import React from "react"; import lbryio from "../lbryio.js"; import Modal from "./modal.js"; import ModalPage from "./modal-page.js"; import {Link, RewardLink} from "../component/link"; import {FormRow} from "../component/form.js"; import {CreditAmount, Address} from "../component/common.js"; import {getLocal, getSession, setSession, setLocal} from '../utils.js'; const SubmitEmailStage = React.createClass({ getInitialState: function() { return { rewardType: null, email: '', submitting: false }; }, handleEmailChanged: function(event) { this.setState({ email:, }); }, onEmailSaved: function(email) { this.props.setStage("confirm", { email: email }) }, handleSubmit: function(event) { event.preventDefault(); this.setState({ submitting: true, });'user_email', 'new', {email:}, 'post').then(() => { this.onEmailSaved(; }, (error) => { if (error.xhr && error.xhr.status == 409) { this.onEmailSaved(; return; } else if (this._emailRow) { this._emailRow.showError(error.message) } this.setState({ submitting: false }); }); }, render: function() { return (
{ this._emailRow = ref }} type="text" label="Email" placeholder="" name="email" value={} onChange={this.handleEmailChanged} />
); } }); const ConfirmEmailStage = React.createClass({ getInitialState: function() { return { rewardType: null, code: '', submitting: false, errorMessage: null, }; }, handleCodeChanged: function(event) { this.setState({ code:, }); }, handleSubmit: function(event) { event.preventDefault(); this.setState({ submitting: true, }); const onSubmitError = (error) => { if (this._codeRow) { this._codeRow.showError(error.message) } this.setState({ submitting: false }); };'user_email', 'confirm', {verification_token: this.state.code, email:}, 'post').then((userEmail) => { if (userEmail.IsVerified) { this.props.setStage("welcome") } else { onSubmitError(new Error("Your email is still not verified.")) //shouldn't happen? } }, onSubmitError); }, render: function() { return (
{ this._codeRow = ref }} type="text" name="code" placeholder="a94bXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" value={this.state.code} onChange={this.handleCodeChanged} helper="A verification code is required to access this version."/>
No code? { this.props.setStage("nocode")}} label="Click here" />.
); } }); const WelcomeStage = React.createClass({ propTypes: { endAuth: React.PropTypes.func, }, getInitialState: function() { return { hasReward: false, rewardAmount: null, } }, onRewardClaim: function(reward) { this.setState({ hasReward: true, rewardAmount: reward.amount }) }, render: function() { return ( !this.state.hasReward ?

Welcome to LBRY.

Using LBRY is like dating a centaur. Totally normal up top, and way different underneath.

Up top, LBRY is similar to popular media sites.

Below, LBRY is controlled by users -- you -- via blockchain and decentralization.

Thank you for making content freedom possible! Here's a nickel, kid.

this.props.setStage(null)} onConfirmed={() => { this.props.setStage(null) }} />
: { this.props.setStage(null) }}>

About Your Reward

You earned a reward of LBRY credits, or LBC.

This reward will show in your Wallet momentarily, probably while you are reading this message.

LBC is used to compensate creators, to publish, and to have say in how the network works.

No need to understand it all just yet! Try watching or downloading something next.

Finally, know that LBRY is a beta and that it earns the name.

); } }); const ErrorStage = React.createClass({ render: function() { return (

An error was encountered that we cannot continue from.

At least we're earning the name beta.

{ this.props.errorText ?

Message: {this.props.errorText}

: '' } { window.location.reload() } } />
); } }); const PendingStage = React.createClass({ render: function() { return (

Preparing for first access

); } }); const CodeRequiredStage = React.createClass({ _balanceSubscribeId: null, getInitialState: function() { return { balance: 0, address: getLocal('wallet_address') } }, componentWillMount: function() { this._balanceSubscribeId = lbry.balanceSubscribe((balance) => { this.setState({ balance: balance }); }) if (!this.state.address) { lbry.getUnusedAddress((address) => { setLocal('wallet_address', address); this.setState({ address: address }); }); } }, componentWillUnmount: function() { if (this._balanceSubscribeId) { lbry.balanceUnsubscribe(this._balanceSubscribeId) } }, render: function() { const disabled = this.state.balance < 1; return (

Access to LBRY is restricted as we build and scale the network.

There are two ways in:

Own LBRY Credits

If you own at least 1 LBC, you can get in right now.

{ setLocal('auth_bypassed', true); this.props.setStage(null); }} disabled={disabled} label="Let Me In" button={ disabled ? "alt" : "primary" } />

Your balance is . To increase your balance, send credits to this address:

If you don't understand how to send credits, then...

Wait For A Code

If you provide your email, you'll automatically receive a notification when the system is open.

{ this.props.setStage("email"); }} label="Return" />

); } }); export const AuthOverlay = React.createClass({ _stages: { pending: PendingStage, error: ErrorStage, nocode: CodeRequiredStage, email: SubmitEmailStage, confirm: ConfirmEmailStage, welcome: WelcomeStage }, getInitialState: function() { return { stage: "pending", stageProps: {} }; }, setStage: function(stage, stageProps = {}) { this.setState({ stage: stage, stageProps: stageProps }) }, componentWillMount: function() { lbryio.authenticate().then((user) => { if (!user.HasVerifiedEmail) { if (getLocal('auth_bypassed')) { this.setStage(null) } else { this.setStage("email", {}) } } else {'reward', 'list', {}).then((userRewards) => { userRewards.filter(function(reward) { return reward.RewardType == "new_user" && reward.TransactionID; }).length ? this.setStage(null) : this.setStage("welcome") }); } }).catch((err) => { this.setStage("error", { errorText: err.message }) document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('unhandledError', { detail: { message: err.message, data: err.stack } })); }) }, render: function() { if (!this.state.stage) { return null; } const StageContent = this._stages[this.state.stage]; return ( this.state.stage != "welcome" ?

LBRY Early Access

: ); } });