// @flow // https://api.na-backend.odysee.com/api/v1/proxy currently expects publish to // consist of a multipart/form-data POST request with: // - 'file' binary // - 'json_payload' publish params to be passed to the server's sdk. import { X_LBRY_AUTH_TOKEN } from '../../ui/constants/token'; import { doUpdateUploadAdd, doUpdateUploadProgress, doUpdateUploadRemove } from '../../ui/redux/actions/publish'; import { LBRY_WEB_PUBLISH_API } from 'config'; const ENDPOINT = LBRY_WEB_PUBLISH_API; const ENDPOINT_METHOD = 'publish'; export function makeUploadRequest( token: string, params: FileUploadSdkParams, file: File | string, isPreview?: boolean ) { const { remote_url: remoteUrl } = params; const body = new FormData(); if (file) { body.append('file', file); delete params['remote_url']; } else if (remoteUrl) { body.append('remote_url', remoteUrl); delete params['remote_url']; } const { uploadUrl, guid, ...sdkParams } = params; const jsonPayload = JSON.stringify({ jsonrpc: '2.0', method: ENDPOINT_METHOD, params: sdkParams, id: new Date().getTime(), }); // no fileData? do the livestream remote publish body.append('json_payload', jsonPayload); return new Promise<any>((resolve, reject) => { let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open('POST', ENDPOINT); xhr.setRequestHeader(X_LBRY_AUTH_TOKEN, token); xhr.responseType = 'json'; xhr.upload.onprogress = (e) => { const percentage = ((e.loaded / e.total) * 100).toFixed(2); window.store.dispatch(doUpdateUploadProgress({ guid, progress: percentage })); }; xhr.onload = () => { window.store.dispatch(doUpdateUploadRemove(guid)); resolve(xhr); }; xhr.onerror = () => { window.store.dispatch(doUpdateUploadProgress({ guid, status: 'error' })); reject(new Error(__('There was a problem with your upload. Please try again.'))); }; xhr.onabort = () => { window.store.dispatch(doUpdateUploadRemove(guid)); }; if (!isPreview) { window.store.dispatch(doUpdateUploadAdd(file, params, xhr)); } xhr.send(body); }); }