import lighthouse from './lighthouse.js'; const {remote} = require('electron'); const menu = remote.require('./menu/main-menu'); var lbry = { isConnected: false, rootPath: '.', daemonConnectionString: 'http://localhost:5279/lbryapi', webUiUri: 'http://localhost:5279', peerListTimeout: 6000, colors: { primary: '#155B4A' }, defaultClientSettings: { showNsfw: false, showUnavailable: true, debug: false, useCustomLighthouseServers: false, customLighthouseServers: [], showDeveloperMenubar: false, } }; lbry.jsonrpc_call = function (connectionString, method, params, callback, errorCallback, connectFailedCallback, timeout) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest; if (typeof connectFailedCallback !== 'undefined') { if (timeout) { xhr.timeout = timeout; } xhr.addEventListener('error', function (e) { connectFailedCallback(e); }); xhr.addEventListener('timeout', function() { connectFailedCallback(new Error('XMLHttpRequest connection timed out')); }) } xhr.addEventListener('load', function() { var response = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); if (response.error) { if (errorCallback) { errorCallback(response.error); } else { var errorEvent = new CustomEvent('unhandledError', { detail: { connectionString: connectionString, method: method, params: params, code: response.error.code, message: response.error.message, data: } }); document.dispatchEvent(errorEvent) } } else if (callback) { callback(response.result); } }); if (connectFailedCallback) { xhr.addEventListener('error', function (event) { connectFailedCallback(event); }); } else { xhr.addEventListener('error', function (event) { var errorEvent = new CustomEvent('unhandledError', { detail: { connectionString: connectionString, method: method, params: params, code: xhr.status, message: 'Connection to API server failed' } }); document.dispatchEvent(errorEvent); }); }'POST', connectionString, true); xhr.send(JSON.stringify({ 'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'method': method, 'params': params, 'id': 0 })); } = function (method, params, callback, errorCallback, connectFailedCallback) { lbry.jsonrpc_call(lbry.daemonConnectionString, method, [params], callback, errorCallback, connectFailedCallback); } //core lbry.connect = function(callback) { // Check every half second to see if the daemon is accepting connections // Once this returns True, can call getDaemonStatus to see where // we are in the startup process function checkDaemonStarted(tryNum=0) { lbry.isDaemonAcceptingConnections(function (runningStatus) { if (runningStatus) { lbry.isConnected = true; callback(true); } else { if (tryNum <= 600) { // Move # of tries into constant or config option setTimeout(function () { checkDaemonStarted(tryNum + 1); }, 500); } else { callback(false); } } }); } checkDaemonStarted(); } lbry.isDaemonAcceptingConnections = function (callback) { // Returns true/false whether the daemon is at a point it will start returning status'status', {}, () => callback(true), null, () => callback(false)) }; lbry.getDaemonStatus = function (callback) {'daemon_status', {}, callback); }; lbry.checkFirstRun = function(callback) {'is_first_run', {}, callback); } lbry.getNewAddress = function(callback) {'get_new_address', {}, callback); } lbry.checkAddressIsMine = function(address, callback) {'address_is_mine', {address: address}, callback); } lbry.getDaemonSettings = function(callback) {'get_settings', {}, callback); } lbry.setDaemonSettings = function(settings, callback) {'set_settings', settings, callback); } lbry.setDaemonSetting = function(setting, value, callback) { var setSettingsArgs = {}; setSettingsArgs[setting] = value;'set_settings', setSettingsArgs, callback) } lbry.getBalance = function(callback) {"get_balance", {}, callback); } lbry.sendToAddress = function(amount, address, callback, errorCallback) {"send_amount_to_address", { "amount" : amount, "address": address }, callback, errorCallback); } lbry.resolveName = function(name, callback) {'resolve_name', { 'name': name }, callback, () => { // For now, assume any error means the name was not resolved callback(null); }); } lbry.getStream = function(name, callback) {'get', { 'name': name }, callback); }; lbry.getClaimInfo = function(name, callback) {'get_claim_info', { name: name }, callback); } lbry.getMyClaim = function(name, callback) {'claim_list_mine', {}, (claims) => { callback(claims.find((claim) => == name) || null); }); } lbry.getKeyFee = function(name, callback, errorCallback) {'stream_cost_estimate', { name: name }, callback, errorCallback); } lbry.getTotalCost = function(name, size, callback, errorCallback) {'stream_cost_estimate', { name: name, size: size, }, callback, errorCallback); } lbry.getPeersForBlobHash = function(blobHash, callback) { let timedOut = false; const timeout = setTimeout(() => { timedOut = true; callback([]); }, lbry.peerListTimeout);'peer_list', { blob_hash: blobHash }, function(peers) { if (!timedOut) { clearTimeout(timeout); callback(peers); } }); } lbry.getStreamAvailability = function(name, callback, errorCallback) {'get_availability', {name: name}, callback, errorCallback); } lbry.getCostInfoForName = function(name, callback, errorCallback) { /** * Takes a LBRY name; will first try and calculate a total cost using * Lighthouse. If Lighthouse can't be reached, it just retrives the * key fee. * * Returns an object with members: * - cost: Number; the calculated cost of the name * - includes_data: Boolean; indicates whether or not the data fee info * from Lighthouse is included. */ function getCostWithData(name, size, callback, errorCallback) { lbry.getTotalCost(name, size, (cost) => { callback({ cost: cost, includesData: true, }); }, errorCallback); } function getCostNoData(name, callback, errorCallback) { lbry.getKeyFee(name, (cost) => { callback({ cost: cost, includesData: false, }); }, errorCallback); } lighthouse.getSizeForName(name, (size) => { getCostWithData(name, size, callback, errorCallback); }, () => { getCostNoData(name, callback, errorCallback); }, () => { getCostNoData(name, callback, errorCallback); }); } lbry.getFeaturedDiscoverNames = function(callback) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest;'GET', '', true); xhr.onload = () => { if (xhr.status === 200) { var responseData = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); if ( //new signature, once is updated { resolve(; } else { resolve(responseData); } } else { reject(Error('Failed to fetch featured names.')); } }; xhr.send(); }); } lbry.getFileStatus = function(name, callback, errorCallback) {'get_lbry_file', { 'name': name }, callback, errorCallback); } lbry.getFilesInfo = function(callback) {'get_lbry_files', {}, callback); } lbry.getFileInfoByName = function(name, callback) {'get_lbry_file', {name: name}, callback); } lbry.getFileInfoBySdHash = function(sdHash, callback) {'get_lbry_file', {sd_hash: sdHash}, callback); } lbry.getFileInfoByFilename = function(filename, callback) {'get_lbry_file', {file_name: filename}, callback); } lbry.getMyClaims = function(callback) {'get_name_claims', {}, callback); } lbry.startFile = function(name, callback) {'start_lbry_file', { name: name }, callback); } lbry.stopFile = function(name, callback) {'stop_lbry_file', { name: name }, callback); } lbry.removeFile = function(sdHash, name, deleteTargetFile=true, callback) { // Name param is temporary until the API can delete by unique ID (SD hash, claim ID etc.) this._removedFiles.push(sdHash); this._updateSubscribedFileInfo(sdHash);'delete_lbry_file', { name: name, delete_target_file: deleteTargetFile, }, callback); } lbry.openFile = function(sdHash, callback) {'open', {sd_hash: sdHash}, callback); } lbry.revealFile = function(sdHash, callback) {'reveal', {sd_hash: sdHash}, callback); } lbry.getFileInfoWhenListed = function(name, callback, timeoutCallback, tryNum=0) { function scheduleNextCheckOrTimeout() { if (timeoutCallback && tryNum > 200) { timeoutCallback(); } else { setTimeout(() => lbry.getFileInfoWhenListed(name, callback, timeoutCallback, tryNum + 1), 250); } } // Calls callback with file info when it appears in the lbrynet file manager. // If timeoutCallback is provided, it will be called if the file fails to appear. lbry.getFileStatus(name, (fileInfo) => { if (fileInfo) { callback(fileInfo); } else { scheduleNextCheckOrTimeout(); } }, () => scheduleNextCheckOrTimeout()); } lbry.publish = function(params, fileListedCallback, publishedCallback, errorCallback) { // Publishes a file. // The optional fileListedCallback is called when the file becomes available in // lbry.getFilesInfo() during the publish process. // Use ES6 named arguments instead of directly passing param dict?'publish', params, publishedCallback, errorCallback); if (fileListedCallback) { lbry.getFileInfoWhenListed(, function(fileInfo) { fileListedCallback(fileInfo); }); } } lbry.getVersionInfo = function(callback) {'version', {}, callback); }; lbry.checkNewVersionAvailable = function(callback) {'version', {}, function(versionInfo) { var ver = versionInfo.lbrynet_version.split('.'); var maj = parseInt(ver[0]), min = parseInt(ver[1]), patch = parseInt(ver[2]); var remoteVer = versionInfo.remote_lbrynet.split('.'); var remoteMaj = parseInt(remoteVer[0]), remoteMin = parseInt(remoteVer[1]), remotePatch = parseInt(remoteVer[2]); if (maj < remoteMaj) { var newVersionAvailable = true; } else if (maj == remoteMaj) { if (min < remoteMin) { var newVersionAvailable = true; } else if (min == remoteMin) { var newVersionAvailable = (patch < remotePatch); } else { var newVersionAvailable = false; } } else { var newVersionAvailable = false; } callback(newVersionAvailable); }, function(err) { if (err.fault == 'NoSuchFunction') { // Really old daemon that can't report a version callback(true); } }); } lbry.getClientSettings = function() { var outSettings = {}; for (let setting of Object.keys(lbry.defaultClientSettings)) { var localStorageVal = localStorage.getItem('setting_' + setting); outSettings[setting] = (localStorageVal === null ? lbry.defaultClientSettings[setting] : JSON.parse(localStorageVal)); } return outSettings; } lbry.getClientSetting = function(setting) { var localStorageVal = localStorage.getItem('setting_' + setting); return (localStorageVal === null ? lbry.defaultClientSettings[setting] : JSON.parse(localStorageVal)); } lbry.setClientSettings = function(settings) { for (let setting of Object.keys(settings)) { lbry.setClientSetting(setting, settings[setting]); } } lbry.setClientSetting = function(setting, value) { return localStorage.setItem('setting_' + setting, JSON.stringify(value)); } lbry.getSessionInfo = function(callback) {'get_lbry_session_info', {}, callback); } lbry.reportBug = function(message, callback) {'report_bug', { message: message }, callback); } //utilities lbry.formatCredits = function(amount, precision) { return amount.toFixed(precision || 1).replace(/\.?0+$/, ''); } lbry.formatName = function(name) { // Converts LBRY name to standard format (all lower case, no special characters, spaces replaced by dashes) name = name.replace('/\s+/g', '-'); name = name.toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-z0-9\-]/g, ''); return name; } lbry.nameIsValid = function(name, checkCase=true) { const regexp = new RegExp('^[a-z0-9-]+$', checkCase ? '' : 'i'); return regexp.test(name); } lbry.loadJs = function(src, type, onload) { var lbryScriptTag = document.getElementById('lbry'), newScriptTag = document.createElement('script'), type = type || 'text/javascript'; newScriptTag.src = src; newScriptTag.type = type; if (onload) { newScriptTag.onload = onload; } lbryScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(newScriptTag, lbryScriptTag); } lbry.imagePath = function(file) { return lbry.rootPath + '/img/' + file; } lbry.getMediaType = function(contentType, fileName) { if (contentType) { return /^[^/]+/.exec(contentType); } else if (fileName) { var dotIndex = fileName.lastIndexOf('.'); if (dotIndex == -1) { return 'unknown'; } var ext = fileName.substr(dotIndex + 1); if (/^mp4|mov|m4v|flv|f4v$/i.test(ext)) { return 'video'; } else if (/^mp3|m4a|aac|wav|flac|ogg$/i.test(ext)) { return 'audio'; } else if (/^html|htm|pdf|odf|doc|docx|md|markdown|txt$/i.test(ext)) { return 'document'; } else { return 'unknown'; } } else { return 'unknown'; } } lbry.stop = function(callback) {'stop', {}, callback); }; lbry.fileInfo = {}; lbry._fileInfoSubscribeIdCounter = 0; lbry._fileInfoSubscribeCallbacks = {}; lbry._fileInfoSubscribeInterval = 5000; lbry._removedFiles = []; lbry._claimIdOwnershipCache = {}; // should be claimId!!! But not lbry._updateClaimOwnershipCache = function(claimId) { lbry.getMyClaims((claimInfos) => { lbry._claimIdOwnershipCache[claimId] = !!claimInfos.reduce(function(match, claimInfo) { return match || claimInfo.claim_id == claimId; }); }); }; lbry._updateSubscribedFileInfo = function(sdHash) { const callSubscribedCallbacks = (sdHash, fileInfo) => { for (let [subscribeId, callback] of Object.entries(this._fileInfoSubscribeCallbacks[sdHash])) { callback(fileInfo); } } if (lbry._removedFiles.includes(sdHash)) { callSubscribedCallbacks(sdHash, false); } else { lbry.getFileInfoBySdHash(sdHash, (fileInfo) => { if (fileInfo) { if (this._claimIdOwnershipCache[fileInfo.claim_id] === undefined) { this._updateClaimOwnershipCache(fileInfo.claim_id); } fileInfo.isMine = !!this._claimIdOwnershipCache[fileInfo.claim_id]; } callSubscribedCallbacks(sdHash, fileInfo); }); } if (Object.keys(this._fileInfoSubscribeCallbacks[sdHash]).length) { setTimeout(() => { this._updateSubscribedFileInfo(sdHash); }, lbry._fileInfoSubscribeInterval); } } lbry.fileInfoSubscribe = function(sdHash, callback) { if (!lbry._fileInfoSubscribeCallbacks[sdHash]) { lbry._fileInfoSubscribeCallbacks[sdHash] = {}; } const subscribeId = ++lbry._fileInfoSubscribeIdCounter; lbry._fileInfoSubscribeCallbacks[sdHash][subscribeId] = callback; lbry._updateSubscribedFileInfo(sdHash); return subscribeId; } lbry.fileInfoUnsubscribe = function(name, subscribeId) { delete lbry._fileInfoSubscribeCallbacks[name][subscribeId]; } lbry.showMenuIfNeeded = function() { const showingMenu = sessionStorage.getItem('menuShown') || null; const chosenMenu = lbry.getClientSetting('showDeveloperMenu') ? 'developer' : 'normal'; if (chosenMenu != showingMenu) { menu.showMenubar(chosenMenu == 'developer'); } sessionStorage.setItem('menuShown', chosenMenu); }; export default lbry;