from __future__ import print_function from os.path import (join, realpath, dirname, expanduser, exists, split, isdir) from os import environ import copy import os import glob import sys import re import sh import subprocess from pythonforandroid.util import ( current_directory, ensure_dir, get_virtualenv_executable, BuildInterruptingException ) from pythonforandroid.logger import (info, warning, info_notify, info_main, shprint) from pythonforandroid.archs import ArchARM, ArchARMv7_a, ArchAarch_64, Archx86, Archx86_64 from pythonforandroid.recipe import CythonRecipe, Recipe from pythonforandroid.recommendations import ( check_ndk_version, check_target_api, check_ndk_api, RECOMMENDED_NDK_API, RECOMMENDED_TARGET_API) class Context(object): '''A build context. If anything will be built, an instance this class will be instantiated and used to hold all the build state.''' env = environ.copy() # the filepath of root_dir = None # the root dir where builds and dists will be stored storage_dir = None # in which bootstraps are copied for building # and recipes are built build_dir = None # the Android project folder where everything ends up dist_dir = None # where Android libs are cached after build # but before being placed in dists libs_dir = None aars_dir = None ccache = None # whether to use ccache cython = None # the cython interpreter name ndk_platform = None # the ndk platform directory dist_name = None # should be deprecated in favour of self.dist.dist_name bootstrap = None bootstrap_build_dir = None recipe_build_order = None # Will hold the list of all built recipes symlink_java_src = False # If True, will symlink instead of copying during build java_build_tool = 'auto' @property def packages_path(self): '''Where packages are downloaded before being unpacked''' return join(self.storage_dir, 'packages') @property def templates_dir(self): return join(self.root_dir, 'templates') @property def libs_dir(self): # Was previously hardcoded as self.build_dir/libs dir = join(self.build_dir, 'libs_collections', ensure_dir(dir) return dir @property def javaclass_dir(self): # Was previously hardcoded as self.build_dir/java dir = join(self.build_dir, 'javaclasses', ensure_dir(dir) return dir @property def aars_dir(self): dir = join(self.build_dir, 'aars', ensure_dir(dir) return dir @property def python_installs_dir(self): dir = join(self.build_dir, 'python-installs') ensure_dir(dir) return dir def get_python_install_dir(self): dir = join(self.python_installs_dir, return dir def setup_dirs(self, storage_dir): '''Calculates all the storage and build dirs, and makes sure the directories exist where necessary.''' self.storage_dir = expanduser(storage_dir) if ' ' in self.storage_dir: raise ValueError('storage dir path cannot contain spaces, please ' 'specify a path with --storage-dir') self.build_dir = join(self.storage_dir, 'build') self.dist_dir = join(self.storage_dir, 'dists') def ensure_dirs(self): ensure_dir(self.storage_dir) ensure_dir(self.build_dir) ensure_dir(self.dist_dir) ensure_dir(join(self.build_dir, 'bootstrap_builds')) ensure_dir(join(self.build_dir, 'other_builds')) @property def android_api(self): '''The Android API being targeted.''' if self._android_api is None: raise ValueError('Tried to access android_api but it has not ' 'been set - this should not happen, something ' 'went wrong!') return self._android_api @android_api.setter def android_api(self, value): self._android_api = value @property def ndk_api(self): '''The API number compile against''' if self._ndk_api is None: raise ValueError('Tried to access ndk_api but it has not ' 'been set - this should not happen, something ' 'went wrong!') return self._ndk_api @ndk_api.setter def ndk_api(self, value): self._ndk_api = value @property def sdk_dir(self): '''The path to the Android SDK.''' if self._sdk_dir is None: raise ValueError('Tried to access sdk_dir but it has not ' 'been set - this should not happen, something ' 'went wrong!') return self._sdk_dir @sdk_dir.setter def sdk_dir(self, value): self._sdk_dir = value @property def ndk_dir(self): '''The path to the Android NDK.''' if self._ndk_dir is None: raise ValueError('Tried to access ndk_dir