# This PR Solves|Enhances or otherwise improves [AddReferenceHere](https://example.com/path/to/commit/file/or/issue) ## Proposed changes and Why I'm deleting this text and replacing it with what I replaced and why I replaced it. Potentially linking to any documentation that supports why it's a good change. ## Below here I'm Sparingly @mentioning @someoneImportant and why I think it's relevant to mention them. ## This is my LBC wallet address for tips bQmvEEfu3TsfcVEPy3SCY1L38gcvXHBiEs **Checklist**: - [] I made sure there to link any relevant git Issues or Commits [(Use Issu Search)](https://github.com/lbryio/lbry-docker/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Aissue) - [] I've read the contribution guidelines so that I can get my PR accepted as fast as possible. - [] I have updated the wallet address in this issue from the one included to my own as I like getting paid for doing good and fun things in this world such as contributing to LBRY.