# kick-ascii A mobile-first responsive layout implemention of [asciinema-player](https://github.com/asciinema/asciinema-player). Self host your own ASCII theatre on the web. [![asciicast](http://enigmacurry.github.io/kick-ascii/cast/index.jpg)](http://enigmacurry.github.io/kick-ascii/?cast=index&bg=matrix.jpg) * Fork this repository on GitHub. * Go to your new repository's Settings -> Options -> GitHub Pages -> Source -> **choose master branch dropdown** * Visit `http://USERNAME.github.io/kick-ascii` (change USERNAME to your github username or organization name.) * Link to index.cast: * [http://enigmacurry.github.io/kick-ascii](http://enigmacurry.github.io/kick-ascii) * Link to a specific cast: * [http://enigmacurry.github.io/kick-ascii/?cast=matrix](http://enigmacurry.github.io/kick-ascii/?cast=matrix) * Specify a custom background image: * [http://enigmacurry.github.io/kick-ascii/?cast=k8s-lbry&bg=lbry.png](http://enigmacurry.github.io/kick-ascii/?cast=k8s-lbry&bg=lbry.png) * Choose a different playback speed: * [http://enigmacurry.github.io/kick-ascii/?cast=k8s-lbry&bg=lbry.png&speed=3](http://enigmacurry.github.io/kick-ascii/?cast=k8s-lbry&bg=lbry.png&speed=3) * Disable pre-loading, no autoplay, no loop: * [http://enigmacurry.github.io/kick-ascii/?cast=matrix&autoplay=false&preload=false&loop=false](http://enigmacurry.github.io/kick-ascii/?cast=matrix&autoplay=false&preload=false&loop=false) * Make new recordings with [asciinema](https://asciinema.org/). * Put cast files and cover images in the `cast` directory. * Put custom background images in the `img` directory. * Commit your changes to git, and push to GitHub. * Alternatively, upload this entire directory to any webhost. It's just a static website. ## I can't click on the progress bar to jump around the timeline! This is a feature of the upstream [asciinema-player](https://github.com/asciinema/asciinema-player), however in several instances of my testing, it has rendered the page entirely unresponsive. It happens often enough that I've decided to make the progress bar non-clickable (`pointer-events: none` in [asciinema-player.css](player/asciinema-player.css)). The arrow keys are still enabled, and they serve the same function, to rewind and fast forward. However, I would caution you to use this feature sparingly, and not try to advance too many frames at once.