but it has not ' 'been set - this should not happen, something ' 'went wrong!') return self._ndk_dir @ndk_dir.setter def ndk_dir(self, value): self._ndk_dir = value def prepare_build_environment(self, user_sdk_dir, user_ndk_dir, user_android_api, user_ndk_api): '''Checks that build dependencies exist and sets internal variables for the Android SDK etc. ..warning:: This *must* be called before trying any build stuff ''' self.ensure_dirs() if self._build_env_prepared: return ok = True # Work out where the Android SDK is sdk_dir = None if user_sdk_dir: sdk_dir = user_sdk_dir # This is the old P4A-specific var if sdk_dir is None: sdk_dir = environ.get('ANDROIDSDK', None) # This seems used more conventionally if sdk_dir is None: sdk_dir = environ.get('ANDROID_HOME', None) # Checks in the buildozer SDK dir, useful for debug tests of p4a if sdk_dir is None: possible_dirs = glob.glob(expanduser(join( '~', '.buildozer', 'android', 'platform', 'android-sdk-*'))) possible_dirs = [d for d in possible_dirs if not (d.endswith('.bz2') or d.endswith('.gz'))] if possible_dirs: info('Found possible SDK dirs in buildozer dir: {}'.format( ', '.join([d.split(os.sep)[-1] for d in possible_dirs]))) info('Will attempt to use SDK at {}'.format(possible_dirs[0])) warning('This SDK lookup is intended for debug only, if you ' 'use python-for-android much you should probably ' 'maintain your own SDK download.') sdk_dir = possible_dirs[0] if sdk_dir is None: raise BuildInterruptingException('Android SDK dir was not specified, exiting.') self.sdk_dir = realpath(sdk_dir) # Check what Android API we're using android_api = None if user_android_api: android_api = user_android_api info('Getting Android API version from user argument: {}'.format(android_api)) elif 'ANDROIDAPI' in environ: android_api = environ['ANDROIDAPI'] info('Found Android API target in $ANDROIDAPI: {}'.format(android_api)) else: info('Android API target was not set manually, using ' 'the default of {}'.format(RECOMMENDED_TARGET_API)) android_api = RECOMMENDED_TARGET_API android_api = int(android_api) self.android_api = android_api check_target_api(android_api, self.archs[0].arch) if exists(join(sdk_dir, 'tools', 'bin', 'avdmanager')): avdmanager = sh.Command(join(sdk_dir, 'tools', 'bin', 'avdmanager')) targets = avdmanager('list', 'target').stdout.decode('utf-8').split('\n') elif exists(join(sdk_dir, 'tools', 'android')): android = sh.Command(join(sdk_dir, 'tools', 'android')) targets = android('list').stdout.decode('utf-8').split('\n') else: raise BuildInterruptingException( 'Could not find `android` or `sdkmanager` binaries in Android SDK', instructions='Make sure the path to the Android SDK is correct') apis = [s for s in targets if re.match(r'^ *API level: ', s)] apis = [re.findall(r'[0-9]+', s) for s in apis] apis = [int(s[0]) for s in apis if s] info('Available Android APIs are ({})'.format( ', '.join(map(str, apis)))) if android_api in apis: info(('Requested API target {} is available, ' 'continuing.').format(android_api)) else: raise BuildInterruptingException( ('Requested API target {} is not available, install ' 'it with the SDK android tool.').format(android_api)) # Find the Android NDK # Could also use ANDROID_NDK, but doesn't look like many tools use this ndk_dir = None if user_ndk_dir: ndk_dir = user_ndk_dir info('Getting NDK dir from from user argument') if ndk_dir is None: # The old P4A-specific dir ndk_dir = environ.get('ANDROIDNDK', None) if ndk_dir is not None: info('Found NDK dir in $ANDROIDNDK: {}'.format(ndk_dir)) if ndk_dir is None: # Apparently the most common convention ndk_dir = environ.get('NDK_HOME', None) if ndk_dir is not None: info('Found NDK dir in $NDK_HOME: {}'.format(ndk_dir)) if ndk_dir is None: # Another convention (with maven?) ndk_dir = environ.get('ANDROID_NDK_HOME', None) if ndk_dir is not None: info('Found NDK dir in $ANDROID_NDK_HOME: {}'.format(ndk_dir)) if ndk_dir is None: # Checks in the buildozer NDK dir, useful # # for debug tests of p4a possible_dirs = glob.glob(expanduser(join( '~', '.buildozer', 'android', 'platform', 'android-ndk-r*'))) if possible_dirs: info('Found possible NDK dirs in buildozer dir: {}'.format( ', '.join([d.split(os.sep)[-1] for d in possible_dirs]))) info('Will attempt to use NDK at {}'.format(possible_dirs[0])) warning('This NDK lookup is intended for debug only, if you ' 'use python-for-android much you should probably ' 'maintain your own NDK download.') ndk_dir = possible_dirs[0] if ndk_dir is None: raise BuildInterruptingException('Android NDK dir was not specified') self.ndk_dir = realpath(ndk_dir) check_ndk_version(ndk_dir) self.ndk = 'crystax' # force crystax detection ndk_api = None if user_ndk_api: ndk_api = user_ndk_api info('Getting NDK API version (i.e. minimum supported API) from user argument') elif 'NDKAPI' in environ: ndk_api = environ.get('NDKAPI', None) info('Found Android API target in $NDKAPI') else: ndk_api = min(self.android_api, RECOMMENDED_NDK_API) warning('NDK API target was not set manually, using ' 'the default of {} = min(android-api={}, default ndk-api={})'.format( ndk_api, self.android_api, RECOMMENDED_NDK_API)) ndk_api = int(ndk_api) self.ndk_api = ndk_api check_ndk_api(ndk_api, self.android_api) virtualenv = get_virtualenv_executable() if virtualenv is None: raise IOError('Couldn\'t find a virtualenv executable, ' 'you must install this to use p4a.') self.virtualenv = virtualenv info('Found virtualenv at {}'.format(virtualenv)) # path to some tools self.ccache = sh.which("ccache") if not self.ccache: info('ccache is missing, the build will not be optimized in the ' 'future.') for cython_fn in ("cython", "cython3", "cython2", "cython-2.7"): cython = sh.which(cython_fn) if cython: self.cython = cython break else: raise BuildInterruptingException('No cython binary found.') if not self.cython: ok = False warning("Missing requirement: cython is not installed") # This would need to be changed if supporting multiarch APKs arch = self.archs[0] platform_dir = arch.platform_dir toolchain_prefix = arch.toolchain_prefix toolchain_version = None self.ndk_platform = join( self.ndk_dir, 'platforms', 'android-{}'.format(self.ndk_api), platform_dir) if not exists(self.ndk_platform): warning('ndk_platform doesn\'t exist: {}'.format( self.ndk_platform)) ok = False py_platform = sys.platform if py_platform in ['linux2', 'linux3']: py_platform = 'linux' toolchain_versions = [] toolchain_path = join(self.ndk_dir, 'toolchains') if isdir(toolchain_path): toolchain_contents = glob.glob('{}/{}-*'.format(toolchain_path, toolchain_prefix)) toolchain_versions = [split(path)[-1][len(toolchain_prefix) + 1:] for path in toolchain_contents] else: warning('Could not find toolchain subdirectory!') ok = False toolchain_versions.sort() toolchain_versions_gcc = [] for toolchain_version in toolchain_versions: if toolchain_version[0].isdigit(): # GCC toolchains begin with a number toolchain_versions_gcc.append(toolchain_version) if toolchain_versions: info('Found the following toolchain versions: {}'.format( toolchain_versions)) info('Picking the latest gcc toolchain, here {}'.format( toolchain_versions_gcc[-1])) toolchain_version = toolchain_versions_gcc[-1] else: warning('Could not find any toolchain for {}!'.format( toolchain_prefix)) ok = False self.toolchain_prefix = toolchain_prefix self.toolchain_version = toolchain_version # Modify the path so that sh finds modules appropriately environ['PATH'] = ( '{ndk_dir}/toolchains/{toolchain_prefix}-{toolchain_version}/' 'prebuilt/{py_platform}-x86/bin/:{ndk_dir}/toolchains/' '{toolchain_prefix}-{toolchain_version}/prebuilt/' '{py_platform}-x86_64/bin/:{ndk_dir}:{sdk_dir}/' 'tools:{path}').format( sdk_dir=self.sdk_dir, ndk_dir=self.ndk_dir, toolchain_prefix=toolchain_prefix, toolchain_version=toolchain_version, py_platform=py_platform, path=environ.get('PATH')) for executable in ("pkg-config", "autoconf", "automake", "libtoolize", "tar", "bzip2", "unzip", "make", "gcc", "g++"): if not sh.which(executable): warning("Missing executable: {} is not installed".format( executable)) if not ok: raise BuildInterruptingException( 'python-for-android cannot continue due to the missing executables above') def __init__(self): super(Context, self).