from pythonforandroid.recipe import TargetPythonRecipe
from pythonforandroid.toolchain import shprint, current_directory, ArchARM
from pythonforandroid.logger import info, error
from pythonforandroid.util import ensure_dir, temp_directory
from os.path import exists, join
import glob
import sh

prebuilt_download_locations = {
    '3.6': (''

class Python3Recipe(TargetPythonRecipe):
    version = '3.5'
    url = ''
    name = 'python3crystax'

    depends = ['hostpython3crystax']  
    conflicts = ['python2', 'python3']

    from_crystax = True

    def get_dir_name(self):
        name = super(Python3Recipe, self).get_dir_name()
        name += '-version{}'.format(self.version)
        return name

    def build_arch(self, arch):
        # We don't have to actually build anything as CrystaX comes
        # with the necessary modules. They are included by modifying
        # the in the jni folder.

        # If the Python version to be used is not prebuilt with the CrystaX
        # NDK, we do have to download it.

        crystax_python_dir = join(self.ctx.ndk_dir, 'sources', 'python')
        if not exists(join(crystax_python_dir, self.version)):
            info(('The NDK does not have a prebuilt Python {}, trying '
                  'to obtain one.').format(self.version))

            if self.version not in prebuilt_download_locations:
                error(('No prebuilt version for Python {} could be found, '
                       'the built cannot continue.'))

            with temp_directory() as td:
                                   join(td, 'downloaded_python'))
                shprint(sh.tar, 'xf', join(td, 'downloaded_python'),
                        '--directory', crystax_python_dir)

            if not exists(join(crystax_python_dir, self.version)):
                error(('Something went wrong, the directory at {} should '
                       'have been created but does not exist.').format(
                           join(crystax_python_dir, self.version)))

        if not exists(join(
                crystax_python_dir, self.version, 'libs', arch.arch)):
            error(('The prebuilt Python for version {} does not contain '
                   'binaries for your chosen architecture "{}".').format(
                       self.version, arch.arch))

        # TODO: We should have an option to build a new Python. This
        # would also allow linking to openssl and sqlite from CrystaX.

        dirn = self.ctx.get_python_install_dir()

        # Instead of using a locally built hostpython, we use the
        # user's Python for now. They must have the right version
        # available. Using e.g. pyenv makes this easy.
        self.ctx.hostpython = 'python{}'.format(self.version)

recipe = Python3Recipe()