// @flow import * as React from 'react'; import { normalizeURI } from 'lbry-redux'; import FilePrice from 'component/filePrice'; import FileAuthor from 'component/fileAuthor'; import FileViewCount from 'component/fileViewCount'; import FileActions from 'component/fileActions'; import FileDetails from 'component/fileDetails'; import TextViewer from 'component/textViewer'; import DateTime from 'component/dateTime'; import RecommendedContent from 'component/recommendedContent'; import CommentsList from 'component/commentsList'; import CommentCreate from 'component/commentCreate'; import ClaimUri from 'component/claimUri'; import FileViewerInitiator from 'component/fileViewerInitiator'; type Props = { uri: string, title: string, nsfw: boolean, claim: StreamClaim, thumbnail: ?string, }; function LayoutWrapperText(props: Props) { const { uri, claim, title, nsfw } = props; return (
{nsfw && {__('Mature')}}


{/* Render the initiator to trigger the view of the file */}

); } export default LayoutWrapperText;