from os.path import (join, dirname, isdir, splitext, basename, realpath) from os import listdir, mkdir import sh import glob import json import importlib from pythonforandroid.logger import (warning, shprint, info, logger, debug, error) from pythonforandroid.util import (current_directory, ensure_dir, temp_directory, which) from pythonforandroid.recipe import Recipe class Bootstrap(object): '''An Android project template, containing recipe stuff for compilation and templated fields for APK info. ''' name = '' jni_subdir = '/jni' ctx = None bootstrap_dir = None build_dir = None dist_dir = None dist_name = None distribution = None recipe_depends = ['sdl2'] can_be_chosen_automatically = True '''Determines whether the bootstrap can be chosen as one that satisfies user requirements. If False, it will not be returned from Bootstrap.get_bootstrap_from_recipes. ''' # Other things a Bootstrap might need to track (maybe separately): # ndk_main.c # whitelist.txt # blacklist.txt @property def dist_dir(self): '''The dist dir at which to place the finished distribution.''' if self.distribution is None: warning('Tried to access {}.dist_dir, but {}.distribution ' 'is None'.format(self, self)) exit(1) return self.distribution.dist_dir @property def jni_dir(self): return + self.jni_subdir def check_recipe_choices(self): '''Checks what recipes are being built to see which of the alternative and optional dependencies are being used, and returns a list of these.''' recipes = [] built_recipes = self.ctx.recipe_build_order for recipe in self.recipe_depends: if isinstance(recipe, (tuple, list)): for alternative in recipe: if alternative in built_recipes: recipes.append(alternative) break return sorted(recipes) def get_build_dir_name(self): choices = self.check_recipe_choices() dir_name = '-'.join([] + choices) return dir_name def get_build_dir(self): return join(self.ctx.build_dir, 'bootstrap_builds', self.get_build_dir_name()) def get_dist_dir(self, name): return join(self.ctx.dist_dir, name) @property def name(self): modname = self.__class__.__module__ return modname.split(".", 2)[-1] def prepare_build_dir(self): '''Ensure that a build dir exists for the recipe. This same single dir will be used for building all different archs.''' self.build_dir = self.get_build_dir() shprint(sh.cp, '-r', join(self.bootstrap_dir, 'build'), self.build_dir) if self.ctx.symlink_java_src: info('Symlinking java src instead of copying') shprint(sh.rm, '-r', join(self.build_dir, 'src')) shprint(sh.mkdir, join(self.build_dir, 'src')) for dirn in listdir(join(self.bootstrap_dir, 'build', 'src')): shprint(sh.ln, '-s', join(self.bootstrap_dir, 'build', 'src', dirn), join(self.build_dir, 'src')) with current_directory(self.build_dir): with open('', 'w') as fileh: fileh.write('target=android-{}'.format(self.ctx.android_api)) def prepare_dist_dir(self, name): # self.dist_dir = self.get_dist_dir(name) ensure_dir(self.dist_dir) def run_distribute(self): # print('Default bootstrap being used doesn\'t know how ' # 'to distribute...failing.') # exit(1) with current_directory(self.dist_dir): info('Saving distribution info') with open('dist_info.json', 'w') as fileh: json.dump({'dist_name': self.ctx.dist_name, 'bootstrap':, 'archs': [arch.arch for arch in self.ctx.archs], 'recipes': self.ctx.recipe_build_order + self.ctx.python_modules}, fileh) @classmethod def list_bootstraps(cls): '''Find all the available bootstraps and return them.''' forbidden_dirs = ('__pycache__', ) bootstraps_dir = join(dirname(__file__), 'bootstraps') for name in listdir(bootstraps_dir): if name in forbidden_dirs: continue filen = join(bootstraps_dir, name) if isdir(filen): yield name @classmethod def get_bootstrap_from_recipes(cls, recipes, ctx): '''Returns a bootstrap whose recipe requirements do not conflict with the given recipes.''' info('Trying to find a bootstrap that matches the given recipes.') bootstraps = [cls.get_bootstrap(name, ctx) for name in cls.list_bootstraps()] acceptable_bootstraps = [] for bs in bootstraps: if not bs.can_be_chosen_automatically: continue possible_dependency_lists = expand_dependencies(bs.recipe_depends) for possible_dependencies in possible_dependency_lists: ok = True for recipe in possible_dependencies: recipe = Recipe.get_recipe(recipe, ctx) if