// @flow import { SITE_NAME } from 'config'; import * as ICONS from 'constants/icons'; import * as React from 'react'; import classnames from 'classnames'; import Button from 'component/button'; import ClaimPreview from 'component/claimPreview'; import Card from 'component/common/card'; import { YOUTUBE_STATUSES } from 'lbryinc'; import { buildURI } from 'lbry-redux'; import Spinner from 'component/spinner'; import Icon from 'component/common/icon'; type Props = { youtubeChannels: Array, youtubeImportPending: boolean, claimChannels: () => void, updateUser: () => void, checkYoutubeTransfer: () => void, videosImported: ?Array, // [currentAmountImported, totalAmountToImport] alwaysShow: boolean, addNewChannel?: boolean, }; export default function YoutubeTransferStatus(props: Props) { const { youtubeChannels, youtubeImportPending, claimChannels, videosImported, checkYoutubeTransfer, updateUser, alwaysShow = false, addNewChannel, } = props; const hasChannels = youtubeChannels && youtubeChannels.length > 0; const transferEnabled = youtubeChannels.some(status => status.transferable); const hasPendingTransfers = youtubeChannels.some( status => status.transfer_state === YOUTUBE_STATUSES.YOUTUBE_SYNC_PENDING_TRANSFER ); const isYoutubeTransferComplete = hasChannels && youtubeChannels.every( channel => channel.transfer_state === YOUTUBE_STATUSES.YOUTUBE_SYNC_COMPLETED_TRANSFER || channel.sync_status === YOUTUBE_STATUSES.YOUTUBE_SYNC_ABANDONDED ); let total; let complete; if (hasPendingTransfers && videosImported) { complete = videosImported[0]; total = videosImported[1]; } function getMessage(channel) { const { transferable, transfer_state: transferState, sync_status: syncStatus } = channel; if (!transferable) { switch (transferState) { case YOUTUBE_STATUSES.YOUTUBE_SYNC_NOT_TRANSFERRED: return syncStatus[0].toUpperCase() + syncStatus.slice(1); case YOUTUBE_STATUSES.YOUTUBE_SYNC_PENDING_TRANSFER: return __('Transfer in progress'); case YOUTUBE_STATUSES.YOUTUBE_SYNC_COMPLETED_TRANSFER: return __('Completed transfer'); case YOUTUBE_STATUSES.YOUTUBE_SYNC_ABANDONDED: return __('This channel not eligible to by synced'); } } else { return __('Ready to transfer'); } } React.useEffect(() => { // If a channel is transferable, there's nothing to check if (hasPendingTransfers) { checkYoutubeTransfer(); let interval = setInterval(() => { checkYoutubeTransfer(); updateUser(); }, 60 * 1000); return () => { clearInterval(interval); }; } }, [hasPendingTransfers, checkYoutubeTransfer, updateUser, updateUser]); return ( (alwaysShow || (hasChannels && !isYoutubeTransferComplete)) && ( 1 ? __('Your YouTube channels') : __('Your YouTube channel')} subtitle={ {hasPendingTransfers && __('Your videos are currently being transferred. There is nothing else for you to do.')} {transferEnabled && !hasPendingTransfers && __('Your videos are ready to be transferred.')} {!transferEnabled && !hasPendingTransfers && __('Please check back later. This may take up to 1 week.')} } body={
{youtubeChannels.map((channel, index) => { const { lbry_channel_name: channelName, channel_claim_id: claimId, sync_status: syncStatus } = channel; const url = buildURI({ channelName, channelClaimId: claimId }); const transferState = getMessage(channel); const isWaitingForSync = syncStatus === YOUTUBE_STATUSES.YOUTUBE_SYNC_QUEUED || syncStatus === YOUTUBE_STATUSES.YOUTUBE_SYNC_PENDINGUPGRADE || syncStatus === YOUTUBE_STATUSES.YOUTUBE_SYNC_SYNCING; const isNotEligible = syncStatus === YOUTUBE_STATUSES.YOUTUBE_SYNC_ABANDONDED; return (
{claimId ? ( {transferState}} properties={false} /> ) : (
{isNotEligible ? (
{__('%channelName% is not eligible to be synced', { channelName })}
) : (
{__('Claim your handle %handle%', { handle: channelName })}
{__('Agree to sync')}{' '}
{__('Wait for your videos to be synced')} {isWaitingForSync ? ( ) : ( )}
{__('Claim your channel')}
); })} {videosImported && (
{__('%complete% / %total% videos transferred', { complete, total })}
} actions={ <>

{youtubeChannels.length > 1 ? __('You will be able to claim your channels once they finish syncing.') : __('You will be able to claim your channel once it has finished syncing.')}{' '}