#!/bin/bash BASEDIR=$(cd $(dirname "$0"); pwd) BASENAME=$(basename "$0") ## RELEASE - The name for the helm release. RELEASE=${RELEASE:-k8s-lbry} ## NAMESPACE - The Kubernetes namespace for the release NAMESPACE=${NAMESPACE:-k8s-lbry} ## CHART - The helm chart location (local path, or from repository) ### Use the stable chart from the HELM_REPO repository: CHART=${CHART:-lbry/k8s-lbry} ### Use the chart from the current directory: #CHART=${CHART:-$BASEDIR} ## VALUES - The path to your configured helm values.yaml: VALUES=${VALUES:-$BASEDIR/values-dev.yaml} DEFAULT_VALUES_URL=${DEFAULT_VALUES_URL:-https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EnigmaCurry/lbry-docker/k8s-lbry/contrib/k8s-lbry/values.yaml} ## HELM_REPO - The stable helm chart repository for this chart: HELM_REPO=${HELM_REPO:-https://k8s-lbry.sfo2.digitaloceanspaces.com} ## TILLER_HOST - The host that runs tiller TILLER_HOST=${TILLER_HOST:-localhost} ## CERTMANAGER_NAMESPACE - The namespace cert-manager runs in CERTMANAGER_NAMESPACE=${CERTMANAGER_NAMESPACE:-cert-manager} CERTMANAGER_VERSION=v0.7.1 ## NGINX_ENABLE_HTTPS - This needs to be set false until DNS is setup. NGINX_ENABLE_HTTPS=${NGINX_ENABLE_HTTPS:-false} ## Mysql Database snapshot download url: CHAINQUERY_SNAPSHOT_URL=${CHAINQUERY_SNAPSHOT_URL:-https://lbry-chainquery-mysql-dump.sfo2.digitaloceanspaces.com/chainquery_height_560900.mysql-backup.tar.gz} ## lbrycrd snapshot download url: LBRYCRD_SNAPSHOT_URL=${LBRYCRD_SNAPSHOT_URL:-https://lbry-chainquery-mysql-dump.sfo2.digitaloceanspaces.com/lbrycrd-566588-snapshot.tar.gz} LBRYCRD_RPC_USER=${LBRYCRD_RPC_USER:-lbry} LBRYCRD_RPC_PASSWORD=${LBRYCRD_RPC_PASSWORD:-lbry} ## Bash alias name for run.sh ## defaults to $NAMESPACE (k8s-lbry) RUN_ALIAS=${RUN_ALIAS:-$NAMESPACE} ## Package bucket (ignore this, only used by developer of this package) PACKAGE_BUCKET=${PACKAGE_BUCKET:-"s3://k8s-lbry"} exe() { ( echo "## $*"; $*; ) } setup() { ### Check for external dependencies: if ! which helm > /dev/null; then echo "Error: You must install helm" echo "On Ubuntu you can run: sudo snap install --classic helm" echo "For other platforms, see https://github.com/helm/helm/releases/latest" exit 1 fi if ! which kubectl > /dev/null; then echo "Error: You must install kubectl" echo "On Ubuntu you can run: sudo snap install --classic kubectl" echo "For other platforms, see https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/install-kubectl/" exit 1 fi if ! which git > /dev/null; then echo "Error: You must install git" echo "On Ubuntu you can run: sudo apt install -y git" echo "For other platforms, see https://git-scm.com/downloads" exit 1 fi ### Initialize helm locally, but do not install tiller to the cluster: HELM=$(which helm) if [ ! -f "$HOME"/.helm/repository/repositories.yaml ]; then exe "$HELM" init --client-only fi ### Add the stable helm chart repository: if [ "$CHART" != "$BASEDIR" ]; then exe "$HELM" repo add lbry "$HELM_REPO" exe "$HELM" repo update fi ### Install helm-tiller plugin, so that no tiller needs to be installed to the cluster: exe "$HELM" plugin install https://github.com/rimusz/helm-tiller || true ### Setup the values.yaml for the chart, using the VALUES environment variable or script default ### If no values file exists, interactively ask if a default config should be created in its place. if [ ! -f "$VALUES" ]; then echo "" echo "Values file does not exist: $VALUES" read -p "Would you like to create a default config file here? (y/N)" choice echo "" case "$choice" in y|Y ) curl "$DEFAULT_VALUES_URL" -Lo "$VALUES" echo "Default configuration created: $VALUES" ;; * ) echo "You must