// @flow import * as ICONS from 'constants/icons'; import * as SETTINGS from 'constants/settings'; import * as React from 'react'; import { FormField, FormFieldPrice, Form } from 'component/common/form'; import Button from 'component/button'; import Page from 'component/page'; import FileSelector from 'component/common/file-selector'; export type Price = { currency: string, amount: number, }; type SetDaemonSettingArg = boolean | string | number | Price; type DaemonSettings = { download_dir: string, share_usage_data: boolean, max_key_fee?: Price, }; type Props = { setDaemonSetting: (string, ?SetDaemonSettingArg) => void, setClientSetting: (string, SetDaemonSettingArg) => void, clearCache: () => Promise, getThemes: () => void, daemonSettings: DaemonSettings, showNsfw: boolean, instantPurchaseEnabled: boolean, instantPurchaseMax: Price, currentTheme: string, themes: Array, automaticDarkModeEnabled: boolean, autoplay: boolean, autoDownload: boolean, encryptWallet: () => void, decryptWallet: () => void, updateWalletStatus: () => void, walletEncrypted: boolean, osNotificationsEnabled: boolean, }; type State = { clearingCache: boolean, }; class SettingsPage extends React.PureComponent { constructor(props: Props) { super(props); this.state = { clearingCache: false, }; (this: any).onKeyFeeChange = this.onKeyFeeChange.bind(this); (this: any).onKeyFeeDisableChange = this.onKeyFeeDisableChange.bind(this); (this: any).onInstantPurchaseMaxChange = this.onInstantPurchaseMaxChange.bind(this); (this: any).onThemeChange = this.onThemeChange.bind(this); (this: any).onAutomaticDarkModeChange = this.onAutomaticDarkModeChange.bind(this); (this: any).clearCache = this.clearCache.bind(this); } componentDidMount() { this.props.getThemes(); this.props.updateWalletStatus(); } onKeyFeeChange(newValue: Price) { this.setDaemonSetting('max_key_fee', newValue); } onKeyFeeDisableChange(isDisabled: boolean) { if (isDisabled) this.setDaemonSetting('max_key_fee'); } onThemeChange(event: SyntheticInputEvent<*>) { const { value } = event.target; if (value === 'dark') { this.onAutomaticDarkModeChange(false); } this.props.setClientSetting(SETTINGS.THEME, value); } onAutomaticDarkModeChange(value: boolean) { this.props.setClientSetting(SETTINGS.AUTOMATIC_DARK_MODE_ENABLED, value); } onInstantPurchaseEnabledChange(enabled: boolean) { this.props.setClientSetting(SETTINGS.INSTANT_PURCHASE_ENABLED, enabled); } onInstantPurchaseMaxChange(newValue: Price) { this.props.setClientSetting(SETTINGS.INSTANT_PURCHASE_MAX, newValue); } onChangeEncryptWallet() { const { decryptWallet, walletEncrypted, encryptWallet } = this.props; if (walletEncrypted) { decryptWallet(); } else { encryptWallet(); } } setDaemonSetting(name: string, value: ?SetDaemonSettingArg): void { this.props.setDaemonSetting(name, value); } clearCache() { this.setState({ clearingCache: true, }); const success = () => { this.setState({ clearingCache: false }); window.location.href = 'index.html'; }; const clear = () => this.props.clearCache().then(success); setTimeout(clear, 1000, { once: true }); } render() { const { daemonSettings, showNsfw, instantPurchaseEnabled, instantPurchaseMax, currentTheme, themes, automaticDarkModeEnabled, autoplay, walletEncrypted, osNotificationsEnabled, autoDownload, setDaemonSetting, setClientSetting, } = this.props; const noDaemonSettings = !daemonSettings || Object.keys(daemonSettings).length === 0; const isDarkModeEnabled = currentTheme === 'dark'; const defaultMaxKeyFee = { currency: 'USD', amount: 50 }; const disableMaxKeyFee = !(daemonSettings && daemonSettings.max_key_fee); return ( {noDaemonSettings ? (
{__('Failed to load settings.')}
) : (

{__('Download Directory')}

{__('LBRY downloads will be saved here.')}

{__('Max Purchase Price')}

{__( 'This will prevent you from purchasing any content over a certain cost, as a safety measure.' )}

{ this.onKeyFeeDisableChange(true); }} /> { this.onKeyFeeDisableChange(false); this.onKeyFeeChange(defaultMaxKeyFee); }} label={__('Choose limit')} /> {!disableMaxKeyFee && ( )}

{__('Purchase Confirmations')}

{__( "When this option is chosen, LBRY won't ask you to confirm downloads below your chosen price." )}

{ this.onInstantPurchaseEnabledChange(false); }} /> { this.onInstantPurchaseEnabledChange(true); }} /> {instantPurchaseEnabled && ( )}

{__('Content Settings')}

setClientSetting(SETTINGS.SHOW_NSFW, !showNsfw)} checked={showNsfw} label={__('Show NSFW content')} helper={__( 'NSFW content may include nudity, intense sexuality, profanity, or other adult content. By displaying NSFW content, you are affirming you are of legal age to view mature content in your country or jurisdiction. ' )} />


setClientSetting(SETTINGS.OS_NOTIFICATIONS_ENABLED, !osNotificationsEnabled) } checked={osNotificationsEnabled} label={__('Show Desktop Notifications')} helper={__( 'Get notified when a publish is confirmed, or when new content is available to watch.' )} />

{__('Share Diagnostic Data')}

setDaemonSetting('share_usage_data', !daemonSettings.share_usage_data) } checked={daemonSettings.share_usage_data} label={__( 'Help make LBRY better by contributing analytics and diagnostic data about my usage.' )} helper={__( 'You will be ineligible to earn rewards while diagnostics are not being shared.' )} />


{themes.map(theme => ( ))} this.onAutomaticDarkModeChange(!automaticDarkModeEnabled)} checked={automaticDarkModeEnabled} disabled={isDarkModeEnabled} label={__('Automatic dark mode (9pm to 8am)')} />

{__('Wallet Security')}

this.onChangeEncryptWallet()} checked={walletEncrypted} label={__('Encrypt my wallet with a custom password.')} helper={ {__('Secure your local wallet data with a custom password.')}{' '} {__('Lost passwords cannot be recovered.')}

{__('Experimental Settings')}

setClientSetting(SETTINGS.AUTO_DOWNLOAD, !autoDownload)} checked={autoDownload} label={__('Automatically download new content from my subscriptions')} helper={__( "The latest file from each of your subscriptions will be downloaded for quick access as soon as it's published." )} /> setClientSetting(SETTINGS.AUTOPLAY, !autoplay)} checked={autoplay} label={__('Autoplay media files')} helper={__( 'Autoplay video and audio files when navigating to a file, as well as the next related item when a file finishes playing.' )} />

{__('Application Cache')}

{__('This will clear the application cache. Your wallet will not be affected.')}

); } } export default SettingsPage;