__init__() self.include_dirs = [] self._build_env_prepared = False self._sdk_dir = None self._ndk_dir = None self._android_api = None self._ndk_api = None self.ndk = None self.toolchain_prefix = None self.toolchain_version = None self.local_recipes = None self.copy_libs = False # this list should contain all Archs, it is pruned later self.archs = ( ArchARM(self), ArchARMv7_a(self), Archx86(self), Archx86_64(self), ArchAarch_64(self), ) self.root_dir = realpath(dirname(__file__)) # remove the most obvious flags that can break the compilation self.env.pop("LDFLAGS", None) self.env.pop("ARCHFLAGS", None) self.env.pop("CFLAGS", None) self.python_recipe = None # Set by TargetPythonRecipe def set_archs(self, arch_names): all_archs = self.archs new_archs = set() for name in arch_names: matching = [arch for arch in all_archs if arch.arch == name] for match in matching: new_archs.add(match) self.archs = list(new_archs) if not self.archs: raise BuildInterruptingException('Asked to compile for no Archs, so failing.') info('Will compile for the following archs: {}'.format( ', '.join([arch.arch for arch in self.archs]))) def prepare_bootstrap(self, bs): bs.ctx = self self.bootstrap = bs self.bootstrap.prepare_build_dir() self.bootstrap_build_dir = self.bootstrap.build_dir def prepare_dist(self, name): self.dist_name = name self.bootstrap.prepare_dist_dir(self.dist_name) def get_site_packages_dir(self, arch=None): '''Returns the location of site-packages in the python-install build dir. ''' if == 'python2legacy': return join(self.get_python_install_dir(), 'lib', 'python2.7', 'site-packages') return self.get_python_install_dir() def get_libs_dir(self, arch): '''The libs dir for a given arch.''' ensure_dir(join(self.libs_dir, arch)) return join(self.libs_dir, arch) def has_lib(self, arch, lib): return exists(join(self.get_libs_dir(arch), lib)) def has_package(self, name, arch=None): # If this is a file path, it'll need special handling: if (name.find("/") >= 0 or name.find("\\") >= 0) and \ name.find("://") < 0: # (:// would indicate an url) if not os.path.exists(name): # Non-existing dir, cannot look this up. return False if os.path.exists(os.path.join(name, "")): # Get name from name = subprocess.check_output([ sys.executable, "", "--name"], cwd=name) try: name = name.decode('utf-8', 'replace') except AttributeError: pass name = name.strip() if len(name) == 0: # Failed to look up any meaningful name. return False else: # A folder with whatever, cannot look this up. return False # Try to look up recipe by name: try: recipe = Recipe.get_recipe(name, self) except ValueError: pass else: name = getattr(recipe, 'site_packages_name', None) or name name = name.replace('.', '/') site_packages_dir = self.get_site_packages_dir(arch) return (exists(join(site_packages_dir, name)) or exists(join(site_packages_dir, name + '.py')) or exists(join(site_packages_dir, name + '.pyc')) or exists(join(site_packages_dir, name + '.pyo')) or exists(join(site_packages_dir, name + '.so')) or glob.glob(join(site_packages_dir, name + '-*.egg'))) def not_has_package(self, name, arch=None): return not self.has_package(name, arch) def build_recipes(build_order, python_modules, ctx): # Put recipes in correct build order info_notify("Recipe build order is {}".format(build_order)) if python_modules: python_modules = sorted(set(python_modules)) info_notify( ('The requirements ({}) were not found as recipes, they will be ' 'installed with pip.').format(', '.join(python_modules))) recipes = [Recipe.get_recipe(name, ctx) for name in build_order] # download is arch independent info_main('# Downloading recipes ') for recipe in recipes: recipe.download_if_necessary() for arch in ctx.archs: info_main('# Building all recipes for arch {}'.format(arch.arch)) info_main('# Unpacking recipes') for recipe in recipes: ensure_dir(recipe.get_build_container_dir(arch.arch)) recipe.prepare_build_dir(arch.arch) info_main('# Prebuilding recipes') # 2) prebuild packages for recipe in recipes: info_main('Prebuilding {} for {}'.format(, arch.arch)) recipe.prebuild_arch(arch) recipe.apply_patches(arch) # 3) build packages info_main('# Building recipes') for recipe in recipes: info_main('Building {} for {}'.format(, arch.arch)) if recipe.should_build(arch): recipe.build_arch(arch) else: info('{} said it is already built, skipping' .format( # 4) biglink everything info_main('# Biglinking object files') if not ctx.python_recipe or not ctx.python_recipe.from_crystax: biglink(ctx, arch) else: info('NDK is crystax, skipping biglink (will this work?)') # 5) postbuild packages info_main('# Postbuilding recipes') for recipe in recipes: info_main('Postbuilding {} for {}'.format(, arch.arch)) recipe.postbuild_arch(arch) info_main('# Installing pure Python modules') run_pymodules_install(ctx, python_modules) return def run_pymodules_install(ctx, modules): modules = list(filter(ctx.not_has_package, modules)) if not modules: info('There are no Python modules to install, skipping') return info('The requirements ({}) don\'t have recipes, attempting to install ' 'them with pip'.format(', '.join(modules))) info('If this fails, it may mean that the module has compiled ' 'components and needs a recipe.') venv = sh.Command(ctx.virtualenv) with current_directory(join(ctx.build_dir)): shprint(venv, '--python=python{}.{}'.format( ctx.python_recipe.major_minor_version_string.partition(".")[0], ctx.python_recipe.major_minor_version_string.partition(".")[2] ), 'venv' ) info('Creating a requirements.txt file for the Python modules') with open('requirements.txt', 'w') as fileh: for module in modules: key = 'VERSION_' + module if key in environ: line = '{}=={}\n'.format(module, environ[key]) else: line = '{}\n'.format(module) fileh.write(line) # Prepare base environment and upgrade pip: base_env = copy.copy(os.environ) base_env["PYTHONPATH"] = ctx.get_site_packages_dir() info('Upgrade pip to latest version') shprint(sh.bash, '-c', ( "source venv/bin/activate && pip install -U pip" ), _env=copy.copy(base_env)) # Install Cython in case modules need it to build: info('Install Cython in case one of the modules needs it to build') shprint(sh.bash, '-c', ( "venv/bin/pip install Cython" ), _env=copy.copy(base_env)) # Get environment variables for build (with CC/compiler set): standard_recipe = CythonRecipe() standard_recipe.ctx = ctx # (note: following line enables explicit -lpython... linker options) standard_recipe.call_hostpython_via_targetpython = False recipe_env = standard_recipe.get_recipe_env(ctx.archs[0]) env = copy.copy(base_env) env.update(recipe_env) info('Installing Python modules with pip') info('IF THIS FAILS, THE MODULES MAY NEED A RECIPE. ' 'A reason for this is often modules compiling ' 'native code that is unaware of Android cross-compilation ' 'and does not work without additional ' 'changes / workarounds.') # Make sure our build package dir is available, and the virtualenv # site packages come FIRST (so the proper pip version is used): env["PYTHONPATH"] += ":" + ctx.get_site_packages_dir() env["PYTHONPATH"] = os.path.abspath(join( ctx.build_dir, "venv", "lib", "python" + ctx.python_recipe.major_minor_version_string, "site-packages")) + ":" + env["PYTHONPATH"] ''' # Do actual install: shprint(sh.bash, '-c', ( "venv/bin/pip " + "install -v --target '{0}' --no-deps -r requirements.txt" ).format(ctx.get_site_packages_dir().replace("'", "'\"'\"'")), _env=copy.copy(env)) ''' # use old install script shprint(sh.bash, '-c', ( "source venv/bin/activate && env CC=/bin/false CXX=/bin/false " "PYTHONPATH={0} pip install --target '{0}' --no-deps -r requirements.txt" ).format(ctx.get_site_packages_dir())) # Strip object files after potential Cython or native code builds: standard_recipe.strip_object_files(ctx.archs[0], env, build_dir=ctx.build_dir) def biglink(ctx, arch): # First, collate object files from each recipe info('Collating object files from each recipe') obj_dir = join(ctx.bootstrap.build_dir, 'collated_objects') ensure_dir(obj_dir) recipes = [Recipe.get_recipe(name, ctx) for name in ctx.recipe_build_order] for recipe in recipes: recipe_obj_dir = join(recipe.get_build_container_dir(arch.arch), 'objects_{}'.format( if not exists(recipe_obj_dir): info('{} recipe has no biglinkable files dir, skipping' .format( continue files = glob.glob(join(recipe_obj_dir, '*')) if not len(files): info('{} recipe has no biglinkable files, skipping' .format( continue info('{} recipe has object