create your own values file: $VALUES (using values.yaml as a template.)" echo "Or set VALUES=/path/to/values.yaml before subsequent commands." exit 1 ;; esac else echo "Configuration found: $VALUES" fi echo "Edit this config file to suit your own environment before install/upgrade" } helm() { ## Redefine all helm commands to run through local tiller instance ## https://rimusz.net/tillerless-helm HELM=$(which helm) exe "$HELM" tiller run "$NAMESPACE" -- helm "$*" } kubectl() { ## kubectl wrapper that defaults to k8s-lbry namespace, so you don't have to ## type as much, but still passes all the provided arguments on to kubectl. ## So you can still specify a different namespace, because the client args ## are applied last. KUBECTL=$(which kubectl) exe "$KUBECTL" --namespace "$NAMESPACE" "$*" } install-nginx-ingress() { ### Install nginx-ingress from stable helm repository ### See https://github.com/helm/charts/tree/master/stable/nginx-ingress helm install stable/nginx-ingress --namespace "$NAMESPACE" --name nginx-ingress --set nginx-ingress.controller.service.enableHttps="$NGINX_ENABLE_HTTPS" --set tcp.9246="$NAMESPACE/lbrycrd:9246" } upgrade-nginx-ingress() { ### Upgrade nginx-ingress helm upgrade nginx-ingress stable/nginx-ingress --namespace "$NAMESPACE" --set nginx-ingress.controller.service.enableHttps="$NGINX_ENABLE_HTTPS" --set tcp.9246="$NAMESPACE/lbrycrd:9246" } install-cert-manager() { ### Install cert-manager from jetstack helm repository ### See https://docs.cert-manager.io/en/latest/index.html kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jetstack/cert-manager/release-0.7/deploy/manifests/00-crds.yaml helm repo add jetstack https://charts.jetstack.io helm repo update helm install --name cert-manager --namespace "$CERTMANAGER_NAMESPACE" jetstack/cert-manager --version $CERTMANAGER_VERSION kubectl label namespace "$CERTMANAGER_NAMESPACE" certmanager.k8s.io/disable-validation="true" } upgrade-cert-manager() { ### Upgrade cert-manager helm upgrade cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager --namespace "$CERTMANAGER_NAMESPACE" --version $CERTMANAGER_VERSION } install() { ### Install the k8s-lbry helm chart if [ ! -f "$VALUES" ]; then echo "Could not find chart values file: $VALUES" exit 1 fi helm install "$CHART" --name "$RELEASE" --namespace="$NAMESPACE" -f "$VALUES" } upgrade() { ### Upgrade the k8s-lbry helm chart if [ ! -f "$VALUES" ]; then echo "Could not find chart values file: $VALUES" exit 1 fi helm upgrade "$RELEASE" "$CHART" --namespace="$NAMESPACE" -f "$VALUES" } shell() { ### Execute a shell in the running container with helm app name provided by first argument ( if [ "$#" -eq 1 ]; then KUBECTL=$(which kubectl) POD=$($KUBECTL get --namespace "$NAMESPACE" pod -l app="$1" -o name | sed s+pod/++) exe kubectl exec -it "$POD" /bin/bash else echo "Required arg: helm app name of pod to shell into" fi ) } shell-pvc() { ### Start a utility container shell with an attached Persistent Volume Claim. ( # From https://gist.github.com/yuanying/3aa7d59dcce65470804ab43def646ab6 IMAGE="ubuntu:18.04" COMMAND="/bin/bash" SUFFIX=$(date +%s | shasum | base64 | fold -w 10 | head -1 | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') usage_exit() { echo "Usage: $0 [-c command] [-i image] PVC ..." 