// @flow import { SEARCH_OPTIONS } from 'constants/search'; const DEFAULT_SEARCH_RESULT_FROM = 0; const DEFAULT_SEARCH_SIZE = 20; export function parseQueryParams(queryString: string) { if (queryString === '') return {}; const parts = queryString .split('?') .pop() .split('&') .map((p) => p.split('=')); const params = {}; parts.forEach((array) => { const [first, second] = array; params[first] = second; }); return params; } // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5999118/how-can-i-add-or-update-a-query-string-parameter export function updateQueryParam(uri: string, key: string, value: string) { const re = new RegExp('([?&])' + key + '=.*?(&|$)', 'i'); const separator = uri.includes('?') ? '&' : '?'; if (uri.match(re)) { return uri.replace(re, '$1' + key + '=' + value + '$2'); } else { return uri + separator + key + '=' + value; } } export const getSearchQueryString = (query: string, options: any = {}) => { const isSurroundedByQuotes = (str) => str[0] === '"' && str[str.length - 1] === '"'; const encodedQuery = encodeURIComponent(query); const queryParams = [ options.exact && !isSurroundedByQuotes(encodedQuery) ? `s="${encodedQuery}"` : `s=${encodedQuery}`, `size=${options.size || DEFAULT_SEARCH_SIZE}`, `from=${options.from || DEFAULT_SEARCH_RESULT_FROM}`, ]; const { isBackgroundSearch } = options; const includeUserOptions = typeof isBackgroundSearch === 'undefined' ? false : !isBackgroundSearch; if (includeUserOptions) { const claimType = options[SEARCH_OPTIONS.CLAIM_TYPE]; if (claimType) { queryParams.push(`claimType=${claimType}`); /* * Due to limitations in lighthouse, we can't pass the mediaType parameter * when searching for channels or "everything". */ if (!claimType.includes(SEARCH_OPTIONS.INCLUDE_CHANNELS)) { queryParams.push( `mediaType=${[ SEARCH_OPTIONS.MEDIA_FILE, SEARCH_OPTIONS.MEDIA_AUDIO, SEARCH_OPTIONS.MEDIA_VIDEO, SEARCH_OPTIONS.MEDIA_TEXT, SEARCH_OPTIONS.MEDIA_IMAGE, SEARCH_OPTIONS.MEDIA_APPLICATION, ].reduce((acc, currentOption) => (options[currentOption] ? `${acc}${currentOption},` : acc), '')}` ); } } const sortBy = options[SEARCH_OPTIONS.SORT]; if (sortBy) { queryParams.push(`${SEARCH_OPTIONS.SORT}=${sortBy}`); } const timeFilter = options[SEARCH_OPTIONS.TIME_FILTER]; if (timeFilter) { queryParams.push(`${SEARCH_OPTIONS.TIME_FILTER}=${timeFilter}`); } } const additionalOptions = {}; const { related_to } = options; const { nsfw } = options; const { free_only } = options; if (related_to) additionalOptions[SEARCH_OPTIONS.RELATED_TO] = related_to; if (free_only) additionalOptions[SEARCH_OPTIONS.PRICE_FILTER_FREE] = true; if (nsfw === false) additionalOptions[SEARCH_OPTIONS.INCLUDE_MATURE] = false; if (additionalOptions) { Object.keys(additionalOptions).forEach((key) => { const option = additionalOptions[key]; queryParams.push(`${key}=${option}`); }); } return queryParams.join('&'); };