// @flow import * as REACTION_TYPES from 'constants/reactions'; import * as ICONS from 'constants/icons'; import { SORT_COMMENTS_NEW, SORT_COMMENTS_BEST, SORT_COMMENTS_CONTROVERSIAL } from 'constants/comment'; import React, { useEffect } from 'react'; import classnames from 'classnames'; import CommentView from 'component/comment'; import Spinner from 'component/spinner'; import Button from 'component/button'; import Card from 'component/common/card'; import CommentCreate from 'component/commentCreate'; import usePersistedState from 'effects/use-persisted-state'; import { ENABLE_COMMENT_REACTIONS } from 'config'; import { sortComments } from 'util/comments'; import Empty from 'component/common/empty'; type Props = { comments: Array, commentsDisabledBySettings: boolean, fetchComments: (string) => void, fetchReacts: (string) => Promise, uri: string, claimIsMine: boolean, myChannels: ?Array, isFetchingComments: boolean, linkedComment: any, totalComments: number, fetchingChannels: boolean, reactionsById: ?{ [string]: { [REACTION_TYPES.LIKE | REACTION_TYPES.DISLIKE]: number } }, activeChannelId: ?string, }; function CommentList(props: Props) { const { fetchComments, fetchReacts, uri, comments, commentsDisabledBySettings, claimIsMine, myChannels, isFetchingComments, linkedComment, totalComments, fetchingChannels, reactionsById, activeChannelId, } = props; const commentRef = React.useRef(); const spinnerRef = React.useRef(); const [sort, setSort] = usePersistedState( 'comment-sort', ENABLE_COMMENT_REACTIONS ? SORT_COMMENTS_BEST : SORT_COMMENTS_NEW ); const [start] = React.useState(0); const [end, setEnd] = React.useState(9); // Display comments immediately if not fetching reactions // If not, wait to show comments until reactions are fetched const [readyToDisplayComments, setReadyToDisplayComments] = React.useState( Boolean(reactionsById) || !ENABLE_COMMENT_REACTIONS ); const [justCommented] = React.useState([]); const linkedCommentId = linkedComment && linkedComment.comment_id; const hasNoComments = !totalComments; const moreBelow = totalComments - end > 0; const isMyComment = (channelId: string): boolean => { if (myChannels != null && channelId != null) { for (let i = 0; i < myChannels.length; i++) { if (myChannels[i].claim_id === channelId) { return true; } } } return false; }; const handleMoreBelow = React.useCallback(() => { if (moreBelow) { setEnd(end + 10); } }, [end, setEnd, moreBelow]); useEffect(() => { fetchComments(uri); }, [fetchComments, uri]); useEffect(() => { if (totalComments && ENABLE_COMMENT_REACTIONS && !fetchingChannels) { fetchReacts(uri) .then(() => { setReadyToDisplayComments(true); }) .catch(() => setReadyToDisplayComments(true)); } }, [fetchReacts, uri, totalComments, activeChannelId, fetchingChannels]); useEffect(() => { if (readyToDisplayComments && linkedCommentId && commentRef && commentRef.current) { commentRef.current.scrollIntoView({ block: 'start' }); window.scrollBy(0, -100); } }, [readyToDisplayComments, linkedCommentId]); useEffect(() => { function handleCommentScroll(e) { // $FlowFixMe const rect = spinnerRef.current.getBoundingClientRect(); const isInViewport = rect.top >= 0 && rect.left >= 0 && // $FlowFixMe rect.bottom <= (window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight) && // $FlowFixMe rect.right <= (window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth); if (isInViewport) { handleMoreBelow(); } } if (!isFetchingComments && readyToDisplayComments && moreBelow && spinnerRef && spinnerRef.current) { window.addEventListener('scroll', handleCommentScroll); } return () => window.removeEventListener('scroll', handleCommentScroll); }, [moreBelow, handleMoreBelow, spinnerRef, isFetchingComments, readyToDisplayComments]); function prepareComments(arrayOfComments, linkedComment, isFetchingComments) { let orderedComments = []; if (linkedComment) { if (!linkedComment.parent_id) { orderedComments = arrayOfComments.filter((c) => c.comment_id !== linkedComment.comment_id); orderedComments.unshift(linkedComment); } else { const parentComment = arrayOfComments.find((c) => c.comment_id === linkedComment.parent_id); orderedComments = arrayOfComments.filter((c) => c.comment_id !== linkedComment.parent_id); if (parentComment) { orderedComments.unshift(parentComment); } } } else { orderedComments = arrayOfComments; } return orderedComments; } // Default to newest first for apps that don't have comment reactions const sortedComments = reactionsById ? sortComments({ comments, reactionsById, sort, isMyComment, justCommented }) : []; const displayedComments = readyToDisplayComments ? prepareComments(sortedComments, linkedComment).slice(start, end) : []; return ( 0 ? totalComments === 1 ? __('1 comment') : __('%total_comments% comments', { total_comments: totalComments }) : __('Leave a comment') } titleActions={ <> {totalComments > 1 && ENABLE_COMMENT_REACTIONS && (