1>&2 exit 1 } if [ "$#" -ne 1 ]; then usage_exit fi while getopts i:h OPT do case $OPT in i) IMAGE=$OPTARG ;; c) COMMAND=$OPTARG ;; h) usage_exit ;; \?) usage_exit ;; esac done shift $(($OPTIND - 1)) VOL_MOUNTS="" VOLS="" COMMA="" for i in $@ do VOL_MOUNTS="${VOL_MOUNTS}${COMMA}{\"name\": \"${i}\",\"mountPath\": \"/pvcs/${i}\"}" VOLS="${VOLS}${COMMA}{\"name\": \"${i}\",\"persistentVolumeClaim\": {\"claimName\": \"${i}\"}}" COMMA="," done $(which kubectl) --namespace "$NAMESPACE" run -it --rm --restart=Never --image="${IMAGE}" pvc-mounter-"${SUFFIX}" --overrides " { \"spec\": { \"hostNetwork\": true, \"containers\":[ { \"args\": [\"${COMMAND}\"], \"stdin\": true, \"tty\": true, \"name\": \"pvc\", \"image\": \"${IMAGE}\", \"volumeMounts\": [ ${VOL_MOUNTS} ] } ], \"volumes\": [ ${VOLS} ] } } " -- "${COMMAND}" ) } restart() { ### Restart the pod given by a helm app name ( if [ "$#" -eq 1 ]; then KUBECTL=$(which kubectl) POD=$($KUBECTL get --namespace "$NAMESPACE" pod -l app="$1" -o name | sed s+pod/++) exe kubectl delete pod "$POD" else echo "Required arg: helm app name of pod to restart" fi ) } package() { ### Create a packaged helm release and upload to the S3 repository ( cd $BASEDIR set -e if [ "$#" -eq 1 ]; then if ! grep "version: $1" Chart.yaml; then echo "Chart.yaml version does not match intended package version ($1)." exit 1 fi else echo "required argument: package version" exit 1 fi PACKAGE="k8s-lbry-$1.tgz" ## Build Helm package repository and upload to s3 if which s3cmd > /dev/null; then if s3cmd info $PACKAGE_BUCKET > /dev/null; then # Download all remote releases, to re-include in new index.yaml exe s3cmd sync $PACKAGE_BUCKET . # Check if release already exists s3_url="$PACKAGE_BUCKET/$PACKAGE" if s3cmd info "$s3_url"; then echo "$s3_url already exists. Aborting." exit 1 fi # Package release and rebuild repository exe helm dependency update exe helm package . exe helm repo index . # Publish packages to s3 exe s3cmd put --acl-public index.yaml "$PACKAGE" $PACKAGE_BUCKET exe s3cmd put --acl-public charts/*.tgz $PACKAGE_BUCKET/charts/ else echo "s3cmd is not setup, run s3cmd --configure" exit 1 fi else echo "s3cmd is not installed" exit 1 fi ) } chainquery-mysql-client() { ### Access the mysql shell for chainquery KUBECTL=$(which kubectl) POD=$($KUBECTL -n "$NAMESPACE" get pod -l app=chainquery-mysql -o name | sed s+pod/++) if [ ${#POD} -gt 0 ]; then kubectl exec -it "$POD" -- mysql -u chainquery -pchainquery else echo "chainquery-mysql pod not found" fi } speech-mysql-client() { ### Access the mysql shell for speech KUBECTL=$(which kubectl) POD=$($KUBECTL -n "$NAMESPACE" get pod -l app=speech-mysql -o name | sed s+pod/++) if [ ${#POD} -gt 0 ]; then kubectl exec -it "$POD" -- mysql -u speech -pspeech else echo "speech-mysql pod not found" fi } chainquery-override-snapshot() { ### Delete the existing chainquery database and download a snapshot to restore read -p "Would you like to DESTROY the existing chainquery database, and restore from a fresh snapshot? (y/N) " destroy_chainquery case "$destroy_chainquery" in y|Y ) kubectl delete deployments chainquery chainquery-mysql || true echo "Please wait.." IMAGE="ubuntu:18.04" SUFFIX=$(date +%s | shasum | base64 | fold -w 10 | head -1 | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') VOL_MOUNTS="{\"name\": \"chainquery-mysql\",\"mountPath\": \"/pvcs/chainquery-mysql\"}" VOLS="{\"name\": \"chainquery-mysql\",\"persistentVolumeClaim\": {\"claimName\": \"chainquery-mysql\"}}" COMMAND="rm -rf /pvcs/chainquery-mysql/* && apt-get update && apt-get install -y curl && curl -s ${CHAINQUERY_SNAPSHOT_URL} | tar xvz -C /pvcs/chainquery-mysql/" $(which kubectl) --namespace "$NAMESPACE" run -it --rm --restart=Never --image=${IMAGE} pvc-mounter-"${SUFFIX}" --overrides " { \"spec\": { \"hostNetwork\": true, \"containers\":[ { \"args\": [\"bin/bash\", \"-c\", \"${COMMAND}\"], \"stdin\": true, \"tty\": true, \"name\": \"pvc\", \"image\": \"${IMAGE}\", \"volumeMounts\": [ ${VOL_MOUNTS} ] } ], \"volumes\": [ ${VOLS} ] } } " echo "Extraction complete" ;; * ) echo "Aborted." ;; esac } lbrycrd-override-snapshot() { ### Delete the existing lbrycrd data and download a snapshot to restore read -p "Would you like to DESTROY the existing lbrycrd data, and restore from a fresh snapshot? (y/N) " destroy_lbrycrd case "$destroy_lbrycrd" in y|Y ) kubectl delete deployments lbrycrd || true echo "Please wait.." IMAGE="ubuntu:18.04" SUFFIX=$(date +%s | shasum | base64 | fold -w 10 | head -1 | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') VOL_MOUNTS="{\"name\": \"lbrycrd\",\"mountPath\": \"/pvcs/lbrycrd\"}" VOLS="{\"name\": \"lbrycrd\",\"persistentVolumeClaim\": {\"claimName\": \"lbrycrd\"}}" COMMAND="rm -rf /pvcs/lbrycrd/* && apt-get update && apt-get install -y curl && curl -s ${LBRYCRD_SNAPSHOT_URL} | tar xvz -C /pvcs/lbrycrd/" $(which kubectl) --namespace "$NAMESPACE" run -it --rm --restart=Never --image=${IMAGE} pvc-mounter-"${SUFFIX}" --overrides " { \"spec\": { \"hostNetwork\": true, \"containers\":[ { \"args\": [\"bin/bash\", \"-c\", \"${COMMAND}\"], \"stdin\": true, \"tty\": true, \"name\": \"pvc\", \"image\": \"${IMAGE}\", \"volumeMounts\": [ ${VOL_MOUNTS} ] } ], \"volumes\": [ ${VOLS} ] } } " echo "Extraction complete" ;; * ) echo "Aborted." ;; esac } logs() { ### Watch the logs of a pod by helm app name ( set -e if [ "$#" -eq 1 ]; then kubectl logs -l app="$1" -f elif [ "$#" -eq 2 ]; then KUBECTL=$(which kubectl) POD=$($KUBECTL get --namespace "$NAMESPACE" pod -l app="$1" -o name | sed s+pod/++) kubectl logs "$POD" "$2" -f else echo "Required arg: app_name" fi ) } lbrynet-copy-wallet() { ### Copy the lbrynet wallet to a local path for backup ( set -e if [ "$#" -eq 1 ]; then WALLET=/home/lbrynet/.local/share/lbry/lbryum/wallets/default_wallet KUBECTL=$(which kubectl) POD=$($KUBECTL -n "$NAMESPACE" get pod -l app=lbrynet -o name | sed s+pod/++) kubectl cp "$POD":$WALLET "$1" chmod 600 "$1" echo "lbrynet wallet copied to $1" else echo "Required arg: path of backup location for wallet" fi ) } speech-lbrynet-copy-wallet() { ### Copy the speech-lbrynet wallet to a local path for backup ( set -e if [ "$#" -eq 1 ]; then WALLET=/home/lbrynet/.local/share/lbry/lbryum/wallets/default_wallet KUBECTL=$(which kubectl) POD=$($KUBECTL -n "$NAMESPACE" get pod -l app=speech -o name | sed s+pod/++) kubectl cp "$POD":$WALLET "$1" -c speech-lbrynet chmod 600 "$1" echo "lbrynet wallet copied to $1" else echo "Required arg: path of backup location for wallet" fi ) } lbrycrd-cli() { ## Run lbrycrd-cli client from inside the running pod outputting to your local terminal KUBECTL=$(which kubectl) POD=$($KUBECTL -n "$NAMESPACE" get pod -l app=lbrycrd -o name | sed s+pod/++) if [ ${#POD} -gt 0 ]; then kubectl exec "$POD" -- lbrycrd-cli -rpcuser="$LBRYCRD_RPC_USER" -rpcpassword="$LBRYCRD_RPC_PASSWORD" "$*" else echo "lbrycrd pod not found" fi } lbrynet() { ## Run lbrynet client from inside the running pod outputting to your local terminal KUBECTL=$(which kubectl) POD=$($KUBECTL -n "$NAMESPACE" get pod -l app=lbrynet -o name | sed s+pod/++) if [ ${#POD} -gt 0 ]; then kubectl exec "$POD" -- lbrynet "$*" else echo "lbrynet pod not found" fi } speech-lbrynet() { ## Run lbrynet client from inside the running pod outputting to your local terminal KUBECTL=$(which kubectl) POD=$($KUBECTL -n "$NAMESPACE" get pod -l app=speech -o name | sed s+pod/++) if [ ${#POD} -gt 0 ]; then kubectl exec "$POD" -c speech-lbrynet -- lbrynet "$*" else echo "lbrynet pod not found" fi } SUBCOMMANDS_NO_ARGS=(setup install install-nginx-ingress install-cert-manager upgrade upgrade-nginx-ingress upgrade-cert-manager