files, copying'.format( files.append(obj_dir) shprint(sh.cp, '-r', *files) env = arch.get_env() env['LDFLAGS'] = env['LDFLAGS'] + ' -L{}'.format( join(ctx.bootstrap.build_dir, 'obj', 'local', arch.arch)) if not len(glob.glob(join(obj_dir, '*'))): info('There seem to be no libraries to biglink, skipping.') return info('Biglinking') info('target {}'.format(join(ctx.get_libs_dir(arch.arch), ''))) do_biglink = copylibs_function if ctx.copy_libs else biglink_function # Move to the directory containing crtstart_so.o and crtend_so.o # This is necessary with newer NDKs? A gcc bug? with current_directory(join(ctx.ndk_platform, 'usr', 'lib')): do_biglink( join(ctx.get_libs_dir(arch.arch), ''), obj_dir.split(' '), extra_link_dirs=[join(ctx.bootstrap.build_dir, 'obj', 'local', arch.arch), os.path.abspath('.')], env=env) def biglink_function(soname, objs_paths, extra_link_dirs=[], env=None): print('objs_paths are', objs_paths) sofiles = [] for directory in objs_paths: for fn in os.listdir(directory): fn = os.path.join(directory, fn) if not fn.endswith(".so.o"): continue if not os.path.exists(fn[:-2] + ".libs"): continue sofiles.append(fn[:-2]) # The raw argument list. args = [] for fn in sofiles: afn = fn + ".o" libsfn = fn + ".libs" args.append(afn) with open(libsfn) as fd: data = args.extend(data.split(" ")) unique_args = [] while args: a = args.pop() if a in ('-L', ): continue if a not in unique_args: unique_args.insert(0, a) for dir in extra_link_dirs: link = '-L{}'.format(dir) if link not in unique_args: unique_args.append(link) cc_name = env['CC'] cc = sh.Command(cc_name.split()[0]) cc = cc.bake(*cc_name.split()[1:]) shprint(cc, '-shared', '-O3', '-o', soname, *unique_args, _env=env) def copylibs_function(soname, objs_paths, extra_link_dirs=[], env=None): print('objs_paths are', objs_paths) re_needso = re.compile(r'^.*\(NEEDED\)\s+Shared library: \[lib(.*)\.so\]\s*$') blacklist_libs = ( 'c', 'stdc++', 'dl', 'python2.7', 'sdl', 'sdl_image', 'sdl_ttf', 'z', 'm', 'GLESv2', 'jpeg', 'png', 'log', # bootstrap takes care of sdl2 libs (if applicable) 'SDL2', 'SDL2_ttf', 'SDL2_image', 'SDL2_mixer', ) found_libs = [] sofiles = [] if env and 'READELF' in env: readelf = env['READELF'] elif 'READELF' in os.environ: readelf = os.environ['READELF'] else: readelf = sh.which('readelf').strip() readelf = sh.Command(readelf).bake('-d') dest = dirname(soname) for directory in objs_paths: for fn in os.listdir(directory): fn = join(directory, fn) if not fn.endswith('.libs'): continue dirfn = fn[:-1] + 'dirs' if not exists(dirfn): continue with open(fn) as f: libs =' ') needed_libs = [lib for lib in libs if lib and lib not in blacklist_libs and lib not in found_libs] while needed_libs: print('need libs:\n\t' + '\n\t'.join(needed_libs)) start_needed_libs = needed_libs[:] found_sofiles = [] with open(dirfn) as f: libdirs = for libdir in libdirs: if not needed_libs: break if libdir == dest: # don't need to copy from dest to dest! continue libdir = libdir.strip() print('scanning', libdir) for lib in needed_libs[:]: if lib in found_libs: continue if lib.endswith('.a'): needed_libs.remove(lib) found_libs.append(lib) continue lib_a = 'lib' + lib + '.a' libpath_a = join(libdir, lib_a) lib_so = 'lib' + lib + '.so' libpath_so = join(libdir, lib_so) plain_so = lib + '.so' plainpath_so = join(libdir, plain_so) sopath = None if exists(libpath_so): sopath = libpath_so elif exists(plainpath_so): sopath = plainpath_so if sopath: print('found', lib, 'in', libdir) found_sofiles.append(sopath) needed_libs.remove(lib) found_libs.append(lib) continue if exists(libpath_a): print('found', lib, '(static) in', libdir) needed_libs.remove(lib) found_libs.append(lib) continue for sofile in found_sofiles: print('scanning dependencies for', sofile) out = readelf(sofile) for line in out.splitlines(): needso = re_needso.match(line) if needso: lib = if (lib not in needed_libs and lib not in found_libs and lib not in blacklist_libs): needed_libs.append( sofiles += found_sofiles if needed_libs == start_needed_libs: raise RuntimeError( 'Failed to locate needed libraries!\n\t' + '\n\t'.join(needed_libs)) print('Copying libraries') for lib in sofiles: shprint(sh.cp, lib, dest)