import React from "react"; import FilePrice from "component/filePrice"; import Link from "component/link"; import Modal from "component/modal"; class VideoPlayButton extends React.Component { onPurchaseConfirmed() { this.props.closeModal(); this.props.startPlaying(); this.props.loadVideo(this.props.uri); } onWatchClick() { this.props.purchaseUri(this.props.uri).then(() => { if (!this.props.modal) { this.props.startPlaying(); } }); } render() { const { button, label, metadata, metadata: { title }, uri, modal, closeModal, isLoading, costInfo, fileInfo, mediaType, } = this.props; /* title={ isLoading ? "Video is Loading" : !costInfo ? "Waiting on cost info..." : fileInfo === undefined ? "Waiting on file info..." : "" } */ const disabled = isLoading || fileInfo === undefined || (fileInfo === null && (!costInfo || costInfo.cost === undefined)); const icon = ["audio", "video"].indexOf(mediaType) !== -1 ? "icon-play" : "icon-folder-o"; return (
{__("You don't have enough LBRY credits to pay for this stream.")} {__("This will purchase")} {title} {__("for")} {" "} {" "}{__("credits")}. {__("Sorry, your download timed out :(")}
); } } export default VideoPlayButton;