version: '3.4' networks: lbrynet: external: true services: ########### ## MYSQL ## ########### ## MariaDB is currently not supported and neither is later versions of MySQL this may change. ## mysql: image: mysql:5.7.23 restart: always networks: lbrynet: ipv4_address: aliases: - mysql env_file: - .env expose: - 3306 ## TODO: I want to find a way that is acceptable to everyone to lock this up ## and not share it with everyone at least eventually. ports: - 3306:3306 volumes: - ./data/db:/var/lib/mysql - ./stuff/my.cnf:/etc/mysql/conf.d/chainquery-optimizations.cnf ################ ## Chainquery ## ################ chainquery: build: context: . target: app restart: always networks: lbrynet: ipv4_address: env_file: - .env - ../lbrycrd/.env labels: - "traefik.expose=false" expose: - 6300 ports: - 6300:6300 depends_on: - mysql