import * as SETTINGS from 'constants/settings'; import * as PAGES from 'constants/pages'; import * as ICONS from 'constants/icons'; import { createSelector } from 'reselect'; import { selectCurrentPage, selectHistoryStack } from 'lbry-redux'; import { makeSelectClientSetting } from 'redux/selectors/settings'; export const selectState = state => || {}; export const selectPlatform = createSelector(selectState, state => state.platform); export const selectUpdateUrl = createSelector(selectPlatform, platform => { switch (platform) { case 'darwin': return ''; case 'linux': return ''; case 'win32': return ''; default: throw Error('Unknown platform'); } }); export const selectHasClickedComment = createSelector( selectState, state => state.hasClickedComment ); export const selectRemoteVersion = createSelector(selectState, state => state.remoteVersion); export const selectIsUpgradeAvailable = createSelector( selectState, state => state.isUpgradeAvailable ); export const selectUpgradeFilename = createSelector( selectPlatform, selectRemoteVersion, (platform, version) => { switch (platform) { case 'darwin': return `LBRY_${version}.dmg`; case 'linux': return `LBRY_${version}.deb`; case 'win32': return `LBRY_${version}.exe`; default: throw Error('Unknown platform'); } } ); export const selectDownloadProgress = createSelector(selectState, state => state.downloadProgress); export const selectDownloadComplete = createSelector( selectState, state => state.upgradeDownloadCompleted ); export const selectIsUpgradeSkipped = createSelector(selectState, state => state.isUpgradeSkipped); export const selectUpgradeDownloadPath = createSelector(selectState, state => state.downloadPath); export const selectUpgradeDownloadItem = createSelector(selectState, state => state.downloadItem); export const selectAutoUpdateDownloaded = createSelector( selectState, state => state.autoUpdateDownloaded ); export const selectAutoUpdateDeclined = createSelector( selectState, state => state.autoUpdateDeclined ); export const selectDaemonVersionMatched = createSelector( selectState, state => state.daemonVersionMatched ); export const selectSnackBar = createSelector(selectState, state => state.snackBar || {}); export const selectSnackBarSnacks = createSelector( selectSnackBar, snackBar => snackBar.snacks || [] ); export const selectBadgeNumber = createSelector(selectState, state => state.badgeNumber); export const selectCurrentLanguage = createSelector( selectState, () => app.i18n.getLocale() || 'en' ); export const selectVolume = createSelector(selectState, state => state.volume); export const selectUpgradeTimer = createSelector(selectState, state => state.checkUpgradeTimer); export const selectNavLinks = createSelector( selectCurrentPage, selectHistoryStack, makeSelectClientSetting(SETTINGS.FIRST_RUN_COMPLETED), makeSelectClientSetting(SETTINGS.INVITE_ACKNOWLEDGED), (currentPage, historyStack, firstRunCompleted, inviteAcknowledged) => { // Determine if any links should show a tooltip for a guided tour // It will only show one at a time, in the order they are set. const guidedTourItem = [ { page: PAGES.INVITE, hasBeenCompleted: inviteAcknowledged, guide: 'Check this out!', }, // Add more items below for tooltip guides that will happen after a user has completed the invite guide ].filter(({ hasBeenCompleted }) => !hasBeenCompleted)[0]; const isWalletPage = page => page === PAGES.WALLET || page === PAGES.SEND || page === PAGES.GET_CREDITS || page === PAGES.HISTORY || page === PAGES.BACKUP; const isCurrentlyWalletPage = isWalletPage(currentPage); const previousStack = historyStack.slice().reverse(); const getPreviousSubLinkPath = checkIfValidPage => { for (let i = 0; i < previousStack.length; i += 1) { const currentStackItem = previousStack[i]; // Trim off the "/" from the path const pageInStack = currentStackItem.path.slice(1); if (checkIfValidPage(pageInStack)) { return currentStackItem.path; } } return undefined; }; // Gets the last active sublink in a section const getActiveSublink = category => { if (category === PAGES.WALLET) { const previousPath = getPreviousSubLinkPath(isWalletPage); return previousPath || `/${PAGES.WALLET}`; } return undefined; }; // Is this path the first unacknowledged item in the guided tour list const getGuideIfNecessary = page => { if (!firstRunCompleted) { return null; } return guidedTourItem && === page ? : null; }; const buildLink = (label, page) => ({ label, path: `/${page}`, active: currentPage === page, guide: getGuideIfNecessary(page), }); const walletSubLinks = [ { ...buildLink('Overview', PAGES.WALLET), }, { ...buildLink('Send & Receive', PAGES.SEND), }, { ...buildLink('Transactions', PAGES.HISTORY), }, { ...buildLink('Get Credits', PAGES.GET_CREDITS), }, { ...buildLink('Backup', PAGES.BACKUP), }, ]; const navLinks = { primary: [ { ...buildLink('Explore', PAGES.DISCOVER), icon: ICONS.HOME, }, { ...buildLink('Subscriptions', PAGES.SUBSCRIPTIONS), icon: ICONS.SUBSCRIPTION, }, ], secondary: [ { label: 'Wallet', icon: ICONS.WALLET, subLinks: walletSubLinks, path: isCurrentlyWalletPage ? `/${PAGES.WALLET}` : getActiveSublink(PAGES.WALLET), active: isWalletPage(currentPage), }, { ...buildLink('Invite', PAGES.INVITE), icon: ICONS.INVITE, }, { ...buildLink('Rewards', PAGES.REWARDS), // This probably shouldn't use the "FEATURED" icon, but not sure what else to use icon: ICONS.FEATURED, }, { ...buildLink('Downloads', PAGES.DOWNLOADED), icon: ICONS.LOCAL, }, { ...buildLink('Publishes', PAGES.PUBLISHED), icon: ICONS.PUBLISHED, }, { ...buildLink('History', PAGES.USER_HISTORY), icon: ICONS.HISTORY, }, { ...buildLink('Settings', PAGES.SETTINGS), icon: ICONS.SETTINGS, }, { ...buildLink('Help', PAGES.HELP), icon: ICONS.HELP, }, ], }; return navLinks; } ); export const selectModal = createSelector(selectState, state => { if (!state.modal) { return null; } return { id: state.modal, modalProps: state.modalProps, }; }); export const selectEnhancedLayout = createSelector(selectState, state => state.enhancedLayout);