from pythonforandroid.toolchain import PythonRecipe, current_directory, shprint
import sh

class Psycopg2Recipe(PythonRecipe):
    version = 'latest'
    url = '{version}.tar.gz'
    depends = [('python2', 'python3crystax'), 'libpq']
    site_packages_name = 'psycopg2'

    def prebuild_arch(self, arch):
        libdir = self.ctx.get_libs_dir(arch.arch)
        with current_directory(self.get_build_dir(arch.arch)):
            # pg_config_helper will return the system installed libpq, but we
            # need the one we just cross-compiled
            shprint(sh.sed, '-i',

    def get_recipe_env(self, arch):
        env = super(Psycopg2Recipe, self).get_recipe_env(arch)
        env['LDFLAGS'] = "{} -L{}".format(env['LDFLAGS'], self.ctx.get_libs_dir(arch.arch))
        env['EXTRA_CFLAGS'] = "--host linux-armv"
        return env

    def install_python_package(self, arch, name=None, env=None, is_dir=True):
        '''Automate the installation of a Python package (or a cython
        package where the cython components are pre-built).'''
        if env is None:
            env = self.get_recipe_env(arch)

        with current_directory(self.get_build_dir(arch.arch)):
            hostpython = sh.Command(self.ctx.hostpython)

            shprint(hostpython, '', 'build_ext', '--static-libpq',
            shprint(hostpython, '', 'install', '-O2',
                    '--install-lib=lib/python2.7/site-packages', _env=env)

recipe = Psycopg2Recipe()