From 5edaa475ccfc08ece66d52772d401d0c776fdf60 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Leopere <>
Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2018 13:37:58 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Adding a basic toml file for testing

 chainquery/chainqueryconfig.toml | 57 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 57 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 chainquery/chainqueryconfig.toml

diff --git a/chainquery/chainqueryconfig.toml b/chainquery/chainqueryconfig.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2db655f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chainquery/chainqueryconfig.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+#Debug mode outputs specific information to the console
+#LBRYcrd URL is required for chainquery to query the blockchain
+#MySQL DSN is required for chainquery to store information.
+#API MySQL DSN is required for chainquery to expose a SQL query service
+#API Host and Port is required for the API Server to bind and listen on.
+#Profile mode enables and disables the reporting of a profile for chainquery
+#Daemon mode tells chainquery how hard it should work catch up processing the blockchain
+#DEFAULT-deamonmode=0 #BeastMode it continuously process block after block until caughtup.
+#daemonmode=1 #SlowAndSteadyMode it will process block with a frequency of 1 block every 100ms
+#daemonmode=2 #DelayMode it will process a block with a configured delay frequency (set via 'processingdelay')
+#daemonmode=3 #DaemonMode it will process a block every iteration of the daemon.
+#Default client timeout is for communication with the api of chainquery
+#DEFAULT-defaultclienttimeout=20 #Measured in seconds
+#Processing delay is used to determine how frequently chainquery should process a block
+# It is only used if Daemon mode is set to delay mode
+#DEFAULT-processingdelay=100 #Measured in milliseconds
+#Daemon delay is the frequency at which chainquery checks for work to do.
+#DEFAULT-daemondelay=1 #Measured in seconds
+#Profiling options - will output the time take for certain opertions related to the below category
+#Slack Hook URL allows slack integration. All logging info level and above is posted to a slack channel.
+#Slack Channel is the channel that you want the messages to appear. Works together with the hook url.
+#Slack Log Level tells chainquery what level of logging will be sent to the slack channel. It will log all levels below
+# it as well. Panic=0,Fatal=1,Error=2,Warning=3,Info=4,Debug=5
+#The command that should be executed to trigger a self update of the software. For linux, for example, `<yourscript>.sh`
+#Twilio service of chainquery to send specifically important information to key users of the Chainquery install.