chainquery-mysql-client speech-mysql-client chainquery-override-snapshot lbrycrd-override-snapshot setup-alias) SUBCOMMANDS_PASS_ARGS=(helm kubectl shell shell-pvc restart package logs lbrynet-copy-wallet lbrynet speech-lbrynet-copy-wallet speech-lbrynet lbrycrd-cli completion) completion() { if [ "$#" -eq 1 ] && [ "$1" == "bash" ]; then cat < "$BASEDIR"/completion.bash.inc $(which helm) completion bash >> "$BASEDIR"/completion.bash.inc completion bash >> "$BASEDIR"/completion.bash.inc if [[ -z $K8S_LBRY_HOME ]] && ! grep "K8S_LBRY_HOME" "$HOME"/.bashrc > /dev/null; then echo "K8S_LBRY_HOME not set." read -p "Would you this script to edit $HOME/.bashrc to add tab completion support? (y/N) " choice case "$choice" in y|Y ) cat <> "$HOME"/.bashrc ## Enable bash completion if [ -f /etc/bash_completion ]; then source /etc/bash_completion fi ## k8s-lbry alias and tab completion K8S_LBRY_HOME=$BASEDIR alias $RUN_ALIAS=\$K8S_LBRY_HOME/run.sh if [ -f \$K8S_LBRY_HOME/completion.bash.inc ]; then source \$K8S_LBRY_HOME/completion.bash.inc fi EOF echo "Created new alias: $RUN_ALIAS" echo "To use the new alias, run \"source ~/.bashrc\" or just close your terminal session and restart it." ;; * ) echo "Aborting" && exit 1;; esac else echo "K8S_LBRY_HOME environment already setup. Nothing left to do." fi } if printf '%s\n' ${SUBCOMMANDS_NO_ARGS[@]} | grep -q -P "^$1$"; then ## Subcommands that take no arguments: ( set -e if [ "$#" -eq 1 ]; then $* else echo "$1 does not take any additional arguments" fi ) elif printf '%s\n' ${SUBCOMMANDS_PASS_ARGS[@]} | grep -q -P "^$1$"; then ## Subcommands that pass all arguments: ( set -e $* ) else if [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; then echo "## Invalid command: $1" else echo "## Must specify a command:" fi echo "" echo "## $0 setup" echo "## - Setup dependencies" echo "" echo "## $0 install-nginx-ingress" echo "## - Deploy nginx-ingress chart" echo "" echo "## $0 install-cert-manager" echo "## - Deploy cert-manager chart" echo "" echo "## $0 install" echo "## - Deploy main k8s-lbry chart" echo "" echo "## $0 upgrade" echo "## - Upgrade an existing release" echo "" echo "## $0 shell " echo "## - execute shell into running helm application pod" echo "" echo "## $0 shell-pvc [-c command] [-i image] PVC" echo "## - run a utility shell with the named PVC mounted in /pvcs" echo "" echo "## $0 helm [...] " echo "## - run any helm command (through helm-tiller wrapper)" echo "" echo "## $0 kubectl [...]" echo "## - run any kubectl command (defaulting to configured namespace)" echo "" echo "## $0 chainquery-mysql-client" echo "## - run mysql shell for chainquery database" echo "" echo "## $0 speech-mysql-client" echo "## - run mysql shell for speech database" echo "" echo "## $0 chainquery-override-snapshot" echo "## - Restore chainquery database from snapshot" echo "" echo "## $0 lbrycrd-override-snapshot" echo "## - Restore lbrycrd database from snapshot" echo "" echo "## $0 logs [container]" echo "## - Stream the logs for the pod running the helm app name provided" echo "## (specify which container if the pod has more than one.)" echo "" echo "## $0 lbrynet-copy-wallet " echo "## - Backup the lbrynet wallet file to a local path" echo "" echo "## $0 lbrynet " echo "## - Run lbrynet client inside running lbrynet pod" echo "" echo "## $0 speech-lbrynet-copy-wallet " echo "## - Backup the speech-lbrynet wallet file to a local path" echo "" echo "## $0 speech-lbrynet " echo "## - Run speech-lbrynet client inside running speech pod" echo "" echo "## $0 setup-alias" echo "## - Setup bash alias and tab completion for run.sh" echo "" exit 1 fi