any([conflict in recipes for conflict in recipe.conflicts]): ok = False break for recipe in recipes: try: recipe = Recipe.get_recipe(recipe, ctx) except IOError: conflicts = [] else: conflicts = recipe.conflicts if any([conflict in possible_dependencies for conflict in conflicts]): ok = False break if ok: acceptable_bootstraps.append(bs) info('Found {} acceptable bootstraps: {}'.format( len(acceptable_bootstraps), [ for bs in acceptable_bootstraps])) if acceptable_bootstraps: info('Using the first of these: {}' .format(acceptable_bootstraps[0].name)) return acceptable_bootstraps[0] return None @classmethod def get_bootstrap(cls, name, ctx): '''Returns an instance of a bootstrap with the given name. This is the only way you should access a bootstrap class, as it sets the bootstrap directory correctly. ''' if name is None: return None if not hasattr(cls, 'bootstraps'): cls.bootstraps = {} if name in cls.bootstraps: return cls.bootstraps[name] mod = importlib.import_module('pythonforandroid.bootstraps.{}' .format(name)) if len(logger.handlers) > 1: logger.removeHandler(logger.handlers[1]) bootstrap = mod.bootstrap bootstrap.bootstrap_dir = join(ctx.root_dir, 'bootstraps', name) bootstrap.ctx = ctx return bootstrap def distribute_libs(self, arch, src_dirs, wildcard='*', dest_dir="libs"): '''Copy existing arch libs from build dirs to current dist dir.''' info('Copying libs') tgt_dir = join(dest_dir, arch.arch) ensure_dir(tgt_dir) for src_dir in src_dirs: for lib in glob.glob(join(src_dir, wildcard)): shprint(sh.cp, '-a', lib, tgt_dir) def distribute_javaclasses(self, javaclass_dir, dest_dir="src"): '''Copy existing javaclasses from build dir to current dist dir.''' info('Copying java files') ensure_dir(dest_dir) for filename in glob.glob(javaclass_dir): shprint(sh.cp, '-a', filename, dest_dir) def distribute_aars(self, arch): '''Process existing .aar bundles and copy to current dist dir.''' info('Unpacking aars') for aar in glob.glob(join(self.ctx.aars_dir, '*.aar')): self._unpack_aar(aar, arch) def _unpack_aar(self, aar, arch): '''Unpack content of .aar bundle and copy to current dist dir.''' with temp_directory() as temp_dir: name = splitext(basename(aar))[0] jar_name = name + '.jar' info("unpack {} aar".format(name)) debug(" from {}".format(aar)) debug(" to {}".format(temp_dir)) shprint(sh.unzip, '-o', aar, '-d', temp_dir) jar_src = join(temp_dir, 'classes.jar') jar_tgt = join('libs', jar_name) debug("copy {} jar".format(name)) debug(" from {}".format(jar_src)) debug(" to {}".format(jar_tgt)) ensure_dir('libs') shprint(sh.cp, '-a', jar_src, jar_tgt) so_src_dir = join(temp_dir, 'jni', arch.arch) so_tgt_dir = join('libs', arch.arch) debug("copy {} .so".format(name)) debug(" from {}".format(so_src_dir)) debug(" to {}".format(so_tgt_dir)) ensure_dir(so_tgt_dir) so_files = glob.glob(join(so_src_dir, '*.so')) for f in so_files: shprint(sh.cp, '-a', f, so_tgt_dir) def strip_libraries(self, arch): info('Stripping libraries') if self.ctx.python_recipe.from_crystax: info('Python was loaded from CrystaX, skipping strip') return env = arch.get_env() strip = which('arm-linux-androideabi-strip', env['PATH']) if strip is None: warning('Can\'t find strip in PATH...') return strip = sh.Command(strip) filens = shprint(sh.find, join(self.dist_dir, 'private'), join(self.dist_dir, 'libs'), '-iname', '*.so', _env=env).stdout.decode('utf-8')'Stripping libraries in private dir') for filen in filens.split('\n'): try: strip(filen, _env=env) except sh.ErrorReturnCode_1: logger.debug('Failed to strip ' + filen) def fry_eggs(self, sitepackages): info('Frying eggs in {}'.format(sitepackages)) for d in listdir(sitepackages): rd = join(sitepackages, d) if isdir(rd) and d.endswith('.egg'): info(' ' + d) files = [join(rd, f) for f in listdir(rd) if f != 'EGG-INFO'] if files: shprint(, '-t', sitepackages, *files) shprint(sh.rm, '-rf', d) def expand_dependencies(recipes): recipe_lists = [[]] for recipe in recipes: if isinstance(recipe, (tuple, list)): new_recipe_lists = [] for alternative in recipe: for old_list in recipe_lists: new_list = [i for i in old_list] new_list.append(alternative) new_recipe_lists.append(new_list) recipe_lists = new_recipe_lists else: for old_list in recipe_lists: old_list.append(recipe) return recipe_lists