import Lbry from 'lbry'; import { selectClaimForUri } from 'redux/selectors/claims'; import { doFetchChannelListMine } from 'redux/actions/claims'; import { isURIValid, normalizeURI } from 'util/lbryURI'; import { batchActions } from 'util/batch-actions'; import { getStripeEnvironment } from 'util/stripe'; import * as ACTIONS from 'constants/action_types'; import { doFetchGeoBlockedList } from 'redux/actions/blocked'; import { doClaimRewardType, doRewardList } from 'redux/actions/rewards'; import { selectEmailToVerify, selectPhoneToVerify, selectUserCountryCode, selectUser } from 'redux/selectors/user'; import { selectIsRewardApproved } from 'redux/selectors/rewards'; import { doToast } from 'redux/actions/notifications'; import rewards from 'rewards'; import { Lbryio } from 'lbryinc'; import { DOMAIN, LOCALE_API } from 'config'; import { getDefaultLanguage } from 'util/default-languages'; const AUTH_IN_PROGRESS = 'authInProgress'; export let sessionStorageAvailable = false; const CHECK_INTERVAL = 200; const AUTH_WAIT_TIMEOUT = 10000; const stripeEnvironment = getStripeEnvironment(); const ODYSEE_CHANNEL_ID = '80d2590ad04e36fb1d077a9b9e3a8bba76defdf8'; export function doFetchInviteStatus(shouldCallRewardList = true) { return (dispatch) => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.USER_INVITE_STATUS_FETCH_STARTED, }); Promise.all(['user', 'invite_status'),'user_referral_code', 'list')]) .then(([status, code]) => { if (shouldCallRewardList) { dispatch(doRewardList()); } dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.USER_INVITE_STATUS_FETCH_SUCCESS, data: { invitesRemaining: status.invites_remaining ? status.invites_remaining : 0, invitees: status.invitees, referralLink: `${Lbryio.CONNECTION_STRING}user/refer?r=${code}`, referralCode: code, }, }); }) .catch((error) => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.USER_INVITE_STATUS_FETCH_FAILURE, data: { error }, }); }); }; } export function doInstallNew(appVersion, callbackForUsersWhoAreSharingData, domain) { const payload = { app_version: appVersion, domain }; Lbry.status().then((status) => { payload.app_id = domain && domain !== '' ? (domain.replace(/[.]/gi, '') + status.installation_id).slice(0, 66) : status.installation_id; payload.node_id = status.lbry_id; Lbry.version().then((version) => { payload.daemon_version = version.lbrynet_version; payload.operating_system = version.os_system; payload.platform = version.platform;'install', 'new', payload); if (callbackForUsersWhoAreSharingData) { callbackForUsersWhoAreSharingData(status); } }); }); } function checkAuthBusy() { let time =; return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { (function waitForAuth() { try { sessionStorage.setItem('test', 'available'); sessionStorage.removeItem('test'); sessionStorageAvailable = true; } catch (e) { if (e) { // no session storage } } if (!IS_WEB || !sessionStorageAvailable) { return resolve(); } const inProgress = window.sessionStorage.getItem(AUTH_IN_PROGRESS); if (!inProgress) { window.sessionStorage.setItem(AUTH_IN_PROGRESS, 'true'); return resolve(); } else { if ( - time < AUTH_WAIT_TIMEOUT) { setTimeout(waitForAuth, CHECK_INTERVAL); } else { return resolve(); } } })(); }); } /*** * Given a user, return their highest ranking Odysee membership (Premium or Premium Plus) * @param dispatch * @param user * @returns {Promise<void>} */ export function doCheckUserOdyseeMemberships(user) { return async (dispatch) => { // get memberships for a given user // TODO: in the future, can we specify this just to @odysee? const response = await 'membership', 'mine', { environment: stripeEnvironment, }, 'post' ); let savedMemberships = []; let highestMembershipRanking; // TODO: this will work for now, but it should be adjusted // TODO: to check if it's active, or if it's cancelled if it's still valid past current date // loop through all memberships and save the @odysee ones // maybe in the future we can only hit @odysee in the API call for (const membership of response) { if (membership.MembershipDetails && membership.MembershipDetails.channel_name === '@odysee') { savedMemberships.push(; } } // determine highest ranking membership based on returned data // note: this is from an odd state in the API where a user can be both premium/Premium + at the same time // I expect this can change once upgrade/downgrade is implemented if (savedMemberships.length > 0) { // if premium plus is a membership, return that, otherwise it's only premium