrorTimeout() { if (this.timeout) { clearTimeout(this.timeout); } // Every time we make it to a new step in the daemon startup process, reset the timer // If nothing changes after 1 minute, show the error message. this.timeout = setTimeout(() => { this.setState({ error: true }); }, FORTY_FIVE_SECONDS); } updateStatus() { const { modal, notifyUnlockWallet, clearWalletServers, doShowSnackBar } = this.props; const { launchedModal } = this.state; Lbry.status().then((status) => { const sdkStatus = status; const { wallet } = status; Lbry.wallet_status().then((walletStatus) => { if (sdkStatus.is_running && wallet && wallet.available_servers) { if (walletStatus.is_locked) { // Clear the error timeout, it might sit on this step for a while until someone enters their password if (this.timeout) { clearTimeout(this.timeout); } // Make sure there isn't another active modal (like INCOMPATIBLE_DAEMON) this.updateStatusCallback(sdkStatus, walletStatus, true); if (launchedModal === false && !modal) { this.setState({ launchedModal: true }, () => notifyUnlockWallet()); } } else { this.updateStatusCallback(sdkStatus, walletStatus); } } else if (!sdkStatus.is_running && walletStatus.is_syncing) { // Clear the timeout if wallet is still syncing if (this.timeout) { clearTimeout(this.timeout); } this.updateStatusCallback(sdkStatus, walletStatus); } else if (this.state.waitingForWallet > MAX_WALLET_WAIT && launchedModal === false && !modal) { clearWalletServers(); doShowSnackBar( __( 'The wallet server took a bit too long. Resetting defaults just in case. Shutdown (Cmd/Ctrl+Q) LBRY and restart if this continues.' ) ); this.setState({ waitingForWallet: 0 }); this.updateStatusCallback(sdkStatus, walletStatus); } else { this.updateStatusCallback(sdkStatus, walletStatus); } }); }); } updateStatusCallback(status: StatusResponse, walletStatus: WalletStatusResponse, waitingForUnlock: boolean = false) { const { wallet, startup_status: startupStatus } = status; // If the wallet is locked, stop doing anything and make the user input their password if (startupStatus && wallet && wallet.available_servers < 1) { this.setState({ waitingForWallet: this.state.waitingForWallet + UPDATE_INTERVAL / 1000 }); } else if (status.is_running && !waitingForUnlock) { Lbry.resolve({ urls: 'lbry://one' }).then(() => { this.setState({ isRunning: true }, () => this.continueAppLaunch()); }); return; } else if (wallet && !status.is_running && walletStatus.is_syncing) { this.setState({ waitingForSync: this.state.waitingForSync + UPDATE_INTERVAL / 1000 }); if (this.state.waitingForSync < MAX_SYNC_WAIT) { this.setState({ message: __('Loading Wallet'), details: __('Updating wallet data...'), }); } else { this.setState({ message: __('Loading Wallet'), details: ( <React.Fragment> <div>{__('Large account history')}</div> <div>{__('Please wait...')}</div> </React.Fragment> ), }); } } else if (wallet && !status.is_running && startupStatus.database) { this.setState({ message: __('Finalizing'), details: __('Almost ready...'), }); } setTimeout(() => { this.updateStatus(); }, UPDATE_INTERVAL); } runWithIncompatibleDaemon() { const { hideModal } = this.props; hideModal(); this.setState({ launchWithIncompatibleDaemon: true }, () => this.continueAppLaunch()); } continueAppLaunch() { const { daemonVersionMatched, onReadyToLaunch } = this.props; const { isRunning, launchWithIncompatibleDaemon } = this.state; if (daemonVersionMatched) { onReadyToLaunch(); } else if (launchWithIncompatibleDaemon && isRunning) { // The user may have decided to run the app with mismatched daemons // They could make this decision before the daemon is finished starting up // If it isn't running, this function will be called after the daemon is started onReadyToLaunch(); } } timeout: ?TimeoutID; renderModals() { const { modal } = this.props; const modalId = modal && modal.id; if (!modalId) { return null; } switch (modalId) { case MODALS.INCOMPATIBLE_DAEMON: return <ModalIncompatibleDaemon onContinueAnyway={this.runWithIncompatibleDaemon} />; case MODALS.WALLET_UNLOCK: return <ModalWalletUnlock />; case MODALS.UPGRADE: return <ModalUpgrade />; case MODALS.DOWNLOADING: return <ModalDownloading />; default: return null; } } render() { const { error, details } = this.state; const { animationHidden, toggleSplashAnimation } = this.props; return ( <div className="splash"> {!error && ( <> <h1 className="splash__title">LBRY</h1> <div className="splash__details">{details}</div> </> )} {!animationHidden && !error && ( <css-doodle class="doodle"> {` --color: @p(var(--color-primary), var(--color-secondary), var(--color-focus), var(--color-nothing)); :doodle { @grid: 30x1 / 18vmin; --deg: @p(-180deg, 180deg); } :container { perspective: 30vmin; } @place-cell: center; @size: 100%; box-shadow: @m2(0 0 50px var(--color)); will-change: transform, opacity; animation: scale-up 12s linear infinite; animation-delay: calc(-12s / @size() * @i()); @keyframes scale-up { 0%, 95.01%, 100% { transform: translateZ(0) rotate(0); opacity: 0; } 10% { opacity: 1; } 95% { transform: translateZ(35vmin) rotateZ(@var(--deg)); } } ) `} </css-doodle> )} {!error && ( <Button className="splash__animation-toggle" label={!animationHidden ? __('I feel woosy! Stop spinning!') : __('Spin Spin Sugar')} onClick={() => toggleSplashAnimation()} /> )} {error && ( <Card title={<h1 className="splash__error-title">{__('Error starting up')}</h1>} subtitle={ <React.Fragment> <p> {__( 'You can try refreshing to fix it. If you still have issues, your anti-virus software or firewall may be preventing startup.' )} </p> <p> <I18nMessage tokens={{ help_link: ( <Button button="link" href="https://lbry.com/faq/startup-troubleshooting" label={__('this link')} /> ), }} > Reach out to hello@lbry.com for help, or check out %help_link%. </I18nMessage> </p> </React.Fragment> } actions={ <Button button="primary" icon={ICONS.REFRESH} label={__('Refresh')} onClick={() => window.location.reload()} /> } /> )} {/* Temp hack: don't show any modals on splash screen daemon is running; daemon doesn't let you quit during startup, so the "Quit" buttons in the modals won't work. */} {this.renderModals()} </div> ); } }