## This base image is for running the latest lbrynet-daemon release. FROM ubuntu:18.04 LABEL MAINTAINER="leopere [at] nixc [dot] us" RUN apt-get update && apt-get -y install unzip && apt-get install -y ca-certificates RUN adduser lbrynet --gecos GECOS --shell /bin/bash --disabled-password --home /lbrynet/ ## Add lbrynet ADD https://lbry.io/get/lbrynet.linux.zip /lbrynet/lbrynet.linux.zip RUN unzip /lbrynet/lbrynet.linux.zip -d /lbrynet/ && \ rm /lbrynet/lbrynet.linux.zip && \ chown -Rv lbrynet:lbrynet /lbrynet && \ mv /lbrynet/lbrynet /bin/ # COPY stuff/debugpaste-it.sh /usr/local/bin/debugpaste-it COPY stuff/start.sh /usr/local/bin/start COPY stuff/docker-entrypoint.sh /usr/local/bin/docker-entrypoint COPY stuff/healthcheck.sh /usr/local/bin/healthcheck COPY stuff/daemon_settings.yml /lbrynet/daemon_settings.yml ## Daemon port [Intended for internal use] ## LBRYNET talks to peers on port 3333 [Intended for external use] this port is used to discover other lbrynet daemons with blobs. ## Expose 5566 Reflector port to listen on ## Expose 5279 Port the daemon API will listen on ## the lbryumx aka Wallet port [Intended for internal use] #EXPOSE 4444 3333 5566 52800 50001 ## TODO: Have wallets stored on their own volume/subdirectory for security, and backups. ## Volumize the wallets in a separate location for backup purposes may be unnecessary. # VOLUME /lbrynet/.local/share/lbry/lbryum/wallets # VOLUME /lbrynet/.local/ ## Example daemon_settings.yml is at https://github.com/lbryio/lbry/blob/master/example_daemon_settings.yml ##ADD https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lbryio/lbry/master/example_daemon_settings.yml /etc/lbrynet/example_daemon_settings.yml ## TODO: In start.sh detect and merge changes. # VOLUME /etc/lbry/daemon_settings.yml ## TODO: Downloaded blobs will be in their own separate volume for keeping backups of critical secrets and data separate from backups of potentially massive blob files. # VOLUME /lbrynet/Downloads/ ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/bash"] CMD ["start"]