const premiumPlusExists = savedMemberships.includes('Premium+'); if (premiumPlusExists) { highestMembershipRanking = 'Premium+'; } else { highestMembershipRanking = 'Premium'; } } dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.ADD_ODYSEE_MEMBERSHIP_DATA, data: { user, odyseeMembershipName: highestMembershipRanking }, }); }; } // TODO: Call doInstallNew separately so we don't have to pass appVersion and os_system params? export function doAuthenticate( appVersion, shareUsageData = true, callbackForUsersWhoAreSharingData, callInstall = true ) { return (dispatch) => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.AUTHENTICATION_STARTED, }); checkAuthBusy() .then(() => { return Lbryio.authenticate(DOMAIN, getDefaultLanguage()); }) .then((user) => { if (sessionStorageAvailable) window.sessionStorage.removeItem(AUTH_IN_PROGRESS); Lbryio.getAuthToken().then((token) => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.AUTHENTICATION_SUCCESS, data: { user, accessToken: token }, }); // if user is an Odysee member, get the membership details if (user.odysee_member) { dispatch(doCheckUserOdyseeMemberships(user)); } if (shareUsageData) { dispatch(doRewardList()); if (callInstall && !user?.device_types?.includes('web')) { doInstallNew(appVersion, callbackForUsersWhoAreSharingData, DOMAIN); } } dispatch(doFetchGeoBlockedList()); }); }) .catch((error) => { if (sessionStorageAvailable) window.sessionStorage.removeItem(AUTH_IN_PROGRESS); dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE, data: { error }, }); }); }; } export function doUserFetch() { return (dispatch) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.USER_FETCH_STARTED, }); Lbryio.getCurrentUser() .then((user) => { // get user membership status if (user.odysee_member) { dispatch(doCheckUserOdyseeMemberships(user)); } dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.USER_FETCH_SUCCESS, data: { user }, }); resolve(user); }) .catch((error) => { reject(error); dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.USER_FETCH_FAILURE, data: { error }, }); }); }); } export function doUserCheckEmailVerified() { // This will happen in the background so we don't need loading booleans return (dispatch) => { Lbryio.getCurrentUser().then((user) => { if (user.has_verified_email) { // check premium membership if (user.odysee_member) { dispatch(doCheckUserOdyseeMemberships(user)); } dispatch(doRewardList()); dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.USER_FETCH_SUCCESS, data: { user }, }); } }); }; } export function doUserPhoneReset() { return { type: ACTIONS.USER_PHONE_RESET, }; } export function doUserPhoneNew(phone, countryCode) { return (dispatch) => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.USER_PHONE_NEW_STARTED, data: { phone, country_code: countryCode }, }); const success = () => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.USER_PHONE_NEW_SUCCESS, data: { phone }, }); }; const failure = (error) => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.USER_PHONE_NEW_FAILURE, data: { error }, }); };'user', 'phone_number_new', { phone_number: phone, country_code: countryCode }, 'post').then( success, failure ); }; } export function doUserPhoneVerifyFailure(error) { return { type: ACTIONS.USER_PHONE_VERIFY_FAILURE, data: { error }, }; } export function doUserPhoneVerify(verificationCode) { return (dispatch, getState) => { const phoneNumber = selectPhoneToVerify(getState()); const countryCode = selectUserCountryCode(getState()); dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.USER_PHONE_VERIFY_STARTED, code: verificationCode, }); 'user', 'phone_number_confirm', { verification_code: verificationCode, phone_number: phoneNumber, country_code: countryCode, }, 'post' ) .then((user) => { if (user.is_identity_verified) { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.USER_PHONE_VERIFY_SUCCESS, data: { user }, }); dispatch(doClaimRewardType(rewards.TYPE_NEW_USER)); } }) .catch((error) => dispatch(doUserPhoneVerifyFailure(error))); }; } export function doUserEmailToVerify(email) { return (dispatch) => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.USER_EMAIL_VERIFY_SET, data: { email }, }); }; } export function doUserEmailNew(email) { return (dispatch) => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.USER_EMAIL_NEW_STARTED, email, }); const success = () => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.USER_EMAIL_NEW_SUCCESS, data: { email }, }); dispatch(doUserFetch()); }; const