#!/usr/bin/env bash # TODO: Remove this notes section. ## Keeping this here as notes for later sed magic. # ######################### # ## Chainquery Settings ## # ######################### # RPC_USER=lbryrpc ## Not super necessery to change this. # RPC_PASSWORD=changeme ## Please replace changeme. # RPC_ALLOW_IP= ## You're better off not changing this. # # ################# # ## Mysql Creds ## # ################# # MYSQL_SERVER= ## You're better off not changing this. # MYSQL_USER=changeme ## This could be changed. # MYSQL_PASSWORD=changeme ## This could be set to something random it sets this string for both Mysql's main user and Chainquery's MysqlDSN. # MYSQL_DATABASE=chainquery ## This can stay the same. # MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=changeme ## Set this to something random and obnoxious we're not using it. # TODO: Add chainquery startup magic for configuration. # sed -i '' # # # debugmode=${DEBUGMODE:-false} # lbrycrdurl="rpc://${RPC_USER:-lbryrpc}:${RPC_PASSWORD:-changeme}@" # mysqldsn="${MYSQL_USER:-changeme}:${MYSQL_PASSWORD:-changeme}@tcp(${MYSQL_SERVER:-}:3306)/${MYSQL_DATABASE:-chainquery}" # apimysqldsn="${MYSQL_USER:-changeme}:${MYSQL_PASSWORD:-changeme}@tcp(${MYSQL_SERVER:-}:3306)/${MYSQL_DATABASE:-chainquery}" ## For now keeping this simple. Potentially eventually add all command args as envvars for the Dockerfile or use safe way to add args via docker-compose.yml chainquery serve -c "/etc/chainquery/"