import React from 'react'; import { CLAIM_VALUES, isNameValid, regexInvalidURI } from 'lbry-redux'; import { ActivityIndicator, Alert, DeviceEventEmitter, FlatList, Image, NativeModules, Picker, ScrollView, Text, TextInput, TouchableOpacity, View, } from 'react-native'; import { navigateToUri, uploadImageAsset } from 'utils/helper'; import Button from 'component/button'; import ChannelIconItem from 'component/channelIconItem'; import Colors from 'styles/colors'; import Constants from 'constants'; // eslint-disable-line node/no-deprecated-api import EmptyStateView from 'component/emptyStateView'; import FloatingWalletBalance from 'component/floatingWalletBalance'; import Icon from 'react-native-vector-icons/FontAwesome5'; import Link from 'component/link'; import Tag from 'component/tag'; import TagSearch from 'component/tagSearch'; import UriBar from 'component/uriBar'; import channelCreatorStyle from 'styles/channelCreator'; import channelIconStyle from 'styles/channelIcon'; import seedrandom from 'seedrandom'; export default class ChannelCreator extends React.PureComponent { state = { autoStyle: null, canSave: false, claimId: null, currentSelectedValue: Constants.ITEM_ANONYMOUS, currentPhase: null, displayName: null, channelNameUserEdited: false, newChannelTitle: '', newChannelName: '', newChannelBid: 0.1, addingChannel: false, creatingChannel: false, editChannelUrl: null, newChannelNameError: '', newChannelBidError: '', createChannelError: undefined, showCreateChannel: false, thumbnailUrl: '', coverImageUrl: '', avatarImagePickerOpen: false, coverImagePickerOpen: false, uploadingImage: false, autoStyles: [], editMode: false, selectionMode: false, selectedChannels: [], currentChannelName: null, // if editing, the current channel name description: null, website: null, email: null, tags: [], showOptionalFields: false, titleFocused: false, descriptionFocused: false, websiteFocused: false, emailFocused: false, }; didFocusListener; componentWillMount() { const { navigation } = this.props; // this.didFocusListener = navigation.addListener('didFocus', this.onComponentFocused); } componentWillUnmount() { if (this.didFocusListener) { this.didFocusListener.remove(); } DeviceEventEmitter.removeListener('onDocumentPickerFilePicked', this.onFilePicked); DeviceEventEmitter.removeListener('onDocumentPickerCanceled', this.onPickerCanceled); } componentDidMount() { this.setState({ autoStyle: ChannelIconItem.AUTO_THUMB_STYLES[Math.floor(Math.random() * ChannelIconItem.AUTO_THUMB_STYLES.length)], }); this.onComponentFocused(); } generateAutoStyles = size => { const { channels = [] } = this.props; const autoStyles = []; for (let i = 0; i < size && i < channels.length; i++) { // seed generator using the claim_id const rng = seedrandom(channels[i].permanent_url); // is this efficient? const index = Math.floor(rng.quick() * ChannelIconItem.AUTO_THUMB_STYLES.length); autoStyles.push(ChannelIconItem.AUTO_THUMB_STYLES[index]); } return autoStyles; }; componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { const { currentRoute: prevRoute, drawerStack: prevDrawerStack, notify } = this.props; const { currentRoute, drawerStack, updatingChannel, updateChannelError } = nextProps; if (Constants.DRAWER_ROUTE_CHANNEL_CREATOR === currentRoute && currentRoute !== prevRoute) { this.onComponentFocused(); } if (this.state.updateChannelStarted && !updatingChannel) { if (updateChannelError && updateChannelError.length > 0) { notify({ message: `The channel could not be updated: ${updateChannelError}`, error: true }); } else { // successful channel update notify({ message: 'The channel was successfully updated.' }); this.showChannelList(); } } if ( this.state.currentPhase === Constants.PHASE_CREATE && prevDrawerStack[prevDrawerStack.length - 1].route === Constants.DRAWER_ROUTE_CHANNEL_CREATOR_FORM && drawerStack[drawerStack.length - 1].route === Constants.DRAWER_ROUTE_CHANNEL_CREATOR ) { // navigated back from the form this.setState({ currentPhase: Constants.PHASE_LIST }); } } onComponentFocused = () => { const { balance, channels, channelName, fetchChannelListMine, fetchClaimListMine, fetchingChannels, navigation, pushDrawerStack, setPlayerVisible, hasFormState, } = this.props; NativeModules.Firebase.setCurrentScreen('Channels').then(result => { pushDrawerStack(Constants.DRAWER_ROUTE_CHANNEL_CREATOR, navigation.state.params ? navigation.state.params : null); setPlayerVisible(); if (!fetchingChannels) { fetchChannelListMine(); } if (balance > 0.1) { this.setState({ canSave: true }); } DeviceEventEmitter.addListener('onDocumentPickerFilePicked', this.onFilePicked); DeviceEventEmitter.addListener('onDocumentPickerCanceled', this.onPickerCanceled); let isEditMode = false; if (navigation.state.params) { const { editChannelUrl, displayForm } = navigation.state.params; if (editChannelUrl) { isEditMode = true; this.setState({ editChannelUrl, currentPhase: Constants.PHASE_CREATE }); } } if (!isEditMode && hasFormState) { this.loadPendingFormState(); } this.setState({ currentPhase: isEditMode || hasFormState ? Constants.PHASE_CREATE : Constants.PHASE_LIST }); }); }; handleModePressed = () => { this.setState({ showOptionalFields: !this.state.showOptionalFields }); }; onFilePicked = evt => { const { notify, updateChannelFormState } = this.props; if (evt.path && evt.path.length > 0) { // check which image we're trying to upload // should only be one or the other, so just default to cover const isCover = this.state.coverImagePickerOpen; const fileUrl = `file://${evt.path}`; // set the path to local url first, before uploading if (isCover) { this.setState({ coverImageUrl: fileUrl }); } else { this.setState({ thumbnailUrl: fileUrl }); } this.setState( { uploadingImage: true, avatarImagePickerOpen: false, coverImagePickerOpen: false, }, () => { uploadImageAsset( fileUrl, ({ url }) => { if (isCover) { updateChannelFormState({ coverImageUrl: url }); this.setState({ coverImageUrl: url, uploadingImage: false }); } else { updateChannelFormState({ thumbnailUrl: url }); this.setState({ thumbnailUrl: url, uploadingImage: false }); } }, error => { notify({ message: `The image could not be uploaded: ${error}` }); this.setState({ uploadingImage: false }); } ); } ); } else { // could not determine the file path notify({ message: 'We could not use the selected image. Please try a different image.' }); } }; onPickerCanceled = () => { this.setState({ avatarImagePickerOpen: false, coverImagePickerOpen: false }); }; componentDidUpdate() { const { channels = [] } = this.props; const { editChannelUrl } = this.state; if (channels && channels.length > 0) { if (this.state.autoStyles.length !== channels.length) { this.setState({ autoStyles: this.generateAutoStyles(channels.length), }); } if (editChannelUrl) { this.setState({ editChannelUrl: null }, () => { let channelToEdit = null; for (let i = 0; i < channels.length; i++) { if (editChannelUrl === channels[i].permanent_url) { this.prepareEdit(channels[i]); return; } } }); } } } handleCreateCancel = () => { const { clearChannelFormState } = this.props; clearChannelFormState(); // explicitly clear state on cancel? this.setState({ showCreateChannel: false, newChannelName: '', newChannelBid: 0.1 }); }; handlePickerValueChange = (itemValue, itemIndex) => { if (Constants.ITEM_CREATE_A_CHANNEL === itemValue) { this.setState({ showCreateChannel: true }); } else { this.handleCreateCancel(); this.handleChannelChange(Constants.ITEM_ANONYMOUS === itemValue ? CLAIM_VALUES.CHANNEL_ANONYMOUS : itemValue); } this.setState({ currentSelectedValue: itemValue }); }; handleChannelChange = value => { const { onChannelChange } = this.props; const { newChannelBid } = this.state; const channel = value; if (channel === CLAIM_VALUES.CHANNEL_NEW) { this.setState({ addingChannel: true }); if (onChannelChange) { onChannelChange(value); } this.handleNewChannelBidChange(newChannelBid); } else { this.setState({ addingChannel: false }); if (onChannelChange) { onChannelChange(value); } } }; handleDescriptionChange = value => { const { updateChannelFormState } = this.props; updateChannelFormState({ description: value }); this.setState({ description: value }); }; handleWebsiteChange = value => { const { updateChannelFormState } = this.props; updateChannelFormState({ website: value }); this.setState({ website: value }); }; handleEmailChange = value => { const { updateChannelFormState } = this.props; updateChannelFormState({ email: value }); this.setState({ email: value }); }; handleNewChannelTitleChange = value => { const { updateChannelFormState } = this.props; updateChannelFormState({ newChannelTitle: value }); this.setState({ newChannelTitle: value }); if (value && !this.state.editMode && !this.state.channelNameUserEdited) { // build the channel name based on the title const channelName = value .replace(new RegExp(regexInvalidURI.source, regexInvalidURI.flags + 'g'), '') .toLowerCase(); this.handleNewChannelNameChange(channelName, false); } }; handleNewChannelNameChange = (value, userInput) => { const { notify, updateChannelFormState } = this.props; let newChannelName = value, newChannelNameError = ''; if (newChannelName.startsWith('@')) { newChannelName = newChannelName.slice(1); } if (newChannelName.trim().length > 0 && !isNameValid(newChannelName)) { newChannelNameError = 'Your channel name contains invalid characters.'; } else if (this.channelExists(newChannelName)) { newChannelNameError = 'You have already created a channel with the same