failure = (error) => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.USER_EMAIL_NEW_FAILURE, data: { error }, }); };'user_email', 'new', { email, send_verification_email: true }, 'post') .catch((error) => { if (error.response && error.response.status === 409) { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.USER_EMAIL_NEW_EXISTS, }); return'user_email', 'resend_token', { email, only_if_expired: true }, 'post').then( success, failure ); } throw error; }) .then(success, failure); }; } export function doUserCheckIfEmailExists(email) { return (dispatch) => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.USER_EMAIL_NEW_STARTED, email, }); const triggerEmailFlow = (hasPassword) => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.USER_EMAIL_NEW_SUCCESS, data: { email }, }); dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.USER_EMAIL_NEW_EXISTS, }); if (hasPassword) { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.USER_PASSWORD_EXISTS, }); } else { // If they don't have a password, they will need to use the email verification api'user_email', 'resend_token', { email, only_if_expired: true }, 'post'); } }; const success = (response) => { triggerEmailFlow(response.has_password); }; const failure = (error) => dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.USER_EMAIL_NEW_FAILURE, data: { error }, });'user', 'exists', { email }, 'post') .catch((error) => { // no email if (error.response && error.response.status === 404) { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.USER_EMAIL_NEW_DOES_NOT_EXIST, }); // sign in by email } else if (error.response && error.response.status === 412) { triggerEmailFlow(false); } throw error; }) // sign the user in .then(success, failure); }; } export function doUserSignIn(email, password) { return (dispatch) => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.USER_EMAIL_NEW_STARTED, email, }); const success = () => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.USER_EMAIL_NEW_SUCCESS, data: { email }, }); dispatch(doUserFetch()); }; const failure = (error) => dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.USER_EMAIL_NEW_FAILURE, data: { error }, });'user', 'signin', { email, ...(password ? { password } : {}) }, 'post') .catch((error) => { if (error.response && error.response.status === 409) { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.USER_EMAIL_NEW_EXISTS, }); return'user_email', 'resend_token', { email, only_if_expired: true }, 'post').then( success, failure ); } throw error; }) .then(success, failure); }; } export function doUserSignUp(email, password) { return (dispatch) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.USER_EMAIL_NEW_STARTED, email, }); const success = () => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.USER_EMAIL_NEW_SUCCESS, data: { email }, }); dispatch(doUserFetch()); resolve(); }; const failure = (error) => { if (error.response && error.response.status === 409) { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.USER_EMAIL_NEW_EXISTS, }); } dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.USER_EMAIL_NEW_FAILURE, data: { error }, }); reject(error); };'user', 'signup', { email, ...(password ? { password } : {}) }, 'post').then(success, failure); }); } export function doUserPasswordReset(email) { return (dispatch) => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.USER_PASSWORD_RESET_STARTED, email, }); const success = () => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.USER_PASSWORD_RESET_SUCCESS, }); }; const failure = (error) => dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.USER_PASSWORD_RESET_FAILURE, data: { error }, });'user_password', 'reset', { email }, 'post').then(success, failure); }; } export function doUserPasswordSet(newPassword, oldPassword, authToken) { return (dispatch) => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.USER_PASSWORD_SET_STARTED, }); const success = () => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.USER_PASSWORD_SET_SUCCESS, }); dispatch(doUserFetch()); }; const failure = (error) => dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.USER_PASSWORD_SET_FAILURE, data: { error }, }); 'user_password', 'set', { new_password: newPassword, ...(oldPassword ? { old_password: oldPassword } : {}), ...