/* eslint-disable no-console,import/no-extraneous-dependencies,import/no-commonjs */ /** * This script is necessary for checking that the daemon that has been downloaded during the * yarn installing process is the one for the building target. For example, on Travis the * Windows package is built on Linux, thus yarn will download the daemon for Linux instead of * Windows. The script will test that and then download the right daemon for the targeted platform. */ const os = require('os'); const downloadDaemon = require('./downloadDaemon'); module.exports = context => { let currentPlatform = os.platform(); if (currentPlatform === 'darwin') currentPlatform = 'macoss'; if (currentPlatform === 'win32') currentPlatform = 'windows'; let buildingPlatformTarget = context.platform.toString(); if (buildingPlatformTarget === 'mac') buildingPlatformTarget = 'macos'; if (buildingPlatformTarget !== currentPlatform) { console.log( "\x1b[34minfo\x1b[0m Daemon platform doesn't match target platform. Redownloading the daemon." ); return downloadDaemon(buildingPlatformTarget); } return Promise.resolve(); };