name.'; } if (userInput) { this.setState({ channelNameUserEdited: true }); } updateChannelFormState({ newChannelName }); this.setState({ newChannelName, newChannelNameError, }); }; handleNewChannelBidChange = newChannelBid => { const { balance, notify, updateChannelFormState } = this.props; let newChannelBidError; if (newChannelBid <= 0) { newChannelBidError = __('Please enter a deposit above 0'); } else if (newChannelBid === balance) { newChannelBidError = __('Please decrease your deposit to account for transaction fees'); } else if (newChannelBid > balance) { newChannelBidError = __('Deposit cannot be higher than your balance'); } notify({ message: newChannelBidError }); updateChannelFormState({ newChannelBid }); this.setState({ newChannelBid, newChannelBidError, }); }; handleCreateChannelClick = () => { const { balance, clearChannelFormState, createChannel, onChannelChange, notify, updateChannel } = this.props; const { claimId, coverImageUrl, currentChannelName, editMode, newChannelBid, newChannelName, newChannelTitle, description, email, tags, thumbnailUrl, website, } = this.state; if (newChannelName.trim().length === 0 || !isNameValid(newChannelName.substr(1), false)) { notify({ message: 'Your channel name contains invalid characters.' }); return; } if (email && email.trim().length > 0 && (email.indexOf('@') === -1 || email.indexOf('.') === -1)) { notify({ message: 'Please provide a valid email address.' }); return; } // shouldn't do this check in edit mode if ( (editMode && currentChannelName !== newChannelName && this.channelExists(newChannelName)) || (!editMode && this.channelExists(newChannelName)) ) { // TODO: boolean check improvement? notify({ message: 'You have already created a channel with the same name.' }); return; } if (newChannelBid > balance) { notify({ message: 'Deposit cannot be higher than your balance' }); return; } const channelName = `@${newChannelName}`; this.setState({ createChannelError: undefined, }); const success = () => { this.setState({ creatingChannel: false, addingChannel: false, currentSelectedValue: channelName, showCreateChannel: false, }); if (onChannelChange) { onChannelChange(channelName); } // reset state and go back to the channel list clearChannelFormState(); notify({ message: 'The channel was successfully created.' }); this.showChannelList(); }; const failure = () => { notify({ message: 'Unable to create channel due to an internal error.' }); this.setState({ creatingChannel: false, }); }; const optionalParams = { title: newChannelTitle, description, email, tags: => { return { name: tag }; }), website, cover: coverImageUrl, thumbnail: thumbnailUrl, }; if (this.state.editMode) { // updateChannel // TODO: Change updateChannel in lby-redux to match createChannel with success and failure callbacks? const params = Object.assign( {}, { claim_id: claimId, amount: newChannelBid, }, optionalParams ); this.setState({ updateChannelStarted: true }, () => updateChannel(params)); } else { this.setState({ creatingChannel: true }, () => createChannel(channelName, newChannelBid, optionalParams).then(success, failure) ); } }; channelExists = name => { const { channels = [] } = this.props; for (let channel of channels) { if ( name.toLowerCase() === || `@${name}`.toLowerCase() === ) { return true; } } return false; }; onCoverImagePress = () => { const { notify } = this.props; if (this.state.uploadingImage) { notify({ message: 'There is an image upload in progress. Please wait for the upload to complete.' }); return; } this.setState( { avatarImagePickerOpen: false, coverImagePickerOpen: true, }, () => NativeModules.UtilityModule.openDocumentPicker('image/*') ); }; onAvatarImagePress = () => { const { notify } = this.props; if (this.state.uploadingImage) { notify({ message: 'There is an image upload in progress. Please wait for the upload to complete.' }); return; } this.setState( { avatarImagePickerOpen: true, coverImagePickerOpen: false, }, () => NativeModules.UtilityModule.openDocumentPicker('image/*') ); }; handleNewChannelPress = () => { const { pushDrawerStack } = this.props; pushDrawerStack(Constants.DRAWER_ROUTE_CHANNEL_CREATOR_FORM); this.setState({ currentPhase: Constants.PHASE_CREATE }); }; handleCreateCancel = () => { this.showChannelList(); }; showChannelList = () => { const { drawerStack, popDrawerStack } = this.props; if (drawerStack[drawerStack.length - 1].route === Constants.DRAWER_ROUTE_CHANNEL_CREATOR_FORM) { popDrawerStack(); } this.setState({ currentPhase: Constants.PHASE_LIST }); this.resetChannelCreator(); }; resetChannelCreator = () => { this.setState({ canSave: false, claimId: null, editMode: false, displayName: null, channelNameUserEdited: false, newChannelTitle: '', newChannelName: '', newChannelBid: 