(authToken ? { auth_token: authToken } : {}), }, 'post' ).then(success, failure); }; } export function doUserResendVerificationEmail(email) { return (dispatch) => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.USER_EMAIL_VERIFY_RETRY_STARTED, }); const success = () => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.USER_EMAIL_VERIFY_RETRY_SUCCESS, }); }; const failure = (error) => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.USER_EMAIL_VERIFY_RETRY_FAILURE, data: { error }, }); };'user_email', 'resend_token', { email, only_if_expired: true }, 'post') .catch((error) => { if (error.response && error.response.status === 409) { throw error; } }) .then(success, failure); }; } export function doClearEmailEntry() { return { type: ACTIONS.USER_EMAIL_NEW_CLEAR_ENTRY, }; } export function doClearPasswordEntry() { return { type: ACTIONS.USER_PASSWORD_SET_CLEAR, }; } export function doUserEmailVerifyFailure(error) { return { type: ACTIONS.USER_EMAIL_VERIFY_FAILURE, data: { error }, }; } export function doUserEmailVerify(verificationToken, recaptcha) { return (dispatch, getState) => { const email = selectEmailToVerify(getState()); dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.USER_EMAIL_VERIFY_STARTED, code: verificationToken, recaptcha, }); 'user_email', 'confirm', { verification_token: verificationToken, email, recaptcha, }, 'post' ) .then((userEmail) => { if (userEmail.is_verified) { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.USER_EMAIL_VERIFY_SUCCESS, data: { email }, }); dispatch(doUserFetch()); } else { throw new Error('Your email is still not verified.'); // shouldn't happen } }) .catch((error) => dispatch(doUserEmailVerifyFailure(error))); }; } export function doUserIdentityVerify(stripeToken) { return (dispatch) => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.USER_IDENTITY_VERIFY_STARTED, token: stripeToken, });'user', 'verify_identity', { stripe_token: stripeToken }, 'post') .then((user) => { if (user.is_identity_verified) { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.USER_IDENTITY_VERIFY_SUCCESS, data: { user }, }); dispatch(doClaimRewardType(rewards.TYPE_NEW_USER)); } else { throw new Error('Your identity is still not verified. This should not happen.'); // shouldn't happen } }) .catch((error) => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.USER_IDENTITY_VERIFY_FAILURE, data: { error: error.toString() }, }); }); }; } export function doUserInviteNew(email) { return (dispatch) => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.USER_INVITE_NEW_STARTED, }); return'user', 'invite', { email }, 'post') .then((success) => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.USER_INVITE_NEW_SUCCESS, data: { email }, }); dispatch( doToast({ message: __('Invite sent to %email_address%', { email_address: email }), }) ); dispatch(doFetchInviteStatus()); return success; }) .catch((error) => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.USER_INVITE_NEW_FAILURE, data: { error }, }); }); }; } export function doUserSetReferrerReset() { return (dispatch) => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.USER_SET_REFERRER_RESET, }); }; } export function doUserSetReferrerWithUri(uri) { return async (dispatch, getState) => { const state = getState(); let claim = selectClaimForUri(state, uri); let referrerCode; if (!claim) { try { const response = await Lbry.resolve({ urls: [uri] }); if (response && response[uri] && !response[uri].error) claim = response && response[uri]; if (claim) { if (claim.signing_channel) { referrerCode = claim.signing_channel.permanent_url.replace('lbry://', ''); } else { referrerCode = claim.permanent_url.replace('lbry://', ''); } const isRewardApproved = selectIsRewardApproved(state); dispatch(doUserSetReferrer(referrerCode, isRewardApproved)); } } catch (error) { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.USER_SET_REFERRER_FAILURE, data: { error }, }); } } else { referrerCode = claim.permanent_url.replace('lbry://', ''); const isRewardApproved = selectIsRewardApproved(state); dispatch(doUserSetReferrer(referrerCode, isRewardApproved)); } }; } export function doUserSetReferrer(referrer, shouldClaim) { return async (dispatch, getState) => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.USER_SET_REFERRER_STARTED, }); let claim, referrerCode; const isValid = isURIValid(referrer); if (isValid) { const state = getState(); const uri = normalizeURI(referrer); claim = selectClaimForUri(state, uri); if (!claim) { try { const response = await Lbry.resolve({ urls: [uri] }); if (response && response[uri] && !response[uri].error) claim = response && response[uri]; if (claim) { if (claim.signing_channel) { referrerCode = claim.signing_channel.permanent_url.replace('lbry://', ''); } else { referrerCode = claim.permanent_url.replace('lbry://', ''); } } } catch (error) { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.USER_SET_REFERRER_FAILURE, data: { error }, }); } } else { referrerCode = claim.permanent_url.replace('lbry://', ''); } } if (!referrerCode) { referrerCode = referrer; } try { await'user', 'referral', { referrer: referrerCode }, 'post'); dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.USER_SET_REFERRER_SUCCESS, }); if (shouldClaim) { dispatch(doClaimRewardType(rewards.TYPE_REFEREE)); dispatch(doUserFetch()); } else { dispatch(doUserFetch()); } } catch (error) { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.USER_SET_REFERRER_FAILURE, data: { error }, }); } }; } export function doUserSetCountry(country) { return (dispatch, getState) => { const state = getState(); const user = selectUser(state);'user_country', 'set', { country }).then(() => { const newUser = { ...user, country }; dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.USER_FETCH_SUCCESS, data: { user: newUser }, }); }); }; } export function doClaimYoutubeChannels() { return (dispatch) => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.USER_YOUTUBE_IMPORT_STARTED, }); let transferResponse; return Lbry.address_list({ page: 1, page_size: 99999 }) .then((addressList) => addressList.items[0]) .then((address) =>'yt', 'transfer', { address: address.address, public_key: address.pubkey, }).then((response) => { if (response && response.length) { transferResponse = response; return Promise.all( => { if (channelMeta && && { return Lbry.channel_import({ channel_data:, }); } return null; }) ).then(() => { const actions = [ { type: ACTIONS.USER_YOUTUBE_IMPORT_SUCCESS, data: transferResponse, }, ]; actions.push(doUserFetch()); actions.push(doFetchChannelListMine()); dispatch(batchActions(...actions)); }); } }) ) .catch((error) => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.USER_YOUTUBE_IMPORT_FAILURE, data: String(error), }); }); }; } export function doCheckYoutubeTransfer() { return (dispatch) => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.USER_YOUTUBE_IMPORT_STARTED, }); return'yt', 'transfer') .then((response) => { if (response && response.length) { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.USER_YOUTUBE_IMPORT_SUCCESS, data: response, }); } else { throw new Error(); } }) .catch((error) => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.USER_YOUTUBE_IMPORT_FAILURE, data: String(error), }); }); }; } /*** * Receives a csv of channel claim ids, hits the backend and returns nicely formatted object with relevant info * @param claimIdCsv * @returns {(function(*): Promise<void>)|*} */ export function doFetchUserMemberships(claimIdCsv) { return async (dispatch) => { if (!claimIdCsv || (claimIdCsv.length && claimIdCsv.length < 1)) return; // check if users have odysee memberships (premium/premium+) const response = await'membership', 'check', { channel_id: ODYSEE_CHANNEL_ID, claim_ids: claimIdCsv, environment: stripeEnvironment, }); let updatedResponse = {}; // loop through returned users for (const user in response) { // if array was returned for a user (indicating a membership exists), otherwise is null if (response[user] && response[user].length) { // get membership for user // note: a for loop is kind of odd, indicates there may be multiple memberships? // probably not needed depending on what we do with the frontend, should revisit for (const membership of response[user]) { if (membership.channel_name) { updatedResponse[user] =; window.checkedMemberships[user] =; } } } else { // note the user has been fetched but is null updatedResponse[user] = null; window.checkedMemberships[user] = null; } } dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.ADD_CLAIMIDS_MEMBERSHIP_DATA, data: { response: updatedResponse } }); }; } export function doFetchUserLocale(isRetry = false) { return (dispatch) => { fetch(LOCALE_API) .then((res) => res.json()) .then((json) => { const locale =; // [flow] local: LocaleInfo if (locale) { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.USER_FETCH_LOCALE_DONE, data: locale, }); } }) .catch(() => { if (!isRetry) { // If failed, retry one more time after N seconds. This removes the // need to fetch at each component level. If it failed twice, probably // don't need to fetch anymore. setTimeout(() => { dispatch(doFetchUserLocale(true)); }, 10000); } }); }; }