**PROPOSAL STAGE** # LBRY File Format The LBRY format is a multimedia-format designed to promote interoperability and transmission of complex digital media. ## Name - Name Format: `*.lbry` - Character Set: `UTF-8` - Extension: `lbry` ## Metadata - Media Type: `application/x-lbry` ## Container - Compression: `Zstandard` - Archival: `tar` ## Contents ### Descriptor - Format: `JSON`, `UTF-8` # lbry-format ## Requirements - Node.js v11.6.0 (see https://nodejs.org/docs/v11.6.0/api/esm.html) ## Usage **WARNING:** These method signatures will change as the `JSON` `Descriptor` is finalized. Install `npm i https://github.com/lbryio/lbry-format.git` ### Pack ``` const lbryFormat = require('lbry-format'); // Pack `./` to `package.lbry` lbryFormat.packDirectory('./', { fileName: 'package.lbry', }); ``` ### Unpack ``` const lbryFormat = require('lbry-format'); // Unpack `package.lbry` to `./` lbryFormat.unpackDirectory('./', { fileName: 'package.lbry', }); ```