0.1, addingChannel: false, creatingChannel: false, newChannelNameError: '', newChannelBidError: '', createChannelError: undefined, showCreateChannel: false, thumbnailUrl: null, coverImageUrl: null, avatarImagePickerOpen: false, coverImagePickerOpen: false, currentChannelName: null, description: null, email: null, tags: [], website: null, showOptionalFields: false, titleFocused: false, descriptionFocused: false, websiteFocused: false, emailFocused: false, uploadingImage: false, }); }; onExitSelectionMode = () => { this.setState({ selectionMode: false, selectedChannels: [] }); }; onEditActionPressed = () => { const { navigation } = this.props; const { selectedChannels } = this.state; // only 1 item can be edited (and edit button should be visible only if there is a single selection) const channel = selectedChannels[0]; this.onExitSelectionMode(); this.prepareEdit(channel); }; loadPendingFormState = () => { const { channelFormState } = this.props; const showOptionalFields = channelFormState.description || || || channelFormState.tags; this.setState({ ...channelFormState, showOptionalFields }); }; prepareEdit = channel => { const { pushDrawerStack } = this.props; const { value } = channel; pushDrawerStack(Constants.DRAWER_ROUTE_CHANNEL_CREATOR_FORM); this.setState({ claimId: channel.claim_id, currentPhase: Constants.PHASE_CREATE, displayName: value && value.title ? value.title :, editMode: true, coverImageUrl: value && value.cover ? value.cover.url : null, currentChannelName:, newChannelName:, newChannelTitle: value ? value.title : null, newChannelBid: channel.amount, description: value ? value.description : null, email: value ? : null, website: value ? value.website_url : null, tags: value && value.tags ? value.tags : [], thumbnailUrl: value && value.thumbnail ? value.thumbnail.url : null, showOptionalFields: value && (value.description || || value.website_url || value.tags), }); }; onDeleteActionPressed = () => { const { abandonClaim, fetchChannelListMine } = this.props; const { selectedChannels } = this.state; // show confirm alert Alert.alert( __('Delete channels'), __('Are you sure you want to delete the selected channels?'), [ { text: __('No') }, { text: __('Yes'), onPress: () => { selectedChannels.forEach(channel => { const { txid, nout } = channel; abandonClaim(txid, nout); }); // re-fetch the channel list fetchChannelListMine(); this.onExitSelectionMode(); }, }, ], { cancelable: true } ); }; handleAddTag = tag => { if (!tag || !this.state.canSave || this.state.creatingChannel) { return; } const { notify, updateChannelFormState } = this.props; const { tags } = this.state; const index = tags.indexOf(tag.toLowerCase()); if (index === -1) { const newTags = tags.slice(); newTags.push(tag); updateChannelFormState({ tags: newTags }); this.setState({ tags: newTags }); } else { notify({ message: __(`You already added the "${tag}" tag.`) }); } }; handleRemoveTag = tag => { if (!tag || !this.state.canSave || this.state.creatingChannel) { return; } const { updateChannelFormState } = this.props; const newTags = this.state.tags.slice(); const index = newTags.indexOf(tag.toLowerCase()); if (index > -1) { newTags.splice(index, 1); updateChannelFormState({ tags: newTags }); this.setState({ tags: newTags }); } }; selectedChannelIndex = channel => { const { selectedChannels } = this.state; for (let i = 0; i < selectedChannels.length; i++) { if (selectedChannels[i].claim_id === channel.claim_id) { return i; } } return -1; }; addOrRemoveItem = channel => { let selectedChannels = [...this.state.selectedChannels]; const index = this.selectedChannelIndex(channel); if (index > -1) { selectedChannels.splice(index, 1); } else { selectedChannels.push(channel); } this.setState({ selectionMode: selectedChannels.length > 0, selectedChannels }); }; handleChannelListItemPress = channel => { const { navigation } = this.props; const { selectionMode } = this.state; if (selectionMode) { this.addOrRemoveItem(channel); } else { navigateToUri(navigation, channel.permanent_url); } }; handleChannelListItemLongPress = channel => { this.addOrRemoveItem(channel); }; render() { const { abandoningClaimIds, fetchingChannels, updatingChannel, channels = [], navigation } = this.props; const { autoStyle, autoStyles, coverImageUrl, currentPhase, canSave, editMode, newChannelName, newChannelNameError, newChannelBid, newChannelBidError, creatingChannel, createChannelError, addingChannel, showCreateChannel, thumbnailUrl, selectionMode, selectedChannels, uploadingImage, } = this.state; const hasChannels = channels && channels.length > 0; return ( {fetchingChannels && ( )} {currentPhase === Constants.PHASE_LIST && !fetchingChannels && !hasChannels && ( )} {currentPhase === Constants.PHASE_LIST && (