#!/bin/bash set -euo pipefail ROOT="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )/.." && pwd )" cd "$ROOT" BUILD_DIR="$ROOT/build" LINUX=false OSX=false if [ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ]; then echo -e "\033[0;32mBuilding for OSX\x1b[m" OSX=true elif [ "$(expr substr $(uname -s) 1 5)" == "Linux" ]; then echo -e "\033[0;32mBuilding for Linux\x1b[m" LINUX=true else echo -e "\033[1;31mPlatform detection failed\x1b[m" exit 1 fi if $OSX; then ICON="$BUILD_DIR/icon.icns" else ICON="$BUILD_DIR/icons/48x48.png" fi FULL_BUILD="${FULL_BUILD:-false}" if [ -n "${TEAMCITY_VERSION:-}" -o -n "${APPVEYOR:-}" ]; then FULL_BUILD="true" fi DEPS="${DEPS:-$FULL_BUILD}" if [ "$DEPS" != "true" ]; then echo -e "\033[1;36mDependencies will NOT be installed. Run with \"INSTALL_DEPENDENCIES=true\" to install dependencies, or \"FULL_BUILD=true\" to install dependencies and build a complete app.\x1b[m" else # install dependencies echo -e "\033[0;32mInstalling Dependencies\x1b[m" "$BUILD_DIR/install_deps.sh" fi [ -d "$ROOT/dist" ] && rm -rf "$ROOT/dist" yarn install #################### # daemon and cli # #################### echo -e "\033[0;32mGrabbing Daemon and CLI\x1b[m" if $OSX; then OSNAME="macos" else OSNAME="linux" fi DAEMON_VER=$(node -e "console.log(require(\"$ROOT/package.json\").lbrySettings.lbrynetDaemonVersion)") DAEMON_URL_TEMPLATE=$(node -e "console.log(require(\"$ROOT/package.json\").lbrySettings.lbrynetDaemonUrlTemplate)") DAEMON_URL=$(echo ${DAEMON_URL_TEMPLATE//DAEMONVER/$DAEMON_VER} | sed "s/OSNAME/$OSNAME/g") DAEMON_VER_PATH="$BUILD_DIR/daemon.ver" echo "$DAEMON_VER_PATH" if [[ ! -f $DAEMON_VER_PATH || ! -f $ROOT/static/daemon/lbrynet-daemon || "$(< "$DAEMON_VER_PATH")" != "$DAEMON_VER" ]]; then curl -sL -o "$BUILD_DIR/daemon.zip" "$DAEMON_URL" unzip "$BUILD_DIR/daemon.zip" -d "$ROOT/static/daemon/" rm "$BUILD_DIR/daemon.zip" echo "$DAEMON_VER" > "$DAEMON_VER_PATH" else echo -e "\033[4;31mAlready have daemon version $DAEMON_VER, skipping download\x1b[m" fi ################### # Build the app # ################### if [ "$FULL_BUILD" == "true" ]; then if $OSX; then security unlock-keychain -p ${KEYCHAIN_PASSWORD} osx-build.keychain fi node_modules/.bin/build -p never if $OSX; then binary_name=$(find "$ROOT/dist" -iname "*dmg") new_name=$(basename "$binary_name" | sed 's/-/_/') mv "$binary_name" "$(dirname "$binary_name")/$new_name" fi # electron-build has a publish feature, but I had a hard time getting # it to reliably work and it also seemed difficult to configure. Not proud of # this, but it seemed better to write my own. VENV="$BUILD_DIR/venv" if [ -d "$VENV" ]; then rm -rf "$VENV" fi virtualenv "$VENV" "$VENV/bin/pip" install -r "$BUILD_DIR/requirements.txt" "$VENV/bin/python" "$BUILD_DIR/upload_assets.py" echo -e '\033[0;32mBuild and packaging complete.\x1b[m' else echo -e 'Build complete. Run \033[1;31m./node_modules/.bin/electron .\x